Diary Dates
Please find below key event dates you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 4. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar.
- Friday, 25 November – Year 6 Graduation Mass – 1pm – Followed by a BBQ at Coogee organised by Class Parents
- Friday, 25 November – Reports Home
- Monday, 28 November – Year 6 Laptop Return
- Tuesday, 29 November – Year 6 Celebration – Raging Waters
- Thursday, 1 December – Years 5 – 8 Presentation Day – Academic Uniform
- Thursday, 1 December – Classes Conclude
Semester 2 reports will be available at 5pm today. These will be accessible via the Parent Lounge in TASS. To access your son’s report, please click the Waverley College Parent Lounge button below.
5 White Class Assembly
Well done to 5 White and Ms Tweedie on a wonderful class assembly this week. It was lovely to see the last assembly of the year filled with enthusiasm, joy and Christmas spirit. The students shared their acting, writing and dancing skills and sent us off to class singing Christmas songs.
Congratulations to Marlow Moffit (5 Gold) and His Dad, Andrew Moffitt
Marlow Moffit completed the Overland Track in Tasmania with his Dad (Andrew) and Uncle (Mark) last week.
In a rugged and wild country under some testing weather conditions (including sun, rain and snow!) Marlow pushed through 70 kilometres of ancient forests, steep mountain ranges, raging rivers and towering waterfalls with pure grit and determination.
It was an amazing experience, and we are incredibly proud of him and his effort. The beautiful photos capture their unique experience.
Ms Gabrielle Bransby
(Acting) Director of the Junior School
Student Youth Forum
Last Friday, 18 November, both Ryan Loughrey (5 Orange) and Sebastian Karhan (5 Indigo), were invited to attend the Wentworth Youth Forum with the Federal Member of Wentworth, Ms Allegra Spender.
They were joined by other student leaders from schools within the local area, to share what they see are the greatest concerns of young people in Wentworth. They were also given an insight into what it is like being a Federal representative.
Both boys represented the College with pride, and I look forward to attending future forums with them in 2023.

With Ms Allegra Spender MP, Member for Wentworth
Climate Summit – Climate Summit: Powering Wentworth to Net Zero – a Message from Ms Allegra Spender MP, Federal Member for Wentworth
“The Wentworth Community has called for strong climate action, but what does it mean to reduce emissions to Net Zero and how long will this take? On Sunday, 27 November, Federal MP Allegra Spender is convening Wentworth’s first ever Climate Summit: Powering Wentworth to Net Zero in collaboration with local State MPs, Councils and the Smart Energy Council. Register here to learn about the wide range of local initiatives currently underway from local councils, businesses, innovators and community groups.”
Mr Stephen Ghattas
Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation
Summer Co-Curricular Season
Well done to all Summer Co-Curricular teams for finishing the uninterrupted season on such a high. I’d like to thank all coaches, students and parents/carers for their continued commitment throughout the year to all levels of Co-Curricular.
Zero interruptions allowed our students to enjoy a full calendar year of sport and extra co-curricular activities, which is undoubtedly important for their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
I wish all current Year 6 students the best of luck in Senior School in 2023, and I look forward to welcoming back our current Year 5 students as Junior leaders of our College.
Enjoy the restful break, stay active, and I wish all families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Please enjoy some team photos from the final round of Summer Co-Curricular sport last weekend.

Basketball D

Basketball G

Tennis A

Touch Football Gold B

Water Polo A

Cricket 5A

Cricket 5A and 5B

Cricket 6A
Holiday Sport Camps are Available
Mr Jack Wachtel
Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)
Home Learning Club – Week 8
There will be NO Home Learning in Week 8.
Learning Hub Wrap up
As the College year comes to an end, I would like to acknowledge all the students who immersed themselves in the many activities the Learning Hub offered.
The Learning Hub aims to inspire, engage and empower students through critical and creative activities, plus allow students to retreat, explore and collaborate with others, whether that be before school, Learning Hub sessions, or during lunch.
All these activities and more will be on offer in 2023.
I hope you enjoyed viewing all the vibrant Learning Hub photos at the top of the screen.
Ms Natasha Zivanovic
Literacy & Innovation Teacher
Spectacular Junior School Music and Drama Performances
A big thank you to all the boys who performed at the Junior School Music Festival on Thursday night. I am very proud of you. The boys also got an opportunity to perform some of the items from the Music Festival to the whole Junior School on Thursday afternoon.
I know they felt like stars, thanks to the very positive response they got from their peers from the Junior School.
Keep an eye out for our Junior School singers again, when they join the Senior School choir in a performance for the Presentation Day celebrations.
It’s not too late! If you have enjoyed watching and listening to some of the performing groups from the Junior School, all groups will be be running again in 2023. Please see Ms Rollins if you are interested.
For boys going into Year 6 you may like to join:
- Cantores
- Concert Band
- Wakakirri
- Stomp
- Guitar Ensemble
- Percussion ensemble
- Rock Band
- Individual music lessons
For boys going into Year 7 you may like to join:
- Choir
- Concert Band
- Jazz Band
- Guitar Ensemble
- Rock Band
- Clarinet Ensemble
- Saxophone Ensemble
- Individual music lessons
So, as you can see, there is something for everyone.
If you have any questions at all regarding any of the music activities in our College, please email:
- Ms Rollins (Junior School) – mrollins@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Ms Kossenberg (Senior School) – kkossenberg@waverley.nsw.edu.au

Junior School Music Festival

Junior School Music Festival

Junior School Music Festival

Junior School Music Festival

Junior School Music Festival

Junior School Music Festival
Ms Michelle Rollins
Music and Drama Teacher