Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Gabby Smith
Diary Dates
Please find below key event dates you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 3. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar.
- Tuesday, 19 July – Term 3 Commences – Years 5-12 Assembly – Students to arrive by 8:15am
- Saturday, 23 July – Winter Sport Reconvenes
- Monday, 25 July – Pupil-Free Day in the Senior School, classes as normal in the Junior School
- Saturday, 6 August – Final Round Winter Sport
- Friday, 12 August – Year 6 Retreat Day – Sports Uniform
- Wednesday, 17 August – Junior School Athletics Carnival – Queens Park – Sports Uniform
- Thursday, 18 August – Sami Bayly author and illustrator presentation
- Friday, 19 August – Year 5 Retreat Day – Sports Uniform
- Monday, 22 August – Book Week – Pop Up Bookshop – 9:00am – 12:30pm
- Tuesday, 23 August – Year 5 Writing Workshop – Academic Uniform
- Wednesday, 24 August – Year 5 Leadership Day – Sports Uniform
- Wednesday, 24 August – Year 6 Writing Workshop – Academic Uniform
- Friday, 26 August – Junior School Fun Run – Waverley Park – White T-Shirt and Sports Shorts
- Friday, 2 September – Father’s Day Mass and BBQ Lunch – Mary Immaculate Church, 12pm
- Monday, 19 September – Year 6 Allwell Testing – Academic Uniform
- Friday, 23 September – Term 3 Classes Conclude
I would like to take the opportunity to thank the staff, students and families of the Junior School for a wonderful Term 2. As a community, we have supported each other through staff and student absences brought about by COVID-19 and the flu season, and I thank our community for working together through this.
It has been fantastic to see our school come alive with COVID-19 restrictions easing. We were able to invite families back to the school grounds this week for our Year 5 and Year 6 History and Science Showcases. There was a buzz throughout the school, having our community back together. Well done to all the students on their projects, I know a lot of work was put into these and they were all very impressive.
I have also enjoyed the easing of the rain as of late, knowing our boys are participating in physical exercise and team sports. It is important for the boys’ mental health to limit devices over the holiday period, and ensure they exercise and spend time outside.
I know many families are travelling long distances to see family over the holidays or taking a long-awaited family trip. I wish everyone safe travels and if you are staying at home, enjoy the break with your sons.
Ms Gabrielle Smith
Director of the Junior School
E: gsmith@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Year 6 History/Science Showcase a Showstopper on 22 June
Year 6 have been exploring the development of the ‘migration story’ in Australia. Their inquiry research task required them to retrace the migration story of a family member or friend, and then put their creativity to work to make a digital visual representation of this story using iMovie.
Students presented their research and knowledge via the ‘Waves of Migration’ Showcase in the playground, and invited friends and family to visit.
What an incredible day. The innovative student stalls displayed fascinating artefacts, historical information, home-cooked food and primary sources. The obvious time, effort and thoughtfulness that each student had put into their display, indicated deep engagement with the topic.
Each boy was creatively dressed as their chosen family member or friend, and eloquently engaged in conversations with visitors about their learning. Can you recognise your family member or friend?
Alongside their history research, Year 6 presented their ‘Future Food Project’ via student-made brochures, posters and Google Slide Presentations. They presented their learnings about various foods and their production, and how sustainable they might be in the future. Different presentations showcased the sustainability of wheat, pork, sugar, beef, salmon and milk.
It was a really stimulating day for students, families and friends, with conversation, sharing of knowledge, and friendship. What a happy way to end Term 2!
Ms Vanessa Witton
Marketing Communications Specialist
E: vwitton@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Running for Premature Babies
Amazingly, we now have 96 fundraisers in our Waverley team in the City2Surf, and it’s not too late to sign up!
>>> Click here to sign up and register.
We are so proud to see that our team is sitting at Number 2 on the City2Surf’s Fundraising Leaderboard, out of 797 charity teams! Together we’ve already raised $12,892 for Running for Premature Babies!
If you haven’t started fundraising, please share the link to your personal fundraising page with your family and friend,s and help us take out the top spot in the City2Surf! The money we raise will go to life-saving neonatal equipment, that will save the lives of sick and premature babies.
>>> Click here to find out more about the cause.
Everyone who fundraises is eligible for a team running singlet/t-shirt.
Running for Premature Babies will have an official charity marquee at the finish line of the City2Surf in Bondi, which will be the perfect place for our team to gather after the race. We’ll be putting the call out nearer the time, for some volunteers to provide some light refreshments for runners in this marquee.
Please direct any questions to:
- Ms Cath Lipman clipman@waverley.nsw.edu.au or
- Mr Elliott McKimm emckimm@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Mr Elliott McKimm
Teacher of 5 Orange
E: emckimm@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Sacrament of Confirmation
On Sunday, 19 June, a small group of students from Waverley College celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation at Mary Immaculate Church in Waverley. This was their final Sacrament of Initiation, confirming their commitment to Christ and the Catholic faith.
We thank Father Bernie for sharing this special celebration with the boys and for making it a memorable occasion. A special thanks to Ms Jennifer Hoare and Ms Sue Walsh for assisting with the organisation of the Sacrament in my absence.
Congratulations to all the other students within the Junior School who have celebrated their Sacrament of Confirmation in their local parishes.
Mr Stephen Ghattas
Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation
E: sghattas@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Home Learning Club – Week 1, Term 3
>>> Click here to register your son.
