Prayer for the Week
God of love,
We give you thanks for bringing us to this day, where we begin our journey together again, for Term 2, here at Waverley College Junior School.
We thank you for keeping us safe and for giving us the opportunity to rest and spend time with our family and friends.
We ask you to send your Spirit upon us all, so that we can make the right choices this term to be the best that we can possibly be.
We also pray for all people throughout the world who have been victims of tragedies over the last couple of weeks.
May you give them the strength and courage they need to begin to rebuild their lives.
This we pray in the spirit of Edmund Rice.
St Mary of the Cross: Pray for us
Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us
Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever
Staff changes
Welcome back to Term 2. I hope everyone had a great break and have settled into the routine of school again.
I am very honoured to be given this opportunity by the school executive to serve the Junior School in the absence of Tony Banboukjian. Tony has done a wonderful job in his eleven years as Director and twenty-seven years at the school. I have been lucky enough to have shared all that time in leadership with him as his Assistant Director to learn and be guided by him. If anyone needs a good break from the school it is Tony, whose tireless efforts; calm and gentle leadership and his ability to get the best out of his staff and boys, has guided us expertly for many years. We look forward to his return rested and invigorated for all that is to follow.
Congratulations to all the staff who have stepped up into Executive Roles due to Tony’s absence. For Term 2 Matt Ryan will take on the Assistant Director’s role, along with Y5 Mathematics Group 1 (for Mr Harris) and Y6 Computer Studies. Mr Tony Proudfoot will replace Mr Ryan in 6 Green. Mr Gill will take on the Assistant Director of Mission for Mr Ghattas who is on leave after the birth of his son Zane. We congratulate both he and his wife Kristy on this special moment in their lives. Mr Gill will stay in 6 Blue and Mr Jack McCarthy, an Old Boy of the college, will take on 5 Blue for Mr Ghattas. Mr Meadley steps into Mr Ryan’s role as the Head of Sport – Junior School and stays on his 6 Red class. This makes for an exciting term of change and challenge in the Junior School. I ask all for their support and patience with us as we attempt to make the changes as seamless as we can.
We also welcome Shauna Kristen who will be working on 5 Gold each Wednesday when Ms Bransby is absent. She will also work with Mr Gill in 6 Blue on occasions throughout the term as part of here graduate teaching induction as part of her degree. We hope all make her feel welcome.
Communication and Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
With the Parent Teacher/Student/Interviews having taken place this week I stress that communication is only effective if you read the emails sent home; check the Skoolbag App on a regular basis and read the weekly Nurrunga. Waterford entries on Skoolbag App will always have a ‘JS’ for easy reference of messages that concern the Junior School. All school information is sent to all families at the same time. If you are not receiving information please contact Mrs Coupe so that we can we have your correct contact details.
I thank the teachers for all their efforts in preparing for the interviews and hope your son has been given some clear direction on what he needs to do to continue to grow and succeed at school. I hope all work hard to keep the partnership and communication between school and home strong and beneficial for all.
Who do I contact? – A reminder
Area | Issue | Steps | Contact Person |
Curriculum | My son’s progress in a subject / the content of a subject / his performance in assessments / his conduct in class | 1st contact
2nd contact 3rd contact |
Class teacher
Learning Support Junior School Director |
Pastoral Care | My son’s academic, social, physical and spiritual development, including discipline, peer relationships, attendance | 1st contact
2nd contact 3rd contact |
Class teacher
Junior School Director If needed, School Counsellor |
Sport | Matters relating to training sessions of my son’s team / team expectations / selection and venues / times | 1st contact
2nd contact 3rd contact |
Team coach
Sports master Junior School Director |
Fees / Finance | For payment of fees and general enquiries. | 1st contact
2nd contact |
Assistant Business Manager
Business Manager |
Travel | Travel pass applications / replacements, etc. | 1st contact
2nd contact |
Administration Secretary
Assistant Director |
Contact details | Change of address / phone number / email | 1st contact | Enrolment Officer (Ph: 93690632) |
Other | For general information / absences / illness | 1st contact
2nd contact |
Administration Secretary
Junior School Director |
May Procession
The 108th Annual May Procession and Celebration of the Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice will take place on this Sunday 6th May starting at 12:00 noon in the Centenary Quadrangle at the High School.
