The Concert Band performs at the Royal Easter Show.
The latest news from the Music Faculty
Royal Easter Show Performance – Friday 18 March
Members of the Waverley College Concert Band comprising 44 Waverley College Students and 4 St Clare’s Students performed at the Royal Easter Show on Friday 18 March in the Big Top Amphitheatre.
The Band was led by Mr Dan Williams, Head of Bands. The repertoire, commenced with a number of new items including: Star Wars – The Marches by John Williams, Game of Thrones by Ramin Djawadi and Viva La Vida by Coldplay. The Band performed for 40 minutes finishing their performance with well rehearsed pieces By Loch and Mountain by Robert W Smith, Adrenaline Engines by Randall Standridge and Fire by Gary P Gilroy. The Band were well received by the attentive audience.
Thank you very much to the Brbot Family for their assistance with moving the large instruments to and from the Royal Easter Show.
Upcoming Events
- 4 May – Meet the Music – Yr 11 & 12 Elective Students
- 16-18 May – Music Camp
- 17 June – Music Festival, PAC
Waverley College Choir
Rehearsal for the College Choir is held on a Monday morning from 7.30am – 8.30am. New members welcome.
Private Music Tuition
Private music lessons are held in the Performing Arts Centre by external tutors on specific days and times. Instruction is available in a large range of instruments, theory, voice and composition. The College views the study of music as an essential part of each student’s development. The extension of this study through private tuition on an instrument is strongly encouraged because of the flow on benefits to performance in other academic areas. Parents can complete the online enrolment form : Private Music Tuition Form
Music Practice
Students who have lessons at school are welcome to book in to use a practice room during lunchtime or after school subject to availability.
Students who attend private lessons need to have their own instruments. Anyone who attends drum lessons needs to bring their own drum sticks. Guitarists need to bring their own instrument to their lesson and for any practice sessions.
Attendance at Lessons
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure he attends his music lesson. In the event of a student or teacher absence, excursion or examination commitments, the following guidelines apply:
1. Student Absence
A student will forfeit the lesson if the tutor has not been given at least 24 hours notice of an absence. Make up lessons can only be provided when 24 hours notice has been given.
2. Tutor Absence
Where possible, pupils will be notified in advanced of a tutor’s absence. A new lesson time will be negotiated in the case of unforeseen illness which cannot be notified in advance.
3. Excursions, Examinations, Class Tests
A minimum of 48 hours notice is required to reschedule a lesson. A student’s failure to notify the Music Faculty / Tutor will incur the cost of the cancelled lesson.
Cessation of Tuition
Private lessons cannot be cancelled during term. Students must be committed to learning the instrument for the entire semester. In the event of a student wishing to cease tuition, one full term’s notice is required in writing.
If you require any further assistance please contact Mrs Kossenberg, PAC Administrator on Ph: 9369 0623 or email: kkossenberg@waverley.nsw.edu.