A most appreciative audience of parents, family members, friends and staff were treated to an evening of wonderful music ranging from soloists, choirs, rock bands, guitar ensembles, string ensemble, jazz ensembles and concert bands. All soloists and ensembles were well prepared and eager to showcase the vast talent of the boys from Waverley College and the girls from St Clare’s who play in our ensembles.

Showcasing our gifts at the Music Festival 2021
This event would not have been such a success without the generous support and work from the following members of the music department:
- Mr Chris Blenkinsopp
- Ms Jaz Dolso
- Mr Daniel Williams
- Ms Keiran Kossenberg
- Ms Michelle Rollins
- Mrs Anne Fahy
- Mr Alexander Lee
- Mr Nick Yatsev
- Mr Jesse Johnson
- Ms Josephine Allan
- Ms Margaret Machamer
- Mr Sean Windsor

Talented acoustic guitarists

Bass guitarist extraordinaire!

Evan Service, winner of the inaugural piano competition division 2, plays Solfeggietto by Bach
Other members of staff who did an amazing job assisting on the evening were Ms Catherine Sharp in printing the programme, and Mr Angus McPherson and Mr Bishoy Wasef for their technical, lighting and photographic expertise.
I would also like to acknowledge and thank all the parents who freely volunteered their time on the night to assist in the serving of food and beverages. Thank you to those who baked cakes and donated food and drinks for the night. Thank you to Ms Naomi and Mr Greg Isaac who did an amazing job producing so much delicious food, and Mr Simon Trustrum and Mr Joe Rede for organising all the drinks.
I would especially like to thank the members of the Music Supporters’ Club: Ms Christina Leonard, Ms Karen Birrell and Mr Joe Rede who along with Keiran assisted in making this such a successful night.
Mr Chris Balkizas
Head of Music
E: cbalkizas@waverley.nsw.edu.au

Music Festival 2021

Music teacher Ms Jaz Dolso leads the choir at the Music Festival 2021

Striking strings at the 2021 Music Festival

Thank you for the music!