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New Cadet Year 2024/2025

MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow Commanding Officer - WