George William Rummery Music Scholarship
The George William Rummery Scholarship is a gift of the Rummery Family in memory of their son and brother, George, whose life ended tragically in 1982 when he was in Year 8 at Waverley College.
The Scholarship is awarded to a student of the College who displays particular aptitude and interest in music and is committed to supporting co-curricular music at the College.
The Scholarship covers ongoing full or partial remission of music tuition fees for students from Year 7 to Year 12.
The 2019 scholarship will be awarded to a student in Year 7 or Year 8.
Please click here to find out more about the scholarship and to complete the GW Rummery Music Scholarship Application.
Private Music Lessons
Private music lessons are well underway. Boys are to be reminded to check their schedule, be punctual to their lessons and inform the teacher at least the day prior to their lesson if they are unable to attend. We have excellent, well qualified peripatetic teachers at Waverley College and lessons are available on a large variety of instruments. Any new student to the college who wishes to learn an instrument or join the Rock Band program are welcome to visit the PAC and speak to Mrs Kossenberg or any of the music staff. Click on the link below to complete the online Private Music Registration Form Waverley College Private Music Lesson Form
Music Ensembles
All Music Ensembles are well under way. New members are welcome at any time, especially year 7 students and those students who are new to the school!
Please check the following schedule for days and times.
Ensemble Rehearsal Schedule 2019
Guitar Ensemble will commence this Thursday at lunchtime in P14. All guitarists are encouraged to attend, especially those who read music notation.
College Choir rehearses every Monday morning, 7.30 in P14. We are always looking for new members! We can always work around any clashes with other co-curricular events.
A catch up rehearsal will be held at lunch time on Fridays.
Click here to view the Music Faculty Ensemble Rehearsal Schedule
Waterford Beginner Band
Beginner Band at Waterford (Years 5 and 6) has now commenced. The Band is open to students wishing to take up an instrument or who have recently commenced. The Band meets on a Tuesday at 7.30am in the Auditorium at the Junior School. Please contact Mr Blenkinsopp for any inquiries. cblenkinsopp@waverley.nsw.edu.au.
School Instruments
Students who may have a hire instrument belonging to the school and is not in use at present, please return to the music faculty so it can be reissued to another student.