Our new quiet area
Prayer of the Week
Lord Jesus,
I praise you for the gift of another day –
For your mercies new each morning.
My eyes are open and my heart is beating,
Each of those means you have a plan for me.
This minute, This hour. This day.
I don’t know every step of your plan for today,
But I know it we be for my good.
And I’m confident it will be for your glory.
Will you lead me, Jesus? I need you.
Will you order my steps, each one?
May your love flow through me
And may I embrace every opportunity
To share your love with others.
Amen (rachelwojo.com)
St Mary of the Cross: Pray for Us
Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us
Live Jesus in Our Hearts: Forever
Confirmation – Charles Borromeo Parish – Mary Immaculate Church
Now that all the initial enrolments have been done for the local parish a reminder to all registered candidates that Confirmation lessons begin this Friday 18th of May from 7:30am to 8:15 in the 6 blue Classroom with Mr Gill in Weeks 3 & 5 – Then with Mr Ghattas on his return in Weeks 6 (Thursday) & 7 (Friday).
Beanies for Brain Cancer
Last week’s Nurrunga ran an article about the Mark Hughes Foundation and ‘Beanies for Brain Cancer’. We were so proud of our Year 5 Red student Digger Callander who was brave enough to address a gymnasium full of High School Students and Staff about he and his families’ involvement in this charity.
I promised Digger I would print his speech in the Nurrunga this week:
“My name is Digger Callander and I’m in Year 5.
Last year my Dad started the NRL ‘Beanie for Brain Cancer’ round of footy. Sadly, he passed away late last year, but we are continuing to support his dream of finding a cure.
We are selling beanies for $20 tomorrow morning at the Mother’s Day Mass and again at lunch time on the week of the beanie round, starting on Monday 21st May 2018.
In addition to this we want you to wear your beanie down to Bondi Beach on Thursday 24th May– Week 4, where the TODAY SHOW will be broadcasting live from 5:30am to 8:30am to set a ‘World Record’ for the ‘Largest Gathering of People Wearing Beanies on a Beach’
Thank you for listening and supporting the Mark Hughes Foundation. Help us tackle brain cancer head on!”
The Y5 boys in the Junior School are being encouraged to support this morning by gathering on Bondi Beach onThursday 24th May at 7:30am onwards for the 8:00am record attempt. They will need to make their own way to the beach. Staff from the Junior School will be there to meet and gather the boys and walk them back to school after the event. It might be wise to have their bag dropped off at school first. Boys must have on their uniform for the day. We will cancel our involvement if the weather is inclement.
Boys can buy a beanie at the junior school this Friday 18th May for $20. There will be further opportunities to buy these next week also.
Student Injuries

Jasper Goodwin
It has been a horrible weekend for some of our Junior School students when it comes to sports injuries, whilst representing their school. I ask you all to keep the following boys in your thoughts and prayers that they have successful recoveries from their injuries and can once again join their teams as soon as is possible. Our thoughts go out to Jasper Goodwin 11B Rugby – Dislocated hip; Alex Sideris Prep 2nd Rugby – Torn rib cartilage; Oliver Hudson AFL – Fractured ankle. All have spent some time in hospital. I thank all the staff who offered care, support and first aid to these boys during a difficult time.
Mr Harris
It seems fitting at this time to advise parents and boys of my own health issues. A number of you know I have been suffering with a bad back for over 6 months now and I am realising that there is word out there that it is more than this. In recent weeks further investigation has made it clear to me and my family that there is much more going on and my back issues are a bi-product of something more serious.
Just before the last holidays I was diagnosed with Myeloma, a form of blood cancer. The school is now aware of my situation and I am now in a position to share this with you. My treatment begins this week and I ask for your prayers and support at this time. I intend to do as much as I can for the school in fulfilling the role bestowed on me for the term. Suffice to say the treatment will have its own say in this and as it moves along I will more than likely go missing at different times. I am keen to try and keep life as normal as possible for the moment and enjoy my time with staff and students and serving the school. I thank you all for your support and understanding at this time.
Car Crush Excursion – A great success
We got some great feedback from the boys about the Car Crush Excursion. I thank Mr Ryan, who had so much on his plate last week, for still coming in and taking the boys. I think he enjoyed it as much as the boys and it was obviously a great distraction for him in getting through a difficult week for him and his family. We also thank the Sydney Children’s Hospital for thinking we were worthy to be involved in the day.
