From the Director of Co-curriculum, Stephen O’Donnell
If your son has an interest in developing his public speaking skills and knowledge of current affairs then he will benefit from choosing debating as a co-curricular activity during the winter season.
Debating can be joined alongside sport as the competitions take place on Friday nights. Students train two sessions a week and these are flexible to order to accommodate students’ other commitments. We are currently looking for 6 to 8 Year 7 students who would be eager to represent the College in Debating.
Debating has gained steady popularity at Waverley – last year our Senior team made it to the grand final in NSW. Furthermore, these same year 12 students achieved in the top 4 students of our ATAR results. They had been competing in debating their entire time at the College, proving the academic benefits of the activity.
Waverley College competes in two Debating competitions during the winter season – CSDA runs in Term 2 weeks 1-6, and CAS runs in term 3 weeks 1-5.
If your son is interested in participating in debating, please contact the convenor, Cassandra Hill at chill@waverley.nsw.edu.au and she will provide your son with more information.