Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Gabby Smith
Today, NESA has released the HSC Examination Timetable for 2021 which commences on Tuesday 9 November.
>>> Click here to view the HSC Timetable for 2021.
The timetable outlines that students will be sitting a full set of examinations.
NESA has provided updates on key dates:
Students’ personalised timetables will be available via Students Online from midday on Monday 13 September;
HSC Written Examinations will start on Tuesday 9 November and end on Friday 3 December;
Exams will end three weeks later than previously scheduled;
ATARs will be released on 20 January;
HSC Results will be released from 6am on 24 January.
NESA have also released advice regarding COVID-safe examination protocols which include:
Mandatory face masks for students and staff, indoors and outdoors;
Check-in and health screening protocols for students and staff;
Physical distancing between students and staff at all times;
Minimising mingling of student groups;
Well-ventilated exam rooms;
Keeping exam group sizes as small as possible;
Desks spaced a minimum of 1.5 metres apart;
Hygiene marshals and regular cleaning of exam rooms;
An illness and misadventure process which is available for students who are unable to attend an exam due to having a positive COVID-19 test result, being a close contact or having COVID-19 symptoms;
>>> Click here to view information about the illness and misadventure process.
The requirement that presiding officers and exam supervisors are to be fully vaccinated, and strongly encourage eligible HSC students to receive two vaccine doses before exams start.
>>> Click here to view further details about COVID-safe exam rules.
Plans for Term 4 — Zoom Meeting 15 September 12:05pm
The College will now be able to finalise our plans for Term 4 in terms of classes, seminars and significant events. Year 12 students and parents will be invited to a meeting next Wednesday 15 September at 12:05pm via Zoom Webinar to go through these plans. Further details of this meeting will be shared on Monday.
Your agility, patience and positivity in the face of all of these changes and announcements has been second to none. Now we have some certainty, we look forward to walking with you in this final part of such a unique HSC journey.
Ms Gabrielle Smith
Acting Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning
E: gsmith@waverley.nsw.edu.au