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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Junior School News

Junior School News



From Acting Director of Junior School, Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Welcome back to Term 4, I hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing break with your boys. We have a very short term ahead of us but an extremely busy and exciting one. This term we celebrate the transition our Year 6 students will make as they end their primary school journey here at the Junior School and enter the next stage of their education at the Senior School. We look forward to celebrating and recognising the achievements of each student over the last 2 years. We will inform you in the upcoming weeks what we have organised as soon as NSW Health advises us on COVID safe protocols. 

As mentioned at the beginning of last term, I encourage you to sit down with your son and have a discussion about what they would like to achieve for Term 4. They can set their S.M.A.R.T goal/s and record it on page 141 in the school diary. Having it recorded allows them to revisit their goal throughout the term and build on strategies to make sure they achieve their goal/s. 

Can I please ask that if your son has an inappropriate haircut from the holidays that it be rectified by Monday? The College’s expectations are on page 27 of the school diary. The presentation of our boys is paramount to the way they learn and behave. 

I have attached information regarding the Child Safety Handbook below. There is a lot of important information in this handbook and I encourage you to download the latest edition and discuss the safety content with your son.


Child Saftey Handbook 2020

 Child Saftey Handbook 2020

Child Saftey Handbook 2020

The “NSW Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook” is a comprehensive resource to assist you on a range of topics essential to child safety.  It includes important content updates from NSW Ministry of Health, NSW Police Force, Fire and Rescue NSW, Rural Fire NSW, Transport for NSW, Sydney Trains, NSW Department of Family & Community Services, eSafety Commissioner and NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian.

The handbook has been updated to include key messages about COVID-19 safety and bush fire safety given the unprecedented fires we experienced earlier this year. 

Below are links to the handbook as well as the app stores. 

NSW Child Safety Handbook 2020 (1st Edition)

Child Safety Hub






Cybersafety is one area that needs special attention and education for our boys. We need to teach them to make safe and smart choices when online and become good digital citizens. 

On Monday 26 October, Waverley is getting ysafe in to present to our boys ‘How to make SMART choices when navigating the Cyber World.’

The ysafe presentation will emphasise the constructive relationship students can have with technology under a positive digital citizenship ethos, and upskill students in understanding the importance of and ways to implement safe online practices. 

A parent webinar will be offered on Wednesday 28 October. This is a great session to be a part of and a crucial way of staying up to date with key cyber safety topics.

We should all be working together to ensure we invest time and resources into raising a generation of smart, safe and responsible children, who are capable and compassionate – both on and offline.

Parent Webinar Information

Protecting children in their digital worlds is an ever-evolving task for Australian families. Now more than ever parents are looking for guidance on how to manage screen time and navigate the world of games and social media. 

We are therefore pleased to help our parent community by offering a crucial and engaging education session with ySafe, Australia’s leading provider of cybersafety education. This practical, strategy-rich session will cover the most important points that all families need to know about online safety, covering key information about social media and gaming, screen time recommendations and step-by-step instructions on how to set up a cyber safe home for kids of all ages.

If you’ve ever struggled with getting your kids off their games and into bed, worried about the content of the games that they are playing or felt concerned that your child was spending too much time in the digital world, this workshop is for you!

Please register for this event by following the link provided. This is an important school event for all parents to attend. Click here for the link to the webinar registration page.

Learning Hub

Learning Hub


Learning Hub – Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Welcome back to Term 4. It is wonderful to commence what is a relatively short but very busy term.

This term will see the launch of a competition where Junior School boys will challenge themselves to build a setting from their favourite book. Competitions are a highly motivating and engaging way for students to think critically and creatively.

This will be an exciting learning experience that inspires our engineers and builders of the future. I look forward to seeing the final designs.