Director of Junior School, Ms Gabrielle Bransby
Read more: Expectations for online learning and haircuts, Father’s Day virtual presentation, Book Week competition winners, KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition, online bookshop.
Welcome to Week 8! Another busy week here in the Junior School. Our students attended a House Assembly yesterday where their House Leaders for 2022 were announced. It is so important for the Junior School students to be familiar with these leaders and continue to develop a strong relationship with their House.
It’s hard to believe that we have been online learning for 8 weeks now. It is really important that we continue to hold high standards and expectations for our students when learning until the end of the term. Can I please remind you of the following;
- Students must be on time for all Google Meets.
- Students need to work in a suitable place — preferably a public space.
- Students need to wear their PE uniform.
- Students’ screen backgrounds need to be either blurred or have no background.
- All set work is expected to be completed to the best of your son’s ability. Any issues with this, I ask you to contact your son’s teacher to discuss any issues or if extra support is required.
- Should your son be unable to complete their assigned online work due to sickness or approved leave, the same procedures apply:
- Junior School Absentee line, Waverley app or email acoupe@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Leave of any kind: Director of Junior School.
The College understands that lockdown has prevented our students from accessing hairdressers and barber shops. We expect students to do their best to have haircuts that are appropriate and we understand that hair may be longer than usual. However, haircuts that deliberately push the boundaries of our haircut policy (P25 of the College Diary) are not allowed.
Best Wishes for Father’s Day
I want to wish every father, grandfather and those who are like fathers, a very special Father’s Day this Sunday. 5 Orange came to their morning Meet dressed like their dads this morning. I hope this puts a smile on your face like it did for me! Hope you get spoilt, DADS!

The theme for the 5 Orange roll call was for students to dress up like their dad to reflect on Father’s Day

Jake McEvoy Wearing his Dad’s Jockey Shirt

Darcy Kidd Wearing His Father’s Court Wig
Ms Gabrielle Bransby
Acting Director of Junior School
E: gbransby@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Happy Father’s Day
This Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day. This is a day to celebrate all the fathers, grandfathers and all those who are like fathers to our boys in the College.
This year, COVID-19 lockdowns will have a big impact on our ability to celebrate this day as we normally would — family gatherings and those special hugs will be replaced by FaceTime chats or Zoom calls.
We pray for those families in our school community whose Father’s Day is saddened by the loss of loved ones. Please know that you are in our thought and prayers.
To all the boys, make sure you look after your dads this Sunday. To all the dads out there, Happy Fathers’ Day.
We hope you enjoy this special Father’s Day virtual presentation.
Mr Stephen Ghattas
Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation
E: sghattas@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Book Week Competition Winners
Thank you to all the Junior School students who entered one, two or three Book Week competitions. Despite being in lockdown, students still participated in celebrating Book Week. There were many contenders for the top awards, see the winners below:
Writing Poetry — Outstanding Creative Writing
Hugh Godby

Hugh Godby
The Forgotten Planet
Hugh Godby
There is no denying we must face it
For we are a forgotten planet
We were Titans, the Gods of the generation
As the galaxy was leading in a bad direction
It was being ruled by one single crown
A terrible man who always wore a frown
He was selfish and cruel
And took every single jewel
All the riches in the galaxy was on his blood-stained crown
As the manhunt began he fled as he knew he’d be found
Our army was looking for him day and night
Shouting “We will arrest this man and if he refuses we will fight!”
The king was spotted marching down the street
As he locked eyes with our leader he went out with a fight
And his corpse fell on the concrete in the middle of the night
We ruled the galaxy, right and just, it was all so fare
We honoured the rest with respect and care
One day the planet was abandoned, a new leader took our place
He demolished our planet and left without a trace
Our kingdom has fallen by a leader worse than before
As some hid, others were terminated, knees on the floor
Jasper Lumsden

Jasper Lumsden
The Mortal Coil
Jasper Lumsden
I wish my old world could dissolve
As this is how it did unfold –
Four heroes did unite,
While preparing to fight.
One will betray them,
And cause endless mayhem.
Heroes will abandon,
leaving one in devastation,
A truce is called,
For a body to be hauled.
My new world brought much joy
I fathered such a beautiful boy
My son meant the world to me
Now that I can guarantee.
We laughed, we grew, we lived,
We loved life and had so much to give
The world gave us everything
Whatever we wanted….anything!
But then it was news I did receive
I was diagnosed with a terminal disease.
It was the other world to where I did pass,
My death came along very fast.
If I’d just been given one more day
To see my son I would say
“I love you, my child, have no fear,
For my memories are with you and I’m always near,
Don’t worry my son I went to heaven
My child, I will see you again.
Remember all the good times we had
This is no time for you to be sad.”

Ryan Pierce
Old World, New World, Other Worlds
Ryan Pierce
I was once new but now I’m old and rare
So old and rare that people these days stare
My paint is still black and shiny
but my leather interior is not so fine
Back in my day, my engine would roar
and I was considered much faster than a horse
The journey was not always smooth
but brought happiness and joy
to all who rode in me
Now I’m in a museum
I miss the open road but
am happy I can still bring joy to
those who like to come and stare.

