Ms Adele Cutbush, College Registered Nurse
In Week 3 of Term 4, Waverley College will be housing a fully bulk billed, mobile optometry and dental services van, onsite.
Please see some information below on the optometry services available. Scan the QR code to register and apply for an appointment for your child, by clicking on the button below.
Click here to view the QR Code
From Mobileyes
Since COVID-19 lockdowns, people are using devices such as laptops and mobile phones, even more than before. This is causing issues with students’ eyes, such as eye strain, tired eyes, headaches and intermittent or constant blur. This is called Computer Vision Syndrome.
Mobileyes optometrists are highly trained to fully assess not only visual acuity, but also eye teeming, accommodation, and binocular skills, all of which make up the visual system.
Vision is responsible for more than 80 per cent of learning.
Our optometrists assess the students and offer training, advice and eye exercises, and can even provide free glasses, if eligible, through Vision Australia. We receive beautiful up-to-date spectacle frames via generous donations, to ensure all students get really nice glasses which they are happy to wear. These are far nicer than the standard vision care glasses, and FREE to eligible students.
Did You Know
Vision is the most important sense for learning, as it is used to process information. More than 80% of all learning is visual.
Behavioural Optometrists are trained to not only correct vision issues, but also help prevent the vision changes in the first place, by using early intervention methods such as readers and/or eye exercises. Onsite services save busy parents, time and money.
Student Assessment
On the day students are assessed as follows:
- Case history
- Eye health
- Eye movements and tracking
- Prescription – if any
- Colour vision
- Visual acuity – at distance and near
- Binocularity – how the eyes work together
- Whether they have any syndromes, like focussing and muscle imbalances affecting their learning
- Advice and further attention required
- Whether students need glasses and advice re date of follow up
Our details are on the reports, for parents to email or call for further information, if needed.
Once the reports are received, students who need glasses via this service can contact us directly for more information, or send their Centrelink statements up front with their child’s consent form, so that glasses can be fitted with the student on the day, reducing time delays.
NSW Spectacles Program
To be eligible for the NSW Spectacles Program, Centrelink Recipients must:
- Be an Australian permanent resident and resident of NSW
- Receive the maximum rate of a full benefit or pension (eg aged pension, disability support pension, Newstart Allowance etc)
- Receive no additional income aside from their Centrelink payment
- Have cash/savings or assets less than $500 (if single) or $1,000 (if married/partnered, or with dependents).