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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Academic Curriculum

Literacy pocket guides

From the Literacy Co-ordinator, Ms Cassandra Hill

This week all students from Years 7-10 will be receiving a custom made pocket guide on writing, paragraph structure and common errors. These booklets were developed by the following members of our Literacy Committee: Lynsey Porter, Adam Wallington, Bruce Dominish and David Parnell.

They target key areas for improvement as indicated in our analysis of data obtained from 2016 NAPLAN results.

The booklets aim to encourage a more consistent approach to writing across all key learning areas. Students should keep these safely in their pencil cases or diary covers and refer to them whenever they need to write paragraphs in any subject.

Currently, all students in Years 7 and 8 attend fortnightly literacy lessons in our College Library to help develop their literacy skills.

In addition to this, the College will also track NAPLAN results as the boys move through Year 7 and into Year 9. This will help us to identify students who would benefit from extra support through targeted literacy programs. These programs will run alongside their studies as they work towards meeting the minimum standards that will be required of them.

View the card here.

Literacy Tip

Just 10 minutes reading everyday will drastically improve your reading pace and expand your vocabulary!