From Director of Mission, Phil Davis
On Monday, 20 November, the Year 12 cohort attended a Male Image Seminar presented by Mr David Kobler (yourchoicez.com.au) in the Br R J Wallace Performing Arts Centre. Topics such as manhood, masculinity, relationships, respect for females and the harmful effects of pornography were presented, while Mr Kobler included media images, real-life stories, medical commentaries and statistical analysis in his various discussions. The students also ‘workshopped’ each topic in small groups. Below are some reflections from students:
On the 20th November the Year 12 Waverley cohort attended a seminar presented by David Kobler. Throughout the day Mr Kobler shared personal experiences and addressed topics that parents usually find difficult to discuss. The seminar consisted of healthy relationship advice, the harmful effects of pornography and the impact role models have towards individuals that change the type of man they become. Through this, Mr. Kobler covered topics on masculinity which involved the comparison of two different types of men, one which has traits of false masculinity who was described as “a boy stuck in a man’s body” and the other, a perfect role model to all men of society today. Through this experience, gentlemen of Waverley College had the opportunity to learn proper traits of manhood to practise in our own day-to-day life, helping us properly develop into being role models as young men. The seminar overall, in my opinion, was a great experience and I got a lot out of it. I encourage year groups who will experience the seminar in future to really engage in the experience, for it can truly give new life changing perspectives. Coen Finati
The Male Image Seminar was a great eye opener for myself and many other boys I talked to. David Kobler presented a range of relevant information in an engaging way, and I feel much more informed and aware after having been presented with this seminar. I would definitely recommend it for the future. Daniel Andrews
I would like to thank the following staff for volunteering to lead the small groups during the day: Mr Boyd, Mr Gawman, Mr Hillman, Mr Kingsley, Mr McCormack, Mr Newbury, Mr O’Donnell, Mr Porter and Mr Wallington.