This is a compulsory event for all staff and students and parents and relatives are most welcome to attend. In the event of a student illness a doctor’s certificate is required.
Students need to be present no later than 11.30am where they are to meet their class teacher to have their attendance recorded.
The Parents’ Association will be selling refreshments in the cafeteria at the conclusion of this event.
Y5 Excursion – State Library and Museum of Contemporary Art
Thanks to all the boys and teachers for their involvement in the excursions held over Thursday and Friday this week to the State Library and Museum of Contemporary Art. This is a new excursion we are trialling and I thank Mrs Bransby and Mrs Coupe for organising all the details for the day. We will get the boys to report on this for next week’s Nurrunga.
In 2018 the National Assessment Program – Literacy & Numeracy (NAPLAN) will again be conducted for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 in all government and non-government schools. The program will assess the literacy and numeracy learning of all students in all Australian schools.
The results of the tests will provide important information to schools about what each student can do and will then be used to support teaching and learning programs. Parents will receive a report indicating their child’s level of achievement. Each student’s level of achievement will be reported against the agreed national minimum standard of student achievement.
This year all boys in the school will be doing their NAPLAN online. We had a successful practice test last term that all the boys were involved in. Whilst ALL the WRIITTEN tests will be conducted across Australia on the same days for all students. The schedule for the online is left to individual schools to coordinate over a 9-day window in Weeks 3 & 4 of this term. The Junior school boys will be tested as follows:
- Week 3 – Tuesday 15thMay – Period 3 & 4 if required – Writing
- Week 4 – Monday 21st May – Period 1 & 2 if required – Reading
- Week 4 – Tuesday 22nd May – Period 1 & 2 if required – Language Conventions
- Week 4 – Wednesday 23rd May – Period 1 & 2 if required – Numeracy
Additional information for parents about the National Assessment Program can be found on this website:
Year 6 Canberra Trip
In week 4 from Tuesday May 22 to Thursday May 24 all of Year 6 head will off to Canberra for their annual excursion as part of our HSIE unit on government.
During this tour they will participate in a variety of educational programmes focused on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit their National Capital as part of their civics and citizenship education. To assist you in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding under the Parliament and Civics and Education Rebate (PACER) programme toward the travel expenses incurred.
Activities undertaken as part of the educational tour include the tour of Parliament House, visit to the War Memorial and a session at the Electoral Education Centre. We would like to thank the Australian Government for their support of this program.
We hope that the excursion will be a rewarding experience for all students.
Special thanks to Mr Meadley for the tireless effort he has put in over the past 12 months to ensure the boys have a great three days in our nation’s capital. No sooner does one trip end then he is busy sorting out details for the next year.
A reminder to all parents that all forms required for the upcoming Year 6 Canberra trip should be returned to the office by the end of week 2.
Homework Club
Homework Club will continue in the Junior School Library in Term 2, with a minor change. Hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, but not Wednesday due to the fact that all boys will be involved in Sports Training on each Wednesday throughout the term. Parents are asked to strictly adhere to the 4.30pm pick up time. The expectation of the boys attending the Homework Club is that they study quietly on work required to be completed for school. There will be a teacher on duty each day.
Winter training goes until Week 3 of Term 3. At this point Homework Club will run again from Monday to Thursday inclusive.
ICAS Testing Begins
Next Tuesday the first of the ICAS Competitions for the year begins. More will come up both this Term and in Term Three. This will be run for those boys in Year 5 & 6 that have paid for their involvement. The first is the Digital Technologies Competition and boys will need to be at school for an 8:00am start in the Library. These Competitions are all run before school to prevent class interruptions due to the small numbers who choose to participate. I will advise you when it is time for the next one when it is due.
Waverley College Junior School Mothers’ and Grandmothers’ Mass
DATE: Friday 11 May
TIME: 12 noon (Term 2 Week 2)
VENUE: Lacey Gymnasium in the High School – This is a whole school function this year for the first time.