Daniel Morrow
Travelling Worlds
Daniel Morrow
We watch them go to and fro,
The funny people don’t know where to go,
They travel in rockets and ships and flying cars,
To reach the surface of our red planet, Mars,
The Martian surface has been our home for millions of years,
The humans have tried and tried again but to no success in the end,
But when they come, well be prepared,
To protect what is ours,
It shall not become theirs.
Visual Arts
Cooper Burns

Cooper Burns

Cooper Burns
The judges said: “Well considered composition and colours. Idea of an aerial perspective to show a new world is creative. Pencils have been used well in blocking large sections seamlessly.”
Darcy Dawson

Darcy Dawson

Darcy Dawson
The judges said: “Wonderfully Surreal landscape fusing the old and the new, very clear relationship to the theme and the pastels have been very carefully controlled, particularly in the tonal shading in the clouds. Materially, very strong work.”

Raphael Winterburn

Raphael Winterburn

Raphael Winterburn
The judges said: “A well balanced drawing including relevant symbols throughout the work relating to the theme. Pencil work is very controlled, particularly in the 1st and 3rd panel. Great use of colour without the work appearing too saturated.”
Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy
The judges said: “Very clear relationship to Surrealism through the eye being a portal to another space. Drawing is well done, and the different scale used for each of the eyes adds perspective in the work appearing to look towards the new future.”
Would you like to see other entries in our virtual gallery?
>>> Click here to view all of the awe-inspiring art entries in our virtual gallery.
Creative Costume Design
5 Blue
Lachlan O’Brien ~ Billionaire Boy

Lachlan O’Brien

Lachlan O’Brien
Hamish Patient ~ Power Of One

Hamish Patient

Hamish Patient
5 Gold
Joshua Raymond ~ Forensic Scientist

Joshua Raymond

Joshua Raymond
Charlie Gibbins ~ Dog Man

Charlie Gibbins

Charlie Gibbins
Alexander Kingma ~ Ned Kelly

Alexander Kingma

Alexander Kingma
Nicholas Peshos ~ Ninja Kid

Nicholas Peshos

Nicholas Peshos
5 Red
Kobi Keenan ~ Harry Potter

Kobi Keenan

Kobi Keenan
Luca Nott ~ The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Luca Nott

Luca Nott
5 White
Liam Madden~ The Faraway Tree

Liam Madden

Liam Madden
Aiden Reay ~ From an Idea to Google: How Innovation at Google Changed the World

Aiden Reay

Aiden Reay
5 Orange
Henry O’Donnell ~ The Hero Two Doors Down

Henry O’Donnell

Henry O’Donnell
Max Mascioli ~ New, Old & Other Worlds

Max Mascioli

Max Mascioli
6 Blue
Aidan Gray ~ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Aidan Gray

Aidan Gray
Charlie Jones ~ Dirt Bike Racer

Charlie Jones

Charlie Jones

Charlie Jones
6 Gold
Blake Taylor ~ Back to the Future

Blake Taylor

Blake Taylor
Carter Kennedy ~ JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy
6 Indigo
Jack Leavens ~ Skulduggery Pleasant

Jack Leavens

Jack Leavens

Jack Leavens
Harry Trinca ~ The Handbook Guide To Coronavirus

Harry Trinca

Harry Trinca
6 Red
Aidan Giusti ~ Fantastic Mr Fox

Aidan Giusti

Aidan Giusti
Hugh Godby ~ Ares God of War

Hugh Godby

Hugh Godby
6 White
Oliver Isaac ~ Artemis Fowl

Oliver Isaac

Oliver Isaac
Rafael Kupershteyn ~ Tom Sawyer

Rafael Kupershteyn

Rafael Kupershteyn
6 Orange
Alex Avdalis ~ Heroes of Olympus

Alex Avdalis

Alex Avdalis
Jack Daley ~ A Series of Unfortunate Events

Jack Daley

Jack Daley
Online Bookshop 3 More Weeks To Go!
Our pop-up book shop which is proudly supported by ‘The Children’s Bookshop & Speakers’ Agency’ has gone online. Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading.
>>> Click here to purchase books.
Books you purchase will be delivered to your door free of charge.

Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading
The KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition is back for 2021.
CLICK ON THE LINKS below to find out more:
>>> Click here to read more about the KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.
>>> Click here to enter the 2021 KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.
>>> Click here to view the consent form for the KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.
The competition has four age groups: Kindergarten to Year 2; Years 3-4; Years 5-6 and Years 7-9.
Students write 500 – 1000 words on a theme of their choice.
A panel of judges, led by award-winning author Jackie French, will choose the winning entries, with the first prize in each age category winning 10 copies of their short story published into a printed book with a personally designed cover, plus an iPad and a HarperCollins book pack.
There are also prizes for one runner-up and three highly commended entries in each age group.
Teachers can submit their students’ entries using the online entry form in the link above. A consent form, signed by the student’s parent or guardian, must be attached to the entry form and also can be found in the link above.
Entries are open from 9am (AEST) Monday 16 August until 5pm (AEST) Friday 17 September 2021.
Ms Natasha Zivanovic
Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher
E: nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au