From Director of Junior School, Anthony Banboukjian
Prayer of the Week
We celebrate St. Luke’s service to the Church each year on October 18. We remember that his Gospel continues to help us know and love Jesus. Luke’s Gospel also reminds us to look for ways to imitate Jesus by reaching out to help our brothers and sisters in need.
In his Gospel, Luke helps us to know how concerned Jesus was for the sick, the poor, and anyone in need of help, mercy and forgiveness. Luke tells us that Jesus came to save all people. Through Luke’s Gospel, we learn how compassionate and caring Jesus was.
We also pray for Mr Gill and his family, whose father passed away over the weekend. May he find eternal rest in heaven.
Let us pray the Our Father together:
St Luke: Pray for Us
Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us
Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever
A reminder that all money promised for the Walkathon needs to be handed in by the end of this week. It is extremely important that we account for all the money promised. We would like to present the cheques to the different charities at the end of our exams.
Year 5 Camp
A reminder that in week 4, November 2 to November 4, all year 5 boys will be attending a year camp at Vision Valley. Could I ask yet again that all required letters be sent into the office by the end of this week.
Exam Week
Please note that the end of year exams will be held as follows:
- Year 5 – Week 3 starting Thursday October 27 and spread over 3 weeks
- Year 6 – Week 4 starting Monday October 31
Boys should have already commenced revision and study.
2016 Exam Timetable
Year 5 Exam Timetable – Week 3, 4 & 5, Term 4 | ||||
27th October Day D |
28th October Day E |
English Comprehension | English Punctuation & Grammar | |||
31st October Day F |
1st November Day G |
Wednesday 2nd NovemberDay H |
3rd November |
4th November Day B |
Text Types |
Chance & Data Mathletics
Year 5 Camp | Year 5 Camp | Year 5 Camp |
7th November – Day C |
Library and French exams will take place during timetabled class time. | |||
Spelling Test Week
Year 6 Exam Timetable – WEEK 4 TERM 4 | ||||
31st October Day F |
1st November |
2nd November Day H |
3rd November Day A |
4th November Day B |
Periods 3 and 4 |
Periods 1 and 2 |
Listening / Text Types Period 1 English Comprehension Period 2 |
Punctuation Period 3
Mathletics Period 4 |
Periods 1 and 2 |
Library and French exams will take place during timetabled class time. |
Year 7 2017 Orientation Day
A reminder that Tuesday November 11 is set aside for the boys progressing onto the Senior School in 2017 to complete their Orientation Day.
Name on all Student Property
Can I please stress the need to ensure your son has his name on all his gear – it makes it far easier to return any lost gear.
If anyone has photos from Saturday sport or any other Waverley College event that they would like to share with the rest of the College community could I ask you to send them in on a disk or memory stick to the Junior School office.