In 1923, Legacy made a promise to help veterans’ families carry on with their lives after the loss or injury of their loved one. It was a simple promise that Legacy keeps today; providing the same stability, guidance and assistance that a partner would normally provide to his or her family.
Today, Legacy supports 40,000 partners and children of veterans who gave their lives or health serving our country.
On Friday 30 August 2024, members of the Cadet Unit will be selling Legacy badges prior to school at various locations in Waverley and Bondi Junction. Badges and bears will also be available in the staffroom.
The Legacy badge is a special emblem symbolising our nation’s greatest values of mateship, companion and fairness. Legacy badges may be little but the funds they raise make a BIG impact in the lives of our veterans’ families.
We thank you for supporting this great cause.
Bivouac 2024
A reminder to all families to complete the administration requirements for Bivouac by Friday 23 August.
Please ensure your son checks his equipment and attends the Q store on Wednesday 28 August for any last minute equipment or uniform issues. Please note – the Q store will NOT be open on Wednesday 4 September as we are packing the trucks and vehicles with the stores required for 400 people in the field.

Bivouac 2023