Mr Ryan wrote the following report:
Last Thursday, fifteen Junior School boys attended an excursion to the Sell + ParkerMetal Recycling Plant out at Blacktown. These boys were selected as a reward for their fundraising efforts at last year’s Walkathon and were special guests of Randwick Children’s Hospital. The Hospital wanted to reward the students along with a few patients with a special outing.
At the recycling plant the boys learnt the processes involved in recycling lots of different products. These included; plastic bottles, cans, glass bottles, copper, other metals and even cars. It was quite an education and an informative day out, but the highlight would have to have been the chance for all the boys to have a turn on the heavy machinery including bulldozers and crane, accompanied by the drivers. There is no doubt this fulfilled a few young boys’ dreams.
The day ended back at the offices with a special lunch and a few photos. A great day was had by all and some very special memories for both the students and patients of the hospital.
Zachary Duane & Nate Smith wrote this report:
We started the day off with a 40-minute bus ride to Blacktown in the Western Suburbs of Sydney. When we arrived at Sell + Parker, the scrap metal company, we had a small snack, a juice and water.
The people that work at Sell + Parker explained all the safety instructions and suited us up with safety vests, safety glasses, ear plugs and safety helmets. All fifteen boys got pink helmets, that colour represents visitors, yellow and white represents normal workers and blue signify managers.
After that, we were all split into groups of five, there were three groups and each went with a manager. Accompanying us was also one patient and her family. The group we were in, first went to a giant shed filled with piles of metal and machinery. On the other side of the shed, we went through a door and there were about seven cranes and other machines ripping metal apart. At the back of all the metal there was a big machine called the shredder. One of the other groups were lucky enough to go into an area that no other group had ever been taken into and were able to see the conveyor belts travelling from that shredder.
We were given the opportunity of driving either a crane or a bulldozer. It was so cool to be able do what the workers do every day. When all five of us had operated a machine, we went over to check out a worker using a blowtorch to cut through big pieces of metal. This was because none of the machines could cut through these big pieces of metal. It was so awesome to see all the sparks going everywhere but he looked really hot.
When we left that area, our manager took us up to the office that looked out over the whole plant. We were lucky because it was air conditioned. When we left the office, we crossed the road to the Blacktown ‘container return’ that is run by Sell + Parker. This is where people recycle their glass and plastic bottles and cans. When returning from the ‘container return’ to go back to the metal yard, we walked past a truck with a big block of Nespresso pods all squashed up. We looked at the truck for a while and then returned to the office area of the plant and were given a delicious lunch with wraps, sandwiches, fairy bread and cookies.
When we finished lunch, we all took a photo in front of the Sydney Children’s Hospital Gold Telethon Caddy Van. Then we got on the bus again and headed back to school.
We would like to thank Sell + Parker for having us for the day. This was an amazing adventure for us all and we all thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We would also like to thank the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation for inviting us to participate, Mr Ryan for taking us to Blacktown and finally to Mr Gill for coordinating this excursion.
The organiser had this to say in an email to us after the excursion:
Thanks again for organising for Matt and the boys to attend today. I hope the boys had fun seeing and operating the heavy machinery and crushing all kinds of things. We only had one patient family in the end as the other family weren’t able to make it due to having to stay in the Hospital.
The boys were so well behaved and we had really positive feedback from our supporters Sell + Parker. A testament to you and the school!
Cheers, Tanya
The Great Book Swap – Coming Soon
This year I will be running the Great Book Swap on Week 5 Friday 1st of June. This is a new event for the Junior School and will run at lunch time. The idea is boys bring an old much-loved book from home and swap it for another one for the donation of a gold coin. Lacey House will also be running a cake stall on the day.
The purpose of raising funds from the Great Book Swap is explained here:
The Great Book Swap is a fantastic way to celebrate reading in our local community and raise much-needed funds for remote Indigenous communities. The idea is to swap a favourite book in exchange for another, for a gold coin donation. Last year, the Indigenous Literacy Foundation raised over $190,000 from the Great Book Swap and this year their goal is to raise $300,000 to gift 30,000 new books to remote communities who have few to none. After all, how can you learn to read without books?
The 2018 Great Book Swap will be running in the Junior School Friday 1st June. Please also feel free to support the event by donating any good quality books you may have at home (The cut off for books to arrive at school will be Thursday 31st May – please deliver them to the Library where they will have a slip with your details inserted).
