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Mufti day this Tuesday

Mufti Day – 28 August

With large areas of the state experiencing dry or drought conditions, the rain forecast for this weekend is likely to be too little, too late. Many areas of NSW are reporting their lowest rainfall totals in over 60 years. This has led to failed seasons, faltering crops, the loss of livestock which in turn causes severe financial hardship for farmers across NSW. Farmers face an ongoing battle of maintaining their property, protecting their livelihood and providing for their families.

According to Beyond Blue, male farmers suffer much higher rates of stress, anxiety and depression than the general population. Rates of suicide and attempted suicide exceed those of non-farming rural males and those from urbanized areas. This is particularly concerning during times of financial hardship and strain such as those occurring currently. Our prayers go out to any of our community members currently impacted by the drought and we encourage individuals to seek support through Lifeline, Headspace or Beyond Blue.

To assist those farmers in NSW that are experiencing drought, Waverley College will be running a Mufti Day for staff and students on Tuesday 28/08/18. This day is also a staff meeting timetable with boys being dismissed at 2:30pm.

Boys in Mufti Gear will be asked to contribute a gold coin donation during their Wellbeing Groups next week, families who wish to contribute may do so in cash or online at.