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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Academic Curriculum

National Simultaneous Storytime and Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

Over the last two weeks, the Library has hosted a variety of events in support of Literacy and Cancer Research.

On Wednesday the 22nd and Thursday 30th of May the Library joined thousands of Australians all over the country to celebrate the National Simultaneous Storytime. Run by the Australian Library and Information Association, it aims to promote the importance of literacy in young children. The Waterford Preschool Students, staff and parents were delighted as our Director of Waterford Gabrielle Smith and the Senior Library’s own Aaron Speed-Johnson read Alpacas with Maracas by Matt Cosgrove, as Daniel McSweeny, Finn Nebaur (Year 9), Perri Quirk and Aiden Rogers (Year 10) mimed the hilarious story behind the readers.

The Library would also like to thank the Junior School Boys who gave up their time to assist with running the event.

On the 23rd of May the Library also hosted our very own Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. As the recess bell rang Senior staff and Year 12 Students streamed into the Library for a delicious morning tea provided by the Senior Canteen, the Hospitality boys and various members of staff who donated their favourite treats.

On Friday 24th of May the Junior Staff also came together during their recess with food provided by The Junior Canteen and Sherri Falkinder.

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea events are run annually all over Australia to raise funds for the vital work done by the Cancer Council. This year Waverley raised $1234.49.

We look forward to running these fantastic events next year!