From Acting Director of Junior School, Ms Gabrielle Bransby
We have had such a productive and busy start to Term 4 already. The boys are back training and competing in our summer sports competition, learning about the importance of Cybersafety and participating in our annual Walkathon. It has been absolutely amazing to watch our boys, even during such a tough year, commit to raising much-needed funds for the most vulnerable in our society.
The boys have been so dedicated to make a difference and show our community the importance of reaching out and helping those in need. I am so proud of each and every one of them and we thank you all for your support. I particularly want to say a big thank you to Mr Anthony Gill for organising and running such an amazing Walkathon yesterday. The day was filled with high energy and excitement. After such an uncertain and turbulent year it was exactly what everyone needed.
Year 6 Farewell
On Thursday, 26 November, we will be farewelling our Year 6 students as they end their primary school journey with us at the Junior School and get ready to enter their next stage at Waverley College. This will be held in our school chapel at the senior school at 11 am. Due to COVID restrictions, unfortunately, parents won’t be able to attend. However, we will be live streaming the event and we will send details out closer to the date. After the farewell at the chapel, the boys will have a bbq lunch and enjoy activities for the afternoon at the senior school including using the pool.
In the last week of school, we have also organised a fun day of bowling at Manhattan Superbowl. The boys will get to play 2 games of bowling, dance, eat and enjoy their time as a Year 6 cohort. A letter will come out next week in regards to details.
CyberSafety Week
Last week Waverley celebrated Cybersafety Week. Yasmin London from ySafe presented across both campuses. Year 5 and Year 6 learnt important strategies on ‘How to make SMART choices when navigating the Cyber World.’

CyberSafety Week
We believe educating our boys on Cybersafety is paramount in the current climate we live in.
What the boys took away from the session:
“Block, report, and speak up if you are bullied online.” Sonny Taylor, 5 Red
“Don’t reply to a strangers text online.” Xavier Cask, 5 Blue
“Give your brain a break from your screen at least 30 minutes before bedtime.” Jensen Mears, 6 White
“I learnt not to give the bullies a reaction online when they do send something mean and to say something nice back to confuse the bully.” Alexander Tarasov, 6 Blue
Parent CyberSafety Webinar
Thank you to all those that were able to join us for our online Cybersafety Webinar last Wednesday night. It certainly raised some important issues and highlighted some challenges when working with your son on Gaming and ScreenTime.
A number of parents have asked if the session had been recorded, unfortunately, this is not something we are able to do, however, most of the content covered by the session can be found on the Waverley CyberSafety Hub which Yasmin referred to last week. The link for the hub is: https://waverley.cybersafetyhub.com.au/
On the hub, you will also find information regarding the FamilyZone software that can be installed on your son’s device to help you manage internet access at home. If you would like us to help you get this setup please email the Waverley IT Team on: iassist@waverley.nsw.edu.au
We believe that working together with you on your son’s online journey is a top priority.
2020 Annual Walkathon – From Walkathon Coordinator, Mr Anthony Gill
For those who know of our Junior School Annual Walkathon, this year has been the most challenging we have faced. We were worried that the event would have to be canceled owing to the current health precautions but with the knowledge that the charities we support are still in need of our financial support, we had to try our best to go ahead with the Walkathon. These charities have already suffered a reduction in support from the community. So today, we held our Walkathon in a modified and Covid-safe format with energetic and enthusiastic boys willing to do something positive for those less fortunate.

2020 Annual Walkathon
For the first time, we have had to hold this event without the wonderful community support of parent volunteers manning checkpoints along the route around Centennial Park. No parent volunteers were permitted to be involved as we had to adhere to school and Covid-safe protocols. Instead, we were fortunate to have the new student leaders of the College encourage and guide the Junior boys around the course by acting as marshals. We would like to thank these boys for their time today and hope that this experience helped to establish a connection with the younger boys.
Owing to the restrictions of Covid19, the Walkathon was moved from Centennial Park to a smaller circuit around the playing fields of Queens Park. This did not curb the enthusiasm of the boys though and they enjoyed a beautiful day rotating between doing laps of the school pool, making get-well cards for patients of the Sydney Children’s Hospital, and running around the Queens Park circuit.

2020 Annual Walkathon
In total, 2422km was walked by the boys today. Three of the boys, Tom Burke (5 Red), Charlie Coutts (6 White), and Oliver Eisenhauer (6 Indigo) walked 13km in the 75 minutes but there was one boy, Daniel Morrow (5 Red), who topped the honours by walking 14km. This is a remarkable effort and all 4 boys are to be congratulated for their effort. All the boys may feel some aches and pains from today’s exercise but they have been reminded that with every ache that they have, they are bearing this pain for children who suffer from far more serious ailments.

2020 Annual Walkathon
I would like to congratulate the Junior School community for their wonderful fundraising efforts so far. To date, we have over $48 000.00 promised and funds will continue to be collected until November 20. If you would like to donate to this cause, you are most welcome to log onto the Trybooking page: trybooking.com/BLMLW and follow the instructions. If you don’t have a son in the Junior School please just select the “No class: General donation” option in the ‘Student’s Class’ dropdown box.
On behalf of our charities:
- Edmund Rice Camps (http://www.edmundrice.org/Edmund-Rice-Camps-NSW) – helping to support children with troubled family lives.
- Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation (http://www.schf.org.au) – providing vital support to help make the lives of our sick children brighter.
- Snowdome Foundation (www.snowdome.org.au) in support of Mr Greg Harris suffering from Multiple Myeloma.
- Children’s Leukaemia and Cancer Research Foundation (www.childcancerresearch.com.au).
As a further demonstration to the boys of our Edmund Rice ethos, we will also be providing Christmas Hampers to families within our community needing a Spiritual lift this year. If you would like to nominate a family who has had a tough time of it this year, please email the details to me at agill@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Thank you for your support this year.
From Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation, Mr Stephen Ghattas
Next week, November 8th – 15th November, we recognise and celebrate NAIDOC Week. The theme for this year is ‘Always Was, Always Will Be’ and recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.
The students at the Junior School will be involved in different activities during NAIDOC week that explores the history of NAIDOC week and some important First Nations people. They will also celebrate some of the cultural influences through music and art.
We will also welcome Mrs Fran Grant (Charlie & Lachlan Grant) to the Junior School to talk to the students about her own history and cultural experiences as a First Nations person. We thank Fran for generously giving up her time to help educate our boys.
For more information on NAIDOC week, you can visit the following website: https://www.naidoc.org.au/get-involved/2020-theme
National Reading Hour ‘A Good Time To Get Reading’ – From Literacy and Innovation Teacher, Mrs Natasha Zivanovic
Waverley Junior School Boys will stop what they are doing for an hour, pick up a book and read it, this will support the Australian Reading Hour on Thursday 12 November.

Australia Reads
The Australian Reading Hour intends to encourage our boys to relax, learn, and experience the wonderful world of books. Allowing our boys to read for pleasure at school, sends an important message on the significance of reading.
Did you know?
- Reading reduces stress by 68%. It works faster than listening to music, going for a walk, or enjoying a cup of tea.
- Reading is good for your brain. It helps keep you active as you get older.
- Reading leads to self-awareness. It is closely linked to increasing our understanding of our own identity.
- Reading will advance your child’s learning.
Inspiring students to engage with Books & Building
There is still time to enter the LEGO competition! The competition closes Thursday 12 November.
Thank you to the boys that have submitted their masterpieces. There are prizes to be won for ‘Outstanding Critical & Creative Thinking,’ and ‘Excellence in Design & Building.’

Lego Competition