Director of Junior School, Ms Gabrielle Bransby
Read more: RUOK? Day, screen-free days, straw/recycled material roller coasters, online bookshop, KIDS NEWS short story writing competition.
Welcome to Week 9! This week I spoke to our students about RUOK? Day. This is an organisation that is very close to our hearts and one that sends an important message to all.
It’s never been more important to reach out and check-in on each other. We know many of us are struggling, feeling isolated and alone. Our students have created posters today to promote the message of RUOK? Day and I hope it will bring awareness within our community.
Screen-Free Days
As you know, next Thursday 16 and Friday 17 September will be screen-free days for our students. Our students are expected to use Thursday 16 to catch-up on any outstanding work they have and on Friday 17 there will be a range of activities for our students to partake in. If you find that your son has completed most of his work, he can start on the Super Fun Friday activities early.
Students are expected to choose a range of activities from the activities below and create a montage of pictures to show how they spent their Super Fun Friday.
There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize.
- 1st – $50 Rebel voucher
- 2nd – $30 Rebel voucher
- 3rd – $20 Rebel voucher
More details will be available for the students on my Fun Friday CANVAS page!
Week 8’s Straw/Recycled Material Roller Coasters
It was so wonderful to see the time and effort students put into last Friday’s Fun Activity. The straw/recycled material roller coasters were brilliant. Week in and week out, the students amaze me with what they create! I want to congratulate all students for their hard work. The following students were the winners for last week:
- 5 Gold – Daniel Breaden
- 5 Orange – Jasper Lumsden and Thomas McCormack
- 6 Blue – Aiden Gray
- 6 Gold – Louis Fox and Patrick Palmer
- 6 Orange – Thomas Cannon
Watch Patrick Palmer’s Friday Fun Day Activity!
Watch Tom McCormack’s Friday Fun Day Activity!
Online Bookshop — Two More Weeks to Go!
Our pop-up book shop which is proudly supported by ‘The Children’s Bookshop & Speakers’ Agency’ has gone online. Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading.
>>> Click here to purchase books.
Books you purchase will be delivered to your door free of charge.
Enter the 2021 KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition
CLICK ON THE LINKS below to find out more:
>>> Click here to read more about the KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.
>>> Click here to enter the 2021 KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.
>>> Click here to view the consent form for the KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.
The competition has four age groups: Kindergarten to Year 2; Years 3-4; Years 5-6 and Years 7-9.
Students write 500 – 1000 words on a theme of their choice.
A panel of judges, led by award-winning author Jackie French, will choose the winning entries, with the first prize in each age category winning 10 copies of their short story published into a printed book with a personally designed cover, plus an iPad and a HarperCollins book pack.
There are also prizes for one runner-up and three highly commended entries in each age group.
Teachers can submit their students’ entries using the online entry form in the link above. A consent form, signed by the student’s parent or guardian, must be attached to the entry form and also can be found in the link above.
Entries are open from 9am (AEST) Monday 16 August until 5pm (AEST) Friday 17 September 2021.
Ms Natasha Zivanovic
Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher
E: nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au