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Junior Leaders Promotions Course

From Commanding Officer – WCCU, Julie-Ann de Kantzow

During the holidays, we held a Junior Leaders Promotions Course at St Catherine’s School for the senior St Catherine’s cadets joining the Waverley College Cadet Unit. This course was designed to bring their skills and knowledge to a Corporal level, enabling the girls to lead the sections of St Catherine’s recruits when they join the Unit this term. It was an intensive three days, but they rose to the challenge and performed admirably. On Day 2, we were fortunate to have the Commander NSW 2nd AAC Brigade, COL Tara Bucknall, visit the course. It was exciting for our candidates to meet a full Colonel at the beginning of their Cadet journey.

Some of our senior cadets gave so generously of their holiday time to assist in many aspects of the course, and I would like to thank Chris Salem, Sam Tsaousis, Aidan Korpar, Ben Elder, Luca Paolella, Brock Preston, Heath Jackson and Emile Stephenson for the exemplary way they conducted themselves over the three days.