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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Junior School News

Junior School 2017: Term 4, Week 6

From Director of Junior School, Anthony Banboukjian


Prayer of the Week

Dear Lord,

This week we take the time to reflect on our own lives and look at the way we treat those close to us; our family, friends and others.  Through our prayers, help us understand the respect that Jesus showed for everyone should be reflected in our own daily lives.

Response: Lord have mercy.

Forgiving Lord,

We ask forgiveness for the times that we have not helped other people. R.

For the times we lied or were dishonest. R.

For the times we did not respect the rights of others. R.

Lord, we pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit we can forgive those who have hurt us,

just as you have always forgiven us when we have been unkind. We make this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us
St Mary of the Cross: Pray for Us
Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever


Prayer Service

Mr Meadley and the boys from 6 Red led the school in a very moving prayer service for Remembrance Day last week. All the staff and students appreciated the time and effort they went to ensure the message of peace was shared amongst all the students at the Junior School.


A great School Effort

After two great weeks of students furiously earning points in Mathletics, Spellodrome and Reading Eggs, the UNICEF Learn 2 Give event has reached its conclusion. In just two weeks, Australian students have raised an impressive $6590 for UNICEF, simply by doing their school work. Amazing!

Waverley College Junior School has worked particularly hard during the event and has reached the Platinum level of UNICEF donation. This means our students have placed in the top 5% of contributors Australia wide!

On behalf of the entire 3P Learning team and the students and teachers being helped by our UNICEF projects, we would like to say a huge thank you.


French Theme Day

French Cultural Day 2017 is going to be held on Tuesday 21st November, this is a fantastic day where the whole Junior School celebrates all things French culture and language. Prizes will be awarded to the best dressed in years 5 and 6 so make sure you start planning your French themed outfits now.

Miss Stephens is also looking for any native French speakers who would be willing to read a French story to a small group of boys at the beginning of the day.


She is looking for 16 people to read between 8:50-9:00 am. If anyone is interested or knows anyone who would like to be involved please email Miss Stephens at


School drop offs and pick ups

If you drive your son to school in the morning or pick him up in the afternoon I would ask you to keep in mind that our school is located in a residential area and that it is important to teach our boy’s proper road rules. Stopping in the middle of the road to get your son in and out of the car is both dangerous and extremely annoying to the traffic behind you. I would ask you to please follow the road rules and set a good example for your son – remember he will be a driver one day.


Music Recital

A reminder that the Junior School Music Recital will be held this Thursday November 16 in the PAC for all boys involved in the range of musical items in 2017 including another performance of the amazing Wakakirri item. Please note that no tickets are necessary however we would like to start at 6.00pm sharp so first in gets the best seats.


Year 5 2018 Orientation Day

The boys starting in Year 5 2018 will be joining us on Friday November 24 for their Orientation Day. Part of this day is a BBQ lunch with our current year 5 students.

If any parents can assist me with the BBQ on the day from 11.00am – 1.00pm it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Mrs Coupe via email on



Year 6 Graduation

Please note the details for the Year 6 Graduation are as follows:

Date: Thursday  November 30,  2017
Venue: Br Lacey Gymnasium (Senior School 131 Birrell St)
Time: 6.15pm boys will be required at 5.50pm

YEAR 5 Presentation afternoon

The Year 5 Presentation Afternoon will be held in the gym on Friday December 1 and will commence at 1.00pm sharp.


Letter from Mr Ghattas

Dear Parents,

Waverley College Junior School Christmas Appeal

Christmas time can be a lonely and difficult time for many people throughout Sydney, therefore this year we are hoping to support a few different charities that need our help this Christmas.

YEAR 5 – Matthew Talbot Hostel 

The Matthew Talbot Hostel is a social justice initiative run by The St Vincent de Paul Society, aimed at helping the homeless men of Sydney.

Donations include:

Toiletries (preferably small travel size items), underwear, socks, chocolates, notepads, pens.

Year 6 – Kids Helping Kids

The Kids Helping Kid program is an initiative run by The Smith Family aimed at helping the disadvantaged school children in Australia.  We supported this charity earlier in the year by raising money on Edmund Rice Day.

Donations include:  

Stationery (which means things like) e.g. packets of pens, colouring pencils, textas, highlighters, scissors, erasers, pencil cases.

Giving Tree

You are invited to donate a gift for our Junior School ‘Giving Tree’.  The gifts are for disadvantaged children throughout the local and wider communities of Sydney.  The gifts are for children of any age range, both boys and girls.

These gifts need to be wrapped in clear plastic with the age range specified on the wrapping.  The gifts are then to be brought into school and placed under the Christmas tree.

Thank you for all your generosity in supporting these worthwhile charities.

Kind Regards

Mr Stephen Ghattas – REC Junior School


Saturday Sport

This Saturday is the end of our summer sports program for 2017 and for the Year 6 students their last game for the Junior School. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the boys for their tremendous enthusiasm and sportsmanship they display week in and week out.

I would also like to thank all the parents for the support they have given their sons each Saturday not only by driving them to the different venues but for the many encouraging words and pats on the back to all the boys in the different teams.

Mr A Banboukjian
(Director – Junior School)