From the Founder of Running for Premature Babies and Olivia Kite
Sophie Smith (NSW Local Hero and Running for Premature Babies charity Founder) will be speed walking at this years’ City2Surf alongside Heather Lee, the 2019 NSW Senior Australian of the Year and a 92 year-old world champion speed walker. Sophie and Heather would love as many people as possible to speed walk the course with them.
Registering for Waverley College Fundraising Team in The City2Surf
We would love as many students, staff and families to join our Waverley college fundraising team in the City2Surf on 11 August.
To register go to https://www.registernow.com.au/secure/RegistrationType.aspx?E=33914&Charity=au-6233
- Click on Individual Registration
- Click on ‘I’m part of a team’; Enter team name Running for Premature Babies (Please note our Waverley College team is our fundraising team. Please make sure you join the Running for Premature Babies team at this first step in the registration)
- Click the green ‘JOIN’ button
- Enter details.
If you would like to walk with Sophie and Heather, rather than run, please choose the ORANGE, or Back of the Pack start wave. If you would like to run please feel free to start in a wave nearer the front.
After registering you will be sent an email from Everyday Hero asking you to activate your fundraising page.
Please do this and personalise your fundraising page with a photo and edit the copy. Feel free to write whatever you like, or just copy and paste: ‘I am taking part in the City2Surf as part of the Waverley Team to raise funds for a lifesaving humidicrib for the Royal Hospital for Womens Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. All donations are tax deductible, and will give premature babies a better chance of survival’.
On the right hand side of your page you will see ‘would you like to create a team or join a team’. Choose ‘JOIN A TEAM’. Here enter ‘Waverley College’
This will link your fundraising page to the Waverley team page (https://city2surf2019.everydayhero.com/au/waverley-college) and all our fundraising dollars will be collated to our grand total.
Thank you so much!