Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Gabrielle Smith
Diary Dates
Please find below key event dates you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 3. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar.
- Saturday, 6 August – Final Round Winter Sport
- Thursday, 11 August – Wakakirri (selected students)
- Friday, 12 August – Year 6 Retreat Day – Sports Uniform
- Wednesday, 17 August – Junior School Athletics Carnival – Queens Park – Sports Uniform
- Thursday, 18 August – Sami Bayly author and illustrator presentation
- Friday, 19 August – Year 5 Retreat Day – Sports Uniform
- Monday, 22 August – Book Week – Pop Up Bookshop, 9am – 12:30pm
- Tuesday, 23 August – Year 5 Writing Workshop – Academic Uniform
- Wednesday, 24 August – Year 5 Leadership Day – Sports Uniform
- Wednesday, 24 August – Year 6 Writing Workshop – Academic Uniform
- Friday, 26 August – Junior School Fun Run – Waverley Park – white T-shirt and sports shorts
- Friday, 2 September – Father’s Day Mass and BBQ Lunch – 12pm Mary Immaculate Church
- Monday, 19 September – Year 6 Allwell Testing – Academic Uniform
- Friday, 23 September – Term 3 Classes Conclude
Congratulations Team Waverley! Together we have so far raised $19,961 contributing to Running for Premature Babies’ current total of $37,981.75. This is a phenomenal effort and there is still time to raise more funds.
Every member of our team is entitled to our free running singlet! Please collect this from Mr McKimm (Junior School), Ms Lipman (Senior School) or from Sophie Smith’s front porch at 61 Beach St, Coogee.
On Monday of Week 4, a team photo will be taken at lunchtime and all boys are encouraged to wear their purple singlet.
Sophie Smith has organised a charity tent for us to meet at the finish line of City to Surf.
Ms Gabrielle Smith
Director of the Junior School
E: gsmith@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Pop-Up Bookshop
Our Pop-Up bookshop which is proudly supported by ‘The Children’s Bookshop,’ will be on campus Monday, 22 August. Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading.
There will be three options for payment on the day. Students can pay with cash, EFTPOS or complete the Book Fair PDF note below.
>>> Click here to view the PDF Book Fair note.
If your son is absent on the day, you can purchase books via the link below.
>>> Click here to view the link to the Book Fair.
All books will be delivered to Waverley and distributed by Week 8.
Home Learning Club Week 4
>>> Click here to register your son.
*No Home Learning on Wednesday, 10 August.
Should your son be unable to attend, please email the school at nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au or call reception.
ICAS Week 4 Exams
If you have entered your son in the ICAS ‘Digital Technologies’ and ‘Writing’ exams they will be running in the Learning Hub next week. See timetable below.
Please ensure your son charges his laptop the night before. Students need to arrive at least five minutes before the start time.
4 | 8am | Tuesday, 9 August | Digital Technologies |
8am | Thursday, 11 August | Writing |
Don’t Forget to Enter One or Both Book Week Competitions
All students from the Junior campus are encouraged to enter one or both of the competitions running for Book Week. Winners will be announced on Thursday, 25 August.
Ms Natasha Zivanovic
Literacy and Innovation Teacher
E: nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Final Winter Co-Curricular Sport Round
I’d like to wish all Junior teams the best of luck tomorrow in their final round for the Winter Co-Curricular season. It has been the first winter season of sport that has gone uninterrupted due to COVID-19 since 2019, excluding the amount of rain we experienced.
I’d particularly like to thank all families for their ongoing support towards their son’s commitment to playing sport at Waverley College. It is an integral part of these boys’ development, and strongly promotes our students to live active and healthy lifestyles each and every day.
I’d also like to mention and thank all the coaches for their continued commitment to giving our students the opportunity to better their skills, in a fun and safe environment each week.
There have been nail-biting games, continual highlights and some lowlights, but students gave their absolute all and demonstrated teamwork, positive sportsmanship, resilience and pride to be representing Waverley College. Bring on 2023 Winter Sport at Waverley!
Winter Co-Curricular Presentation Nights
All families of sons receiving an award have been informed about the presentation nights for their respective sports. These students and families are invited to attend, and it will be a great opportunity to connect with the Senior School and celebrate the Winter sport season.
Presentation Night Dates 2022
- Rugby – Friday, 19 August 2022 from 6pm, Easts Rugby Club
- Football – Saturday, 13 August 2022 from 5pm, Senior School Performing Arts Centre (PAC)
- AFL – Friday, 12 August 2022 from 6pm in the Senior School Performing Arts Centre (PAC).
FunRun Fundraiser
The FunRun Fundraiser has seen some amazing achievements within two week of the fundraising period. Two weeks into the event, I’m thrilled to share the following milestones reached:
- $40,600 fundraised in the first two weeks (having now reached our school target of $30,000!)
- 257 out of 314 students have signed up with profiles
- 752 total donations received
- Leo Henderson (5 Blue) has raised $2,330 and Jack Mihalakis (6 Blue) has now raised $1,497
- 5 Blue have taken the lead in class fundraising with $6,890 raised
The Junior School is unbelievably impressed by the level of commitment shown by the students, and we cannot wait to see how they progress leading up to the big FunRun event.
We thank all families for being on board and we further encourage you to spread the message far and wide, explaining the causes we’re fundraising for and the meaning behind each chosen charity.
If you would like to pass on the Waverley College Junior School fundraising link below, people can use this, or alternately, students send out their personal link themselves to increase their fundraising efforts:
External Sporting Achievements
Jake McEvoy – Show Jumping Championships
During the week, Jake competed in Mangrove Mountain, NSW at the Show Jumping Championships. He was able to come away with three 1st place ribbons and one 3rd place ribbon.
Jake and his family have horse riding in their DNA, and we’re unbelievably proud of his achievements. We can’t wait to see what is to come, and as a College, we congratulate you!

