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Leadership. What is it?

MP Allegra Spender

President Ronald Reagan argued leadership is not who is the greatest; rather leadership is the ability to “make others do great things.” The best leaders are often invisible to most, yet those leaders who are invisible make the greatest impact. In essence, any individual can be a leader. 

2023 College Captains

2023 College Captains

Waverley College hosted a Prefect Leadership afternoon with guest speaker Allegra Spender MP, on Friday, 10 March. Allegra, the independent member for the electorate of Wentworth, encouraged young leaders from schools across the Eastern suburbs to be authentic, values-based leaders who are called to empower others in order to make meaningful change. She encouraged the students to face their fears and ask for help; as she articulated that asking for help is a sign of strength rather than weakness. Allegra reminded them that as leaders, they don’t need to have all the answers and she challenged students to question what success really looks like. 

MP Allegra Spender

What resonated most, was Allegra’s understanding of ‘being effective’. Her greatest tip for young people was to choose one difference they would like to make, and to work hard every day to achieve it. Allegra acknowledged that in order to make that difference, there are always challenges. She challenged the students to be forward-thinking and to focus on the positive change they are making in their schools. The most effective leaders are those who guide, support, nurture or influence others, without seeking anything in return. When students are empowered to lead responsible and respectful lives, often they inadvertently impact others. That inadvertent impact is what true leadership is. 

MP Allegra Spender

So whether you’re an upstander, a Prefect, a Captain or simply a friend, every boy at Waverley has the ability to be a leader. Start today, and ask yourself how can I be a leader? Remember, the invisible leader makes the greatest impact.

MP Allegra Spender


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Mission and Identity


Mr Nicholas Sposari

HSIE Teacher