Year 12 Legal Studies will be participating in a Law Day Out program run by a facilitator from the Rule of Law Education Centre. This Program creates opportunities for students to hear directly from a judicial officer and to witness aspects of the justice process first hand.
Students will observe the operation of courts, the role of court personnel, the criminal trial process and legal and non-legal responses in action. Students will see the rule of law being carried out in each court, regardless of the matter or what stage the hearing is at.
Date: Thursday, 25 May 2023
Arrival: 8am Students to make their own way to either the Downing Centre or the Supreme Court as advised to meet the facilitator.
Departure: 2:30pm Students will be dismissed from the venue. They will be expected to come back to school if they have co-curricular.
Wear: Full school uniform
What to bring: Students should bring minimal items with them. A small bag with a notepad and a pen, a water bottle and some food. There is no food or drink available for purchase at the courts.
Bag checks: Similar to airports, students’ bags will be scanned, pockets must be emptied, and all digital items must be put in a tray to scan. Students will need to pass through metal detectors before entry to the courts is permitted. You should ensure you have nothing sharp with you (metal cutlery in lunchboxes, compasses or scissors in pencil cases, glass bottles etc). Items found will be taken and disposed of by security. When going through security, everything in pockets must go into a tray. Epipens and inhalers are fine to bring through security.
Cost: The cost of the excursion will be billed to your Term 3 account.
Enquiries to: Ms Theodorou atheodorou@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Permission slip: Parents/carers can view and complete the excursion permission slip in the Parent Lounge by Wednesday, 24 May 2023.