We’re so proud of you, Jake McEvoy
Holiday U12 Rugby Gala
A large number of Year 6 Waverley Junior students were part of the SJRU U12 Development Gala Tournament during the holidays.
The tournament was held at Manly, with the Randwick team having 14 of 23 boys, being Waverley students. They were the only team to win all three games, and had the lowest points conceded over the tournament, winning the tournament as undefeated Champions.
Congratulations: Cooper Mott, Riley Carr, Nicholas Peshos, Lachlan Symes, Beau Matheson-Rayner, Cian Brady, Angus Palm, Emilio Gomez, Kobi Keenan, Dylan Crewe, George Whitehouse, Finn McIvor, Max Nicholson, Dean Leontsinis.

Under 12 Randwick Team

Under 12 Randwick Team
Mr Jack Wachtel
Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)
E: jwachtel@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Year 5 White – Around the Classroom!
This week in 5 White, we designed and created an artwork that displayed the effect plastic pollution has on sea creatures and the ocean. Much of our unwanted plastic ends up in the ocean – around 8 million tonnes of it every year, in fact!
Because plastic takes 400 years to break down, it stays there for a long, long time, putting our friends beneath the waves in serious danger.
Our task was to create a collage inside the body of our chosen animal, by cutting out pictures of plastic objects and food from magazines or newspapers, and pasting them closely together, overlapping each other.
We had a lot of fun, getting creative and learning new facts about plastic pollution in our oceans!
By 5 White Students
In this lesson I learned that 700 different species of animals are believed to be severely threatened because of plastic pollution in the ocean. I also discovered that 10% of all dead animals found in beach cleanups worldwide have been entangled in plastic bags. The last fact I learned is that 5 trillion pieces of plastic are estimated to be floating in the world’s seas. I enjoyed this activity because it was fun to search through magazines and newspapers, and cutting out food and plastic products.
By Sam Peate
Did you know that 90% of seabirds eat plastic rubbish mistaking it for food? Did you know that 52% of sea turtles have accidentally eaten plastic bags mistaking them for jellyfish? I also learned that 443 animals and birds were found trapped by marine debris (such as old ropes, nets, mesh and wires) during a recent international coastal cleanup. I enjoyed this activity because it was very creative and clever with the way that we did it.
By Edward Crabbe
Ms Chloe-Jane Tweedie
5 White Teacher
E: ctweedie@waverley.nsw.edu.au