All the Year 5 boys managed to get through this week’s NAPLAN Writing Test on Tuesday without too much trouble. While the tests aren’t a real indication of the students’ progress at Waverley they play an important role in identifying any students who may require assistance. The remaining tests are next week as follows:
- Week 4 – Monday 21st May – Period 1 & 2 if required – Reading
- Week 4 – Tuesday 22nd May – Period 1 & 2 if required – Language Conventions
- Week 4 – Wednesday 23rd May – Period 1 & 2 if required – Numeracy
Additional information for parents about the National Assessment Program can be found on their website.
Year 6 Canberra Trip
In Week 4 from Tuesday May 22 to Thursday May 24 all of Year Six head will off to Canberra for their annual excursion as part of our HSIE unit on government.
The crucial departure and arrival details are as follows:
- DEPART: Tuesday 22nd May from the High School Performing Arts Centre. Boys need to arrive by 5:45am for a 6:00am departure
- ARRIVAL: Thursday 24th May back outside the Waverley Bowling Club will be at 4:30pm. We ask all parents to stand back until the buses are unloaded and the boys are to sort out their bags.
Upcoming Events – Week 4
- Monday 21st May – Year 5 and Year 6 begin the Mathematical Olympiad Competition – Round 1
- Tuesday 22nd May – Year 5 attending the 11:00am matinee sitting of the High School Drama Production, ‘Stories in the Dark’. This is a free sitting.
- Friday 25th May – Music Showcase 7:00pm at the PAC for selected music groups and ensembles – Some Junior School boys involved along with High School groups.
Homework Club – New Booking Procedure
A reminder that Homework Club is held in the Junior School library each Monday-Thursday from 3.00pm-4.30pm. It is the expectation that boys using this service are working or reading.
At the moment there is no way of tracking what boys should be at Homework Club, so there is a new booking option available to parents to allocate the days you wish your boy to attend Homework Club. There will also be an email address listed should you need to make last minute changes. The two ways of booking are through:
- Skoolbag App: If parents open Skoolbag and go to ‘Forms and Letters’ and then follow the link to the Homework booking form – or use the:
- Parent Portal – Sentral: Once parents have logged in and clicked on their sons photo they choose ‘Resources’ from the left-hand menu and the form is listed under ‘Junior School’
Homework Club will continue in the Junior School Library in Term Two, with a minor change. Hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, BUT NOT WEDNESDAY due to the fact that all boys will be involved in Sports Training on each Wednesday throughout the term. Parents are asked to strictly adhere to the 4.30pm pick up time. The expectation of the boys attending the Homework Club is that they study quietly on work required to be completed for school. There will be a teacher on duty each day.
Winter Training goes until Week 3 of Term 3. At this point Homework Club will run again from Monday to Thursday inclusive.
Learn to be a chess champion! Coaching for students at Waverley College (Junior School) is held on Tuesdays from 12:30pm to 1:30pm, starting on 8 May 2018.
Learning and playing chess helps children develop their logical thinking and problem-solving skills, improves their concentration and focus, while also being a great source of enjoyment. Activities include group lessons on a demonstration chess board or interactive whiteboard, puzzle solving and fun practice games.
Students earn merit awards by making checkmates, or by displaying skills and positive qualities, which all good chess players strive to develop.
If your child is interested in taking part, you can collect an enrolment form from the school office, or email enrol@sydneyacademyofchess.com.au for a copy. For all enquiries, please contact Sydney Academy of Chess on (02) 9745 1170.
Parking Outside of the Junior School and Surrounds
Just a reminder to all parents and guests to park legally and to be conscious that we are in a residential area when coming to the school to pick up or drop of your son. Be aware there are a number of good side streets where your son could walk to meet you instead of all pick-ups being at the front of the school.
Summer Sports Photos
The Summer Sports Team Photos are now available. Your son should have brought an order form home in his bag this week. Please ask him for it. All orders are to be made online using the directions on the sheet.
Team App for Winter Sport
Sport at Waverley College is an exciting activity that involves every student at all different levels. We are now up to our third game of our Saturday Winter Sports Program and the excitement and energy is clearly visible.