LUNCHEON: Free luncheon immediately after Mass at the Senior School basketball courts. Boys from the Junior School will be allowed to go home with their parents at the end of the lunch (approx. 2pm).
Please RSVP for this event by 10am, Monday 7 May.
Learn to be a chess champion! Coaching for students at Waverley College (Junior School) is held on Tuesdays from 12:30pm to 1:30pm, starting on 8 May 2018.
Learning and playing chess helps children develop their logical thinking and problem-solving skills, improves their concentration and focus, while also being a great source of enjoyment. Activities include group lessons on a demonstration chess board or interactive whiteboard, puzzle solving and fun practice games.
Students earn merit awards by making checkmates, or by displaying skills and positive qualities, which all good chess players strive to develop.
If your child is interested in taking part, you can collect an enrolment form from the school office, or email enrol@sydneyacademyofchess.com.au for a copy. For all enquiries, please contact Sydney Academy of Chess on (02) 9745 1170.
Wellbeing Hero
Congratulations to Ben Pignatelli, from 5 Green, who was acknowledged as the Aungier Student of the Week at his combined House Meeting in the High School at the end of last term. Ben was commended for his great efforts as part of a group of Junior School boys who did fundraising for Project Compassion in the lead up to Easter. Well done Ben and what a lovely acknowledgement from the whole Aungier House.
Saturday Sport Returns this Weekend – Sat 5 May – ROUND ONE
A reminder to check your Skoolbag App for all the information sent out by Mr Ryan last term, about the Winter Saturday Sports Season which begins this Saturday. All training began on Wednesday this week and we will have a full week of training next week. Boys should know all their team info by the time you read this.
A reminder that Wednesday training starts right after our Sports Program at Queens Park concludes for all teams. Boys will be dismissed at 3:30pm. All other training days finish at 4:30pm. Please make sure your son knows how he is to make his way home. Boys not picked up or uncertain of their plans will be walked back to school no later than 15 minutes after training concludes.
Waverley Sport on Facebook
I was recently contacted by Old Boy, Lindsay Jordan, who administers the Waverley Sport Facebook Page and Waverley Sport Messenger. Lindsay did a great job supporting our boys and parents who were taking photos at the recent Armidale Rugby Tour, by ensuring we got some great acknowledgement on the page. He is keen to have more parents use this site to promote sport at Waterford. You can contact him through the Facebook Page, Facebook Messenger or on his email: lindsayjordan1122@hotmail.com
Hi email is best to use if you have many photos to share with him – please let him know via Messenger if you have emailed him as he only uses this address for photos. If you have just small numbers of photos then attach them directly to Messenger Service with a message.
It would help if as many parents as can LIKE the page as Lindsay wants to put a lot more focus on the Junior School teams this year. He will also add any reports we send about games.
IPSHA rugby trials
Best of luck to the following boys who will be attending the IPSHA Rugby Trials on Thursday 3rd May. We wish them well and will report on their success in progressing to the NSW CIS Trials in early June – Hugo Schneider, Hugo Kulcsar, Ethan Ginnane, Eden Byrd, Aston Owens, James Nestor and Christian Robbins.
Waverley swim team success
Just before the holidays four of our boys swam in a relay team at the NSW PSSA Swim Meet representing the NSW CIS. The CIS Senior Relay team finished 3rd in the State after plenty of controversy just to make the final. This ended up making it a longer day than expected as protests were heard and won. Congratulations to our Waverley students Oakley Lamb Tristan Lee, Zoltahn Zsabo and Jack Kerves on their success, persistence and determination on the day and the stoic parents who stood by them through the highs and lows of the day.
A Generous Act
Before reporting on the Armidale Rugby Tour I wanted to mention a story from the weekend that shows the great generosity of some of our boys. Whilst staying at our accommodation we met some of the players, coaches and managers from other schools in attendance. In chatting to the coach of Brothers, a club team from Queensland we found they had arrived with only two reserves to get through the weekend. We asked if they needed any help. This came by the way of one of our Gold Squad players in Tom Park who turned up to every game for them and also for us on the weekend. Sometimes Tom played and sometimes he waited patiently, but he took it upon himself to turn up and help in every game. Not a bad effort to say you represented both NSW and Queensland in the one weekend.
