From Assistant Head of Science, Gemma Brown
On 14 March the Year 12 Marine Studies students travelled to Maianbar Beach to meet with local Fish Care volunteers for a day of fishing. Throughout the day the students learnt to catch their own live bait by pumping for red nippers, bait their hooks and perfect their casting techniques.
Once all of the boys got over their fear of sticking their hands in the bucket of live nippers, they were able to successfully bait their hooks and catch some fish. The first fish of the day was caught by Justin, a nice Bream, unfortunately too small to keep. The biggest catch of the day came from Lachie and equally as impressive Mr Chen with a couple of Whiting. Isaac and Corey caught 4 fish, the most fish of the day, impressing the volunteers and frustrating his classmates yet to get a nibble.
The boys are very much looking forward to going on their next fishing trip to continue to develop their angling skills.