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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

LGBTQIA+ Lunch Invitation 

Wear it Purple

Wear it Purple

For the past three years, Waverley College has celebrated ‘Wear it Purple Day’ to support our LGBTQIA+ students and community. These types of initiatives are deliberate actions to ensure that each individual feels valued, respected, and accepted at the College.

Waverley College is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all students, in particular for same-sex attracted and gender diverse young people. This is living our values of the EREA Safe and Inclusive Learning Communities Statement and our Inclusivity Touchstone. 

Next week, we warmly invite any students who identify as LGBTQIA+ and students who are supportive allies, to enjoy a pizza lunch together at the College. 

If you feel that your son may be interested in this, families are encouraged to have a conversation with their son about joining this group, then contact one of the following staff for more information:

Interested students, Parents and Carers should contact:

Ms Tessa Prior


Mr David Parnell 


Ms Stephanie Falk 

Through this event, and ongoing projects, the College aims to ensure all students feel a sense of connectedness and belonging, paramount to positive student wellbeing and self-esteem.

In keeping with College practices, conversations are affirming and empathetic; confidentiality and appropriate boundaries are respected.


Ms Tessa Prior

College Psychologist