Armidale Rugby Tour
Congratulations to all the following boys who worked hard over the last few weeks of Term 1 pre-season to earn a place in the one of two rugby squads who competed at the TAS Rugby Carnival over the 1st weekend of the school holidays.
WAVERLEY BLUE SQUAD PROP – Tom McKenna HK/8/Fl PROP – Christian Robbins 2R/P PROP – Luke Crosson P/2R HOOKER – Aston Owens HK/FL 2 ROW – Angus Sullivan 2R/FL 2 ROW – Jett O’Halloran P/2R 2 ROW – James Dyson-Merwe 2R/8 FLANK – Edward Lyons FL/8 FLANK – Tom Edwards FL/2R/Hooker FLANK – Tex Filipek FL/FLY No8 – James McGreevy OC/IC/2R HALF – Hugo Schneider HF/FLY FLY – James Nestor FLY/Flanker FLY – Liam Gabriel FLY/FB CENTRE – Hugo Kulcsar FB/OC/IC/FLY CENTRE – Krystian Gardner OC/IC/W CENTRE – Ethan Ginnane IC/OC/2R WING – Eden Byrd W/OC WING – Louis Etournard OC/W FULLBACK – Zachary Duane W/FB/OC |
WAVERLEY GOLD SQUAD PROP – Marcus Kastrissios P PROP – Jack Sammut P PROP – Alexander Sideris P HOOKER – Hunter Eldridge HK/P 2 ROW – Christian Elfes P/2R 2 ROW – Jack Kerves 2R/8 2 ROW – Ben Stahl 2R/8 FLANK – Jock Edwards FL/2R FLANK – Will Whitaker FL/2R FLANK – Tom Park W/Flanker No8 – Brock Randall 2R/8 HALF – Sean Foley FL/HF HALF – Joe Mohi HF/FLY/W FLY – Jack Kearney FLY/HF CENTRE – Archie Perkin FLY/IC CENTRE – Jack George HF/FLY/No.8 CENTRE – Tristan Lee OC/W WING– Daniel Velder W/OC WING – Dylan Scott-Terrie W/OC/Flanker FULLBACK – Campbell Porteus W/OC/FB |
THIRD Division – 14 teams
G1 – Riverview 1sts: FT 0-52 Loss
G2 – South Toowoomba: FT 5-32 Loss – Campbell Porteus Try
G3 – Shore: FT 0-49
G4 – St Joseph’s Nudgee 2nds: FT 0-12 Loss
Finished FOURTEENTH from FOURTEEN (Saturday)
WON 0 – LOSS 4
SUNDAY FINAL v. Inverell Highlanders for 13th or 14th spot – TIME: 9:00 @ Adam’s East
GOLD SQUAD – Sunday Final Lost 21-31 after leading 14-12 at Half Time – Campbell Porteus x2, Jack George Tries; Jack George, Hunter Eldridge x2 Conversions
Armidale always offers a tough weekend, but in terms of results this was one of the toughest with one win from ten games between the two squads. Still today’s finals for placings were wonderful spectacles for all involved with two high scoring and see-sawing games played by both squads.
The Gold Squad got the morning started with a 9:00am start on the small Adams East field. The boys got off to their best start by racing in two converted tries early in the half to lead 14-nil. Campbell Porteus’ try was a sensational effort as good team work had got the ball out to his wing. He set off down the sideline as the desperate Inverell defence were left grasping at air. With only the full back to beat Campbell shaped to beat him on the outside only to step him on the inside to completely bamboozle his attempted tackle. A second try from close range to Jack George secured a good lead.
The Inverell boys fought back and reeled in the score to go to the break down 12-14, with Waverley hanging onto a slender lead.
The boys did not respond quickly enough after the break and surrendered their lead as Inverell raced away to 14-19-point lead. The Waverley boys had got bogged down with too many forwards handling the ball and not enough variety in attack. Inverell had them easily covered with this tactic and it was not until the ball made its way to Campbell’s wing that the boys claimed back the lead at 21-19. Unfortunately, a poor restart gifted the ball back to Inverell and they dominated the final stages to claim two tries and a 21-31-point win.
This was a highly entertaining game and there was some real improvement seen in the boys play. They competed well and showed plenty of promise for the season ahead. Ben Stahl was a worthy winner of the TAS Jersey for his consistent and wholehearted effort in every game.
Well done Mr Stanton, Mrs Ryan and Mr Ryan for your management of the team.
SECOND Division – 6 teams
G1 – St Laurence: HT 0-7 & FT 7-14 Loss – Hugo Schneider Try, Hugo Kulcsar Con
G2 – Flinders: HT 0-0 & FT 0-7 Loss
G3 – St Pius: HT 12-0 & FT 12-0 Win – Eden Byrd, Ethan Ginnane Tries, Hugo Kulcsar Con
G4 – Scots College: HT 0-19 & FT 0-34 Loss
Finished FOURTH from SIX (Saturday) on count-back
WON 1 – LOST 3
SUNDAY FINAL v. Flinders for 3rd or 4th spot – TIME: 10:40am @ Wakefield North
BLUE SQUAD – Sunday Final – Lost 17-26 after trailing 12-19 at Half Time – Eden Byrd x2, Christian Robbins Tries, Hugo Kulcsar Conversion
Our final farewells to boys and parents were done between the two finals. With Gold Squad parents getting the chance to get on the road early. This gave us the chance to congratulate the boys and their efforts through a character building, but certainly gruelling weekend.
Awards and thanks were given to Poppy Elfes for her amazing efforts in managing information and social events for the parents. All were very grateful for the way this brought the parent body together. We also acknowledged the wonderful assistance given by Jasper Doyle and Noah Kulcsar from Year 8 who had come up with families for the weekend. They assisted with the warm up and water bottles for every game, whilst proudly donning their Prep 1st/Armidale jerseys from two years ago. They did think this might give them free passage into a game or too from the bench, but we resisted the temptation. We gathered the boys for a combined photo and then it was time for the Blue Squad final.
By 10:15am we were all heading to Wakefield North for the 2nd Division final for 3rd or 4th spot (7th or 8th for the whole 47 team carnival). We found ourselves up against the Flinders club side from Buderim in Queensland. We had lost 0-7 to them yesterday in a game we dominated for long periods but failed to take advantage of the opportunities on offer. This unfortunately was the case again today in yet another highly entertaining game of rugby.
We started well despite down a player after Angus Sullivan broke his wrist on Saturday. Plenty began with lots of knocks and bruises from Saturday and a few not sure they would survive a 40 minute game today after the shorter 22-minute versions from yesterday.
A great team effort saw a sweeping back line put Eden Byrd away. He scored a great try and was clearly becoming the go to man in the backs with speed and deception making him a hard man to pin down. This put us up 5-0 and all was looking good. Unfortunately, this advantage disappeared quickly off some undisciplined play from the kick off. Flinders hit back, not once but three times in this time to lead 5-19. Luckily, we found some fight and claimed back some ball and territory before the boys sent Eden on another spectacular run to the line. Hugo Kulcsar converted and at 12-19 at the break we were still alive in the contest.
The boys came off whining about illegal play and poor refereeing before being silenced about these aimless excuses. These unconstructive comments were nothing but a distraction from what was required and that was to worry less about the things they could not control and more on the things they could.
A more focused team left the huddle to make more of the game than seen so far. Christian Robbins crashed over and we were back in the contest at 17-19. We fought really hard and created some great opportunities to win from this point, but for some poor passes; slow hands and an increasing injury toll our opportunities disappeared. A final try to Flinders to go to 17-26 ended the revival and the game concluded.
It has been a much-improved effort; some good fight to get back into the contest and many positive moments spelt out plenty of promise for the season to come.
Much thanks to the assistance of Ms Hoare and Mr Proudfoot in their management of the team. Special mention to our U11s who drop back to their age group after the break and also to those who have chosen to stay in the U12s.
It had proven to be a really tough weekend in terms of results, but a worthwhile exercise in terms of rugby education. The boys and parents expressed their love for the weekend; the experience; the efforts of staff and the new friendships they had formed. We thank all for their effort and support in making the weekend a success.