A message from the Director of Waterford Junior School, Gabrielle Smith
There is so much to celebrate at Waterford this week.
Friends of Kolkata’s Elderly Folk
Year 5 students were privileged to be able to listen to Sanghita Mondal, an Indian woman who opened homes to care for Kolkata’s elderly. She shared her organisation’s vision, to care for and enrich the lives of the most neglected elderly and give them the opportunity to live a fulfilled and dignified life. Sanghita shared many stories of the elderly being put onto the streets by their families as they are seen as non-productive and a burden. Her message to the boys was to give of their time to others, look people in the eye and show them you care.
“When you give something, just for the joy of creating, it always comes back on a much larger scale.”
– Ji Lee
Science Incursion for Year 6
Last Friday, Year 6 welcomed ‘Kaleidoscope Science Education’, an entertaining live science show that explained important scientific concepts with humour, storytelling and amazing demonstrations that excited their senses. The incursion was part of their Science investigation into Solids, Liquids and Gases. The boys thoroughly enjoyed watching and participating in demonstrations about matter, energy and temperature. Highlights included sublimating dry ice, boiling-cold liquid nitrogen, flaming fireballs and exploding a balloon with liquid nitrogen. The show was a fantastic experience as it fully immersed the students and teachers with stimulating experiments. The boys could not contain their excitement when they saw matter change state.
Big Brother/ Little Brother Program
I had the opportunity to see the Big Brother / Little Brother program in action at Waterford this week . I observed the boys being lead by Year 10 students in engaging activities such as, human pyramid building, shared reading and the Amazing Race Waverley style. Such positive connections are fostered through these experiences allowing for a much smoother transition between the two campuses of the College.
Waterford Music Festival
A huge thanks to Michelle Rollins for the Waterford Music Festival held last night. The festival showcased the Waterford beginner band, Waterford concert band, Waterford rock band, Cantores, Stomp group, Waterford guitar ensemble, Wakakirri and selected soloists. Congratulations to all students involved, it was a wonderful night.
Year 5 2019 Orientation Day – volunteers requested
We ask for volunteers to help out cooking a BBQ on Friday 23rd November for our new students and current Year 5.
If you are available to help please contact Audrey through the Junior School Office or by email on acoupe@waverley.nsw.edu.au