Director of Junior School, Ms Gabrielle Bransby
Welcome to Week 3!
As we continue our journey through online learning we know how important it is to reflect and refine our practices. With the announcement of another four-week extension of online learning, we have updated the timetable for our Junior School students.
Our specialist teachers are very keen to teach their lessons and provide a richer online learning experience for our students. As of Monday 2 August, our specialist teachers (Creative Arts, PE, Learning Hub and Spanish) will be meeting with each class weekly to teach a lesson on Google Meet.
Each class will have a different timetable that will now include a Google Meet with each specialist weekly. The basic outline for Google Meets each day is as follows:
8:45 am | Outline of day with class teacher |
11am | Year 6 Maths |
12pm | Year 5 Maths |
Varied times | One Specialist Google Meet |
Varied times | One Optional Google Meet with Classroom Teacher |
Classroom teachers will go through the changes to their timetable on Monday with the students.
Fun Friday Activity
It was so wonderful to see the time and effort students put into last Friday’s Fun Activity. The mini putt-putt golf courses and target golf courses created by each student were unbelievably creative and imaginative. Picking the winners was a very hard task. I want to congratulate all students for their hard work.
The following students were the winners for last week:
- 5 Blue – Hamish Patient
- 5 Gold – Charlie Gibbins and Freddie Leiper
- 5 Indigo – Nicholas Peshos
- 6 Indigo – Henry Morris
- 6 Blue – William Morris
- 6 White – Oliver Issac
All students have won 50 House points and a $5 canteen voucher for when we return to school. I can’t wait to see what the students create with today’s Fun Friday Activity.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy weekend.
Ms Gabrielle Bransby
Acting Director of Junior School
E: gbransby@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Watch Our Uplifting Friday Fun Day Activity Video
KLA Curriculum Overview – Term 2
The links below provide the KLA (Key Learning Area) curriculum overview for Term 3 for Years 5 and 6.
>>> Click here to view the Year 5 KLA Curriculum Overview.
>>> Click here to view the Year 6 KLA Curriculum Overview.
Mr Tom Mitton
5 Indigo Class Teacher and Acting Director of Curriculum – Junior School
E: tmitton@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Book Week Visual Arts Competition
This week I would like to congratulate the students who have submitted their Visual Arts entries. There is still time if your son would like to enter. Entries will need to be photographed and emailed to nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au by Friday 13 August.
Initially, the students were directly submitting their hard copy, unfortunately, this will not be the case due to the extended lockdown. A soft copy will need to be emailed.
A few brilliant examples received so far …

Artwork by Taylor Rogers 6 Red

Artwork by Charlie Griffin 5 Indigo

Artwork by Nicholas Patakas 5 Indigo

Artwork by Callum Knight 6 Red
Ms Natasha Zivanovic
Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher
E: nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au
ICAS 2021 Assessment Date Changes
If you have purchased an ICAS assessment for your son, the assessments will go ahead in Term 4. ICAS has adjusted the sitting window for NSW schools. Dates will be confirmed towards the end of August.
Ms Natasha Zivanovic
Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher
E: nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Wavefest 2021 Competition – Waves Together But Apart – Closes Today!
Wavefest 2021 is running a competition! As part of Waverley’s commitment to engage with students at home during online learning and keep us all connected, we are seeking fun and creative video content from students, families and teachers to show what they have been doing at home #wavestogetherbutapart
Email a 15-second video of you engaging in exciting classroom or outdoor physical activities. It could be a funny class activity, dance, physical workout challenge or family activity.
We will post video entries on our Waverley Social Media platforms. Please keep content family friendly as it will be shared on College Instagram and Facebook.
The best video entry will win a hamper from a school community local business.
>>> Please click here if your family business would like to take part in this uplifting community initiative.
Please email your videos to bbuchan@waverley.nsw.edu.au by Friday 30 July.
Ms Belinda Buchan
Academic Mentoring Coordinator
E: bbuchan@waverley.nsw.edu.au