Prayer for the Week
The May Procession is a devotional Act in Honour of Our Lady.
The very first May Procession took place on 21 May 1911. Instigated by members of the Sodality, it would become a distinctly Waverley tradition and has been called ‘one of the finest moments of grace’ anywhere.
The idea of the May Procession was the brainchild of Brother Aungier, who brought the tradition with him from his native Cork, in Ireland. He was also responsible for establishing the Sodality of Our Lady, from which the Procession grew. The Procession began as a ceremony in which the resident statue of the Blessed Virgin was carried ceremoniously through the grounds of the college.
Hail Mary, full of grace.
Our Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
St Mary of the Cross: Pray for us
Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us
Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever
May Procession
It was great to see the boys involved in the May Procession last Sunday. As explained to the boys last week this was a commitment they made at enrolment to the Junior School as part of the interview process. It was great to see them fulfil their promise.
It was a special day highlighted by the wonderful speech from Sr Jan Bennett RSJ and the very moving praying of one decade of the Rosary in Gaelic involving some of our Irish staff.
Thank you to the Junior Staff, including, Mr Gill, Ms Hoare, Mrs Rollins and the boys with special duties in processing and reading for all your involvement and effort towards the day.
Sad News
The school community was saddened this week to here of the death of Mr Ryan’s Mother at 9:30pm on Monday night. She had been unwell for some time and she was being cared for by family at home. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and we intend on supporting Mr Ryan in whatever way we can. Mr Gill put together this lovely prayer, which was prayed with the boys at an assembly on Tuesday morning:
Dear Lord,
We, the Waverley College Community, join together to pray for Mrs Narelle Ryan who departed to join you in heaven.
We ask you to take into your care the mother of Mr Ryan and to give your guidance to him and his family as they travel through the difficult u ahead.
May your angels take the Ryan family under their wings and give them the comfort & strength they need at this time. May they face each day in the knowledge that she is at peace with you in heaven and encircled by your love.
We make this prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord.
How beautiful Are Our Boys?
With a few staff going through some tough times at the moment, this is not lost on our boys. Boys have been helping some staff carry their things or offering to help where they can. One boy quietly said to a staff member the other day: ‘I’ve been praying for you over the weekend.’ How beautiful are our boys?
Communication and Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
Who do I Contact? – A reminder:
If you are facing any difficulties at the Junior School please use the table as a guide on who to contact:
Area | Issue | Steps | Contact Person |
Curriculum | My son’s progress in a subject / the content of a subject / his performance in assessments / his conduct in class | 1st contact
2nd contact 3rd contact |
Class teacher
Learning Support Junior School Director |
Pastoral Care | My son’s academic, social, physical and spiritual development, including discipline, peer relationships, attendance | 1st contact
2nd contact 3rd contact |
Class teacher
Junior School Director If needed, School Counsellor |
Sport | Matters relating to training sessions of my son’s team / team expectations / selection and venues / times | 1st contact
2nd contact 3rd contact |
Team coach
Sports master Junior School Director |
Fees / Finance | For payment of fees and general enquiries. | 1st contact
2nd contact |
Assistant Business Manager
Business Manager |
Travel | Travel pass applications / replacements, etc. | 1st contact
2nd contact |
Administration Secretary
Assistant Director |
Contact details | Change of address / phone number / email | 1st contact | Enrolment Officer (Ph: 93690632) |
Other | For general information / absences / illness | 1st contact
2nd contact |
Administration Secretary
Junior School Director |
Year 5 Excursion – State Library and Museum of Contemporary Art
Well done to all our Y5 classes for representing your school proudly on your WEEK ONE excursion to the State Library and Museum of Contemporary Art – The staff were very grateful for your support in making it special and successful over the two days.
LACHLAN MARZOL: The things we did were to learn about gold; we used an App called ‘Puppet pals’ to experience the 1800’s; we learnt about some paintings and we learnt what they were about.
I liked it when we got to do activities that made us think and to draw our own creatures and create them.
