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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Kairos #4 Formation Experience at Mounts Schoenstatt and Carmel

Last week, 70 students from Years 11 and 12, and 10 teachers, went on our special student-led Kairos #4 Retreat. Open to Year 12 and those in Year 11 who wish to lead these retreats in Year 12, this valuable formation experience was held at Mount Schoenstatt and Mount Carmel.

Last week, 70 students from Years 11 and 12, and 10 teachers, went on our Kairos #4 Retreat. This is a very special student-led retreat, open to all Year 12 students and to those in Year 11 who wish to lead these retreats in Year 12.

Kairos was held at two venues: Mount Schoenstatt and Mount Carmel. We would especially like to thank Fr Bernie who led one of the retreats, and all the teachers who helped facilitate this wonderful formation experience for our students.

Congratulations to all attending students on your enthusiastic participation throughout the experience. As our retreat program grows, we look forward to welcoming more retreatants in the coming year.


Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation
