Mother’s Day Mass
From Mr Stephen Ghattas, Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation
I would like to formally invite you to our Junior School Mother’s Day Mass which will be held on Friday 7 May 2021.
Unfortunately, we are still restricted by COVID-19 regulations, therefore we cannot hold a combined Year 5 and Year 6 Mass. As a result, we have decided to hold two separate Masses to make this day a special day for the mothers of the students at the College. We are also restricted to one parent/carer per student.
10:30am – Year 5 Mother’s Day Mass followed by a light morning tea at the Junior School.
12pm – Year 6 Mother’s Day Mass followed by a light afternoon tea at the Junior School.
If you have a son in both Year 5 and Year 6, we would ask that you attend the 12pm Mass.
We hope that you can join us for this special occasion.
Sacrament of Confirmation Registration Now Open
From Ms Joanne Smyth, Pastoral Associate and Sacramental Coordinator, St Brigid’s Parish, Coogee
The Sacrament of Confirmation registration is now open for Year 6 students: Click here for Confirmation 2021 – St Brigid’s Catholic Parish
Registration closes Monday 3 May. Should any Year 6 families have any questions regarding this registration, Joanne Smyth would be happy to assist on 9315 7562.