In 2018 the National Assessment Program – Literacy & Numeracy (NAPLAN) will again be conducted for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 in all government and non-government schools. The program will assess the literacy and numeracy learning of all students in all Australian schools.
The results of the tests will provide important information to schools about what each student can do and will then be used to support teaching and learning programs. Parents will receive a report indicating their child’s level of achievement. Each student’s level of achievement will be reported against the agreed national minimum standard of student achievement.
This year all boys in the school will be doing their NAPLAN online. We had a successful practice test last term that all the boys were involved in. Whilst ALL the WRIITTEN tests will be conducted across Australia on the same days for all students. The schedule for the online is left to individual schools to coordinate over a 9-day window in Weeks 3 & 4 of this term. The Junior school boys will be tested as follows:
- Week 3 – Tuesday 15thMay – Period 3 & 4 if required – Writing
- Week 4 – Monday 21st May – Period 1 & 2 if required – Reading
- Week 4 – Tuesday 22nd May – Period 1 & 2 if required – Language Conventions
- Week 4 – Wednesday 23rd May – Period 1 & 2 if required – Numeracy
Additional information for parents about the National Assessment Program can be found on this website:
Year 6 Canberra Trip
In Week 4 from Tuesday May 22 to Thursday May 24 all of Year Six head will off to Canberra for their annual excursion as part of our HSIE unit on government.
During this tour they will participate in a variety of educational programmes focused on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit their National Capital as part of their civics and citizenship education. To assist you in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding under the Parliament and Civics and Education Rebate (PACER) programme toward the travel expenses incurred.
Activities undertaken as part of the educational tour include the tour of Parliament House, visit to the War Memorial and a session at the Electoral Education Centre. We would like to thank the Australian Government for their support of this program.
We hope that the excursion will be a rewarding experience for all students.
Special thanks to Mr Meadley for the tireless effort he has put in over the past 12 months to ensure the boys have a great three days in our nation’s capital. No sooner does one trip end then he is busy sorting out details for the next year.
A reminder to all parents that all forms required for the upcoming Year 6 Canberra trip should be returned to the office by the end of week two.
Homework Club
Homework Club will continue in the Junior School Library in Term Two, with a minor change. Hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, BUT NOT WEDNESDAY due to the fact that all boys will be involved in Sports Training on each Wednesday throughout the term. Parents are asked to strictly adhere to the 4.30pm pick up time. The expectation of the boys attending the Homework Club is that they study quietly on work required to be completed for school. There will be a teacher on duty each day.
Winter Training goes until WEEK 3 of TERM 3. At this point Homework Club will run again from Monday to Thursday inclusive.
Waverley College Junior School Mothers’ and Grandmothers’ Eucharist
Thank you for all the Mothers who turned up to the new whole school Mother’s Day Mass and luncheon. We hope you enjoyed your day and wish you a very special Mother’s Day this Sunday where we hope you get to share a special day with your families.
Special thanks to Mr Gill and Mrs Rollins for all their work behind the scenes to assist Mr Davis in preparing the event and all the boys who were involved.
Learn to be a chess champion! Coaching for students at Waverley College (Junior School) is held on Tuesdays from 12:30pm to 1:30pm, starting on 8 May 2018.
Learning and playing chess helps children develop their logical thinking and problem-solving skills, improves their concentration and focus, while also being a great source of enjoyment. Activities include group lessons on a demonstration chess board or interactive whiteboard, puzzle solving and fun practice games.
Students earn merit awards by making checkmates, or by displaying skills and positive qualities, which all good chess players strive to develop.
If your child is interested in taking part, you can collect an enrolment form from the school office, or email enrol@sydneyacademyofchess.com.au for a copy. For all enquiries, please contact Sydney Academy of Chess on (02) 9745 1170.
Saturday Sport Continues this Weekend – Sat 12th May – ROUND TWO
A reminder that all the Winter Sports Info will remain on the Skoolbag App for the remainder of the season. Information can also be found on the College Website by searching – SPORTS FIXTURES, RESULTS & TRAINING SCHEDULES – Here you will find information about AWAY field /venue locations.
