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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Lockdown Co-Curricular activities – Sport and Debating

Director of Co-curricular, Mr Steve O'Donnell

Director of Co-curricular, Mr Steve O'Donnell

Read more: CAS Debating, Winter Co-curricular Awards Assembly, summer sport changes, Old Boy Ryan Abbott.

I encourage all students from Years 5-12 to keep participating in the recommended activities during this period that include Track and Field drills, recommended activities from Summer sports such as Cricket and Basketball, as well as the great wellbeing classes through the team at Advanz Health, that can be watched at any time.

The importance of maintaining physical activity during these challenging times is critical to physical, emotional and mental health. Many of the recommended activities for students are published on the Waverley App or are in the Daily Notices.

CAS Debating – Final Round next Friday

I want to thank and congratulate our Debating teams and staff who have continued to implement the CAS season online. Whilst this poses a number of challenges, we have still been able to produce some admirable performances against some strong opposition. We will have our final round next Friday 20 August against Cranbrook, and I want to wish all of those teams the very best for this week and next week.

Winter Co-curricular Awards Assembly

Next week we will run our online Winter Co-curricular Awards Assembly for all activities for Years 5-12. We will publish the award winners in next week’s Nurrunga, and those students will be able to collect their awards once we have been able to assure production. It is most likely that we will notify students of their availability in Term 4. 

Summer Sport Changes Requests

This week we also concluded all of the requests for summer sport changes, and are now closing these applications. Students will be notified via email of the results of their requests. Pleasingly, we had a great uptake for Sailing, and we will notify those students regarding the implementation of this Olympic sport.

Congratulations to Basketball Star Ryan Abbott

We were notified this week of the wonderful news that 2020 1st V Basketball captain Ryan Abbott was successful in finally obtaining a scholarship to NCAA Fresno Pacific College in California. We wish Ryan all the very best with his opportunities over in the USA, and hopefully we will get to see Ryan representing at the highest levels in years to come.

Ryan Abbott, 2019-20 Australian Schoolboys Basketball Player

Ryan Abbott, 2019-20 Australian Schoolboys Basketball Player


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular
