Waverley College Band
From the Music Faculty
Leadership Positions
Congratulations to Angus Mullins and Alex Vardanega on their appointments last week as Music Captain and Music Vice-Captain respectively. Both have been stalwarts of Music at Waverley and have rendered outstanding services to the music department.

Head of College with Music Captain, Angus Mullins

Head of College with Music Vice Captain, Alex Vardanega
Congratulations also are in order for our newly appointed ensemble leaders, namely; Sam Walsh and Liam Wilson, Captain and Vice-Captain of Concert Bands; Riley Addison, Captain of Jazz Ensembles; and Captain of Choir, Angus Mullins.
Anzac Day March
The College Cadet Band marched in this year’s parade under the leadership of Riley Addison, Drum Major, continuing a long tradition of participation in this event of national significance. The band marched twice on the day. You can view them on the ABC coverage in iView (Anzac Day March 2017) at 1 hr 05 minutes.
They are playing Men of Waverley, the Waverley Cadet Corps’ anthem. It is a tribute to the students dedication to the spirit of Anzac that they came to school on Monday to rehearse for the Tuesday Anzac Parade through the City of Sydney