A reminder that Wednesday training starts right after our Sports Program at Queens Park concludes for all teams. Boys will be dismissed at 3:30pm. All other training days finish at 4:30pm. Please make sure your son knows how he is to make his way home. Boys not picked up or uncertain of their plans will be walked back to school no later than 15 minutes after training concludes.
Waverley Sport on Facebook
I was recently contacted by Old Boy, Lindsay Jordan, who administers the Waverley Sport Facebook page. Lindsay did a great job supporting our boys and parents who were taking photos at the recent Armidale Rugby Tour, by ensuring we got some great acknowledgement on the page.
He is keen to have more parents use this site to promote sport at Waterford. You can contact him through the Facebook Page; Facebook Messenger or at: lindsayjordan1122@hotmail.com
The email address is best to use if you have many photos to share – please let him know via Messenger if you have emailed him as he only uses this address for photos. If you have just small numbers of photos then attach them directly to your Facebook message.
It would help if as many parents as can LIKE the page as Lindsay wants to put a lot more focus on the Junior School teams this year. He will also add any reports we send about games.
IPSHA Rugby Trials – five Advance
Congratulations to Ethan Ginnane, Eden Byrd, Aston Owens, James Nestor and Christian Robbins who have been asked to continue their trials for the NSW CIS Rugby squad. All boys will be expected to trial again in June. We wish them the best of luck.
Car Crush Excursion
A very lucky group of boys attended an excursion organised by the Sydney Children’s Hospital as a way of thanking Mr Gill and the Top 15 Fundraisers from last year’s Walkathon.
The corporate supporter, Sell + Parker, who own a metal recycling plant run an event called the Car Crush where they allow kids to visit their plant and literally ‘crush a car’ with some of the heavy machinery they have available – all is done from a safe distance.
Usually this is offered to patients and their families, but the hospital thought this might also be of interest to the boys at Waverley to thank them for the amazing support they have given to the kids at the Hospital over a number of years.
The Car Crush was held on Thursday 10 May at Blacktown. The hospital provided a bus and lunch for all the boys. We are very grateful and appreciative that such an offer would come the way of our boys
Parking Outside of the Junior School and Surrounds
Just a reminder to all parents and guests to park legally and to be conscious that we are in a residential area when coming to the school to pick up or drop of your son. Be aware there are a number of good side streets where your son could walk to meet you instead of all pick ups being at the front of the school.
Staff Success
We are very lucky to have a number of staff who actively pursue their passion for learning and their area of expertise beyond the classroom.
Mrs Rollins is the national President of the music teachers group called Orff – Mr Gill pursues his love of Rugby by refereeing in the Sub-District Competition.
A new appointment has just taken place for Mrs Tunks, who has just been appointed as a Director of the Board for the Australian School Library Association Inc. (ASLA). This is the national authority, the peak forum in the field of teacher librarianship and school library resource services.
Its aim is to maximise opportunities for students to obtain independent lifelong learning and decision-making skills through ASLA’s commitment to:
- High professional standards
- Awareness of advances and changes in technology and the competence and ability to teach and use it
- Effective, cooperative use of school resource services by the whole school community
- Qualified teacher librarians with an image of excellence
- Optimum use of the dual skills of teaching and librarianship
We congratulate Mrs Tunks on her appointment.
Students with a Passion
Congratulations to Finn Jones and Oliver Farrugia who got to meet Jeff Kinney at a session of the Writers’ Festival on Saturday. Jeff Kinney is the author of the very popular ‘Wimpy Kid’ series of books. Oliver had the Waverley College library copy of one of the books and got it signed for the school. Well done boys.
Summer Sports Photos
The Summer Sports Team Photos are now available. Your son should have brought an order form home in his bag this week. Please ask him for it. All orders are to be made online using the directions on the sheet. Photos will be delivered to your son at school to bring home.