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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Junior School News

Junior School News: 2018 Term 1, Week 9


Prayer for the Week

The Easter Period is the most important time in the life of the Catholic Church as we remember Jesus’s death and resurrection.

Sunday 25 March we celebrated Palm Sunday; Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

Thursday 29 March we celebrate Holy Thursday ; the night Jesus shared ‘The Last Supper’, was betrayed by Judas and arrested.

Friday 30 March we celebrate Good Friday; the day Jesus was sentenced to be crucified, carried his cross up to Golgotha and died for us.

Sunday 1 April we celebrate Easter Sunday; the day Jesus rose from the dead and brought new life to the world.

Lord of life,

We pray for all who bring your word of life

As a light to those in darkness

For those who bring your word of peace

To those enslaved by fear

For those who bring your word of love

To those in need of comfort

Lord of love and Lord of peace

Lord of resurrection life

Be known

Through our lives

and through your power

Christ the Lord is risen to-day

ALL: Alleluia!

St Mary of the Cross: Pray for Us

Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever

End of term fast approaching

It’s hard to believe that the first term is nearly over. I hope all our families enjoy this very holy time of the year together and have restful long weekend. The boys have been working hard and have settled into a very positive routine.


It has come to my attention that some boys are not in the habit of backing up their laptops. I would ask they develop the habit of doing the following three things each night with their laptop:

  1. Backup important files and folders to their Google drive
  2. Restart
  3. Recharge

It would be appreciated if parents could assist us in getting the boys into this habit.

Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews

A reminder that Tuesday, 1 May next term has been set aside for Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews. Parents should have received a Skoolbag App notification explaining how to book online. If there are any problems please contact Mrs Coupe before the end of the week.

Parents of boys in 5 Blue would have received a separate note detailing the arrangements for their son’s interview as Mr Ghattas will be on leave next term.

Special Mention

Congratulations to our senior relay team – Zolthan Szabo, Oakley Lamb, Tristan Lee and Jack Kerves who finished third at the CIS Swimming Carnival last week. This means they will now swim for CIS at the PSSA Carnival. Great effort boys and the best of luck at the carnival.

Mother’s Day Mass

An early invitation to our annual Mother’s and Grandmother’s Mass to be held on Friday May 11 commencing at 12pm followed by lunch at the Junior School. It would be appreciated if you could note the date in your diaries.


If anyone has photos from Saturday sport or any other Waverley College event that they would like to share with the rest of the College community could I ask you to send them in on a disk or memory stick to the Junior School office or email them to