If your son is unable to attend, please email the College at nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au or call reception.
2022 ICAS Competitions, Years 5 and 6
If you would like your son to compete in the 2021 ICAS Competitions, you will be asked to nominate the competitions in which you would like him to be entered, via the Parent Payment System. The following ICAS competitions are offered at the Junior School: Writing & Digital Technologies, Science & Spelling Bee, English and Mathematics. This year all the competitions will be held in August / September, Term 3, and will be completed before school in the Learning Hub. Dates and times will be confirmed in Term 3.
>>> Click here to register your son.
Through this system, parents can pay for ICAS directly online, while tests will still be held at our College. Please use the College’s access code details to register your child no later than Friday, 22 July.
Waverley’s School Access Code is: UUD072
Please consider carefully before choosing this enrichment opportunity for your son. It is a rigorous competition with many questions set beyond grade level. Participants are required to demonstrate a deeper, integrated and thorough level of learning. If you are unsure of your son’s suitability, please consult with his teacher.
>>> Click here to view more information about the assessments.
If you require additional support registering your son, phone the customer service team on 1800 931 775 (Australian Toll-Free)
Sitting Dates
4 | 8am | Tuesday, 9 August | Digital Technologies |
8am | Thursday, 11 August | Writing | |
5 | 8am | Tuesday, 16 August | English |
6 | 8am | Tuesday, 23 August | Science |
8am | Thursday, 25 August | Spelling Bee | |
7 | 8am | Tuesday, 30 August | Mathematics |
Ms Natasha Zivanovic
Literacy & Innovation Teacher
E: nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Co-curricular Sport
I’d personally like to wish all students and families a much deserved Winter break. It has been a busy term of Co-Curricular Sport, and I’d like to thank parents and carers for their ongoing support towards your son’s involvement and commitment to training and games. It has been a great season so far, and we all look forward to finishing off the Winter Season at the beginning of Term 3.
A big thank you to all the coaches and convenors for their commitment to ensuring our boys all get the best out of themselves and their team. It’s a pleasure to see all teams working together, building camaraderie each week, regardless of the final results.
I’d also like to wish the best of luck to both Mr Alon Horry (Prep 2nds Rugby Coach) and Ms Chloe Valkin (10As Football Coach).
Mr Horry is looking forward to some much deserved time away overseas, and will hopefully be returning to us at the end of Term 3. He has been an excellent coach for the team and has had a massive impact, week after week.
Chloe has accepted a Football scholarship to study and play in America professionally. She has truly developed this 10As team and it has been amazing to see their growth because of her coaching. You’re both going to be missed for the remainder of the season, but we wish you the best of luck in your journeys.

10As Football with the remarkable Chloe Valkin
Extra Co-curricular
HipHop Dance, Judo and Innovation Club will both be commencing in Week 2, Term 3. It has been a really enjoyable and successful beginning to all Extra Co-Curricular activities in Term 2, and we want to keep it going for Term 3.
If your son would like to be involved in Judo for Term 3, please email Ms Tweedie ctweedie@waverley.nsw.edu.au and she can support you further. If your son would like to be involved in HipHop Dance, please email me jwachtel@waverley.nsw.edu.au and I can arrange this.
Innovation Club
Due to the amount of interest in students wanting to be involved in the Innovation Club, we have ensured we include a new group of 20 students. The original group will continue on together for Term 3, but we’re excited to be able to add an additional group.
The time and day of this new session will be announced at the beginning of Week 1 to commence in Week 2.
Should you wish for your son to be involved in the Innovation Club for Term 3, and he didn’t participate in the Term 2 group, please complete the Google Form link below, expressing your son’s commitment to attending all Innovation Club sessions for the upcoming term.
>>> Click here to view and complete the Google Form permission link.
This Extra Co-Curricular Activity does require a termly payment of $50 for the 8-week program. This cost will be included in your son’s school fees, and will remain, even if your son decides to leave the program at any point throughout the eight weeks of Term 3.
Due to the complexities of the program, we can only allow 20 new positions for Term 3. The first 20 students who commit via the above Google Form permission slip, will be included in the program.
Bondi Boardriders Surf Competition
Congratulations to brothers, Hugo Spierings (Year 6) and Brynn Spierings (Year 5), who won the Bondi Boardriders Surf Competition last Sunday. Hugo achieved 1st Place in the competition, and Brynn 2nd Place. A great achievement for two brothers, who are Bondi’s most enthusiastic and talented boardriders.

The awesome Hugo and Brynn Spierings on the dais at the Bondi Boardriders Surf Competition
Pro Performance Winter Holiday Cricket Camps
The Team at Pro Performance Cricket are excited to announce their upcoming Holiday Cricket Camps, where they will be offering an additional Youth aged / representative level camp for players aged 12 years and over.
All their camps provide intensive individual and group skill development for players across all facets of the game. With an excellent coach to player ratio, and a focus on a positive and fun environment, it’s a perfect opportunity for kids to enhance and develop their games while having heaps of fun, making new friends and taking their game to a new level.
>>> Click here to view the Pro Performance Holiday Cricket Camps booking link.
>>> Click here to view the Pro Performance Pro Youth Holiday Cricket Camps (ages 12+) booking link.
Mr Jack Wachtel
Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)
E: jwachtel@waverley.nsw.edu.au