Waverley College’s Co-Curricular Directorate is using a free app again this winter for all football and rugby teams and their supporters. ‘Team App’ is a platform that will allow our football community to improve communication by integrating everything one needs to know about football at Waverley College including:
• News
• Fixtures
• Competition Ladders
• Selection News
• Player Profiles
• Live Scores
• Photos
So if you would like to access this information on your device or smart phone simply download this free App. Team App is available on both Apple and Android devices. Once you have done this search for Waverley College Football or Rugby. The College will then authenticate you giving access.
Wednesday Sport
Our regular school sports competition is now in full swing and I love watching the boys put in such a big effort each Wednesday. This week was no exception – and I’m sure the boys had a great time playing against their school mates.
Best Wishes for PSSA State AFL Championship
Next week Nate Smith and Henry Kidd travel to Bateman’s Bay to represent the NSW CIS AFL Team in the Primary School State Championships. We wish the boys every success for the three-day carnival, which sees them missing their trip to Canberra.
Congratulations Touch Football Representatives
Good luck to the following boys who have been chosen to represent Waverley at the upcoming IPSHA Touch Football trials on Friday:
Monty Armstrong, Thomas McKenna, Ethan Ginnane, Jameson Hinds, Cruz Clarkin and Tashi Harrison (reserve).
We wish them the best of luck. Thanks also to Mr Jack McCarthy from 5 Blue for accompanying the boys to help run the trials and assist with selection.
Code of Conduct
Our Saturday Sports Program is a competitive and extremely well run under the umbrella of IPSHA . We have and always will take pride in the way that our students participate and behave both on and off the field. We do not apologise for expecting high standards of students. We stress continually the need to accept the referee’s decisions and to value sportsmanship.
Very simply we ask all involved to show respect to your opponents and the officials. Remember without them there would be no game.
I’ve included below the Code of Behaviour that we follow at the Junior School. It would be appreciated if you could take the time to read through it with your son before the next Saturday game.
Codes of Behaviour for School Sport – (Based on IPSHA Aims and Principles of Junior School Sport and Aussie Sport)
The role of the host school / convenor is to be clearly defined (i.e. responsibilities re provision of umpires, referees, sportsmanship, barracking, courtesy etc.) Host School (i.e. staff, children and parents) should welcome visitors to the school grounds.
Coaches’ Code of Behaviour
- Basic skills should be taught to all team members. Children should be encouraged to play hard and win fairly.
- Teach your players that rules of the sport are mutual agreements, which no one should evade or break.
- Children should participate for fun and enjoyment and winning is only part of their motivation. Never ridicule or yell at the children for making mistakes or losing a competition
- Coaching during games should not interfere with the control by the referee or umpire, nor should it be offensive to opponents.
- Ensure that equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate to the age and ability of the players.
- Develop team respect for the ability of the opponents as well as for the judgment of officials and opposing coaches.
- Make a personal commitment to keep yourself informed of sound coaching principles and the principles of growth and development of children.
- Make it positive experience for the children.
Players’ Code of Behaviour
- Play by the rules.
- Never argue with an official.
- Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials or other players, deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent is not permitted in any sport.
- Work equally hard for yourself and/or for your team. Your team will benefit, so will you.
- Be a good sport. Applaud all good plays, whether they are by your team, opponent or the other team.
- Display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat.
- Treat all players as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take unfair advantage of another player.
- Co-operate with your coach, teammates and opponents. Without them there would be no competition.
- Place in proper perspective the isolated incidents of unsporting behaviour rather than make such incidents the ‘highlight’ of the event.
- If a player is sent off during the game, a one-week suspension is recommended.
- Thank the opposition and officials at the end of a game.
Spectators’ Code of Behaviour
- Children play organised sports for fun. They are not playing for the entertainment of spectators only, nor are they miniature professionals.
- Applaud good performances and efforts from each team. Congratulate all participants upon their performance regardless of the game’s outcome.
- Respect the officials’ decisions.
- Never ridicule or scold a child for making a mistake during a competition.
- Positive comments are motivational and encourage continued effort.
- Condemn the use of violence in any form, be it by spectators, coaches, officials or players.
- Show respect for your team’s opponents. Without them there would be no game.
- Encourage players to follow the rules and the officials’ decisions.
- Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour by not using foul language, harassing players, coaches or officials.
- Comments should not interfere with the running of the game.
- Focus on the efforts and performance of the children rather than the result.
- Praise is encouraged at all levels
Complaints concerning the conduct of games should not be made during or after the game. They should be referred to one’s Head of Junior School and any action should be left to his/her discretion. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should parents contact schools directly.