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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Junior School – Week 8

What a year 2022 has been! It is hard to believe school has now finished and we are about to enter the Christmas break. I would like to thank Mr Stephen Ghattas for the beautiful celebration of graduation held at Mary Immaculate Church last Friday, for our Year 6 students. It was a wonderful celebration and we wish our Year 6 cohort all the best as they enter into their next learning journey – high school. 

This week, we said our goodbyes to three staff members in our community – Ms Tanya Buttling (2 years), Ms Jenny Hoare (12 years) and Ms Audrey Coupe (37 years). There were plenty of tears and celebrations this week, and we wish them all the very best in whatever journey lies ahead for them.

I want to thank all parents and carers for your support through such an amazing year. The College and our students operate at their best when there is a strong connection between the College and the community. I am so proud of our students and their growth this year, and I can’t wait to see what next year brings. 

Have a fantastic Christmas break, stay safe, enjoy the sun, and take care of one another. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 


Ms Gaby Bransby

(Acting) Director of the Junior School


Year 6 Excursion to Raging Waters

What a delight it was to take the Year 6 students to Raging Waters and share in their end of year celebration. We were blessed with a beautiful sunny day, and the boys were full of excitement as they boarded the buses.

Plenty of fun was had by all, as they raced around the park venturing down the many different waterslides, lazed around in the Dinosaur Lagoon, or swam in the beach wave pool.

Their behaviour throughout the day was exceptional, and I am sure they will hold onto some very special memories.

Raging Waters

Raging Waters - Year 6

Raging Waters - Year 6

Raging Waters - Year 6


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Year 6 Indigo Classroom Teacher

(Acting) Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation


Summer Co-Curricular Awards

A massive congratulations to all students who received a Summer Co-Curricular award at the assembly at the beginning of the week. An uninterrupted Term 4 of sport truly made up for all the cancellations in Term 1.

It was a fantastic term of sport, and I commend all students for their dedication and participation in their chosen sport and selected team. 

Summer Sport Award Winners - Water Polo

Summer Sport Award Winners – Water Polo

Summer Sport Award Winners - Years 5 and 6 Cricket

Summer Sport Award Winners – Years 5 and 6 Cricket

Summer Sport Award Winners - Touch Football

Summer Sport Award Winners – Touch Football

External Sporting Achievements

State Cup Oztag

After the State Cup Oztag Tournament in Coffs Harbour early this year, based on skill and performance, Marcus Strbac was very lucky to be selected to represent the Under 12s Southern City Seahawks team. This representative team was made up of players from Cronulla, Sutherland, East Hills, Easts and Souths. 

The one-day tournament was played in Shellharbour. The Under 12s boys played four games, all of which they won, and went into the Grand Final Undefeated. With teamwork, determination and amazing talent, the boys won the Grand Final 3-2, taking home the gold medal. 

Marcus had an amazing experience, along with meeting a whole new bunch of friends! We congratulate him for his achievements.

Marcus Strbac - Southern City Seahawks

Marcus Strbac – Southern City Seahawks

NSW Junior Metropolitan Swim Championships Trials

Hugo Bindner and Charles Carrano made the qualifying times to compete at the NSW Junior Metropolitan Swim Championships at Homebush.

Hugo had two top-10 finishes, and we’re very proud of the achievements of both students.

Charles Carrano and Hugo Bindner - NSW Junior Metropolitan Swim Championships Trials

Charles Carrano and Hugo Bindner – NSW Junior Metropolitan Swim Championships Trials

Hugo Bindner - NSW Junior Metropolitan Swim Championships Trials

Hugo Bindner – NSW Junior Metropolitan Swim Championships Trials


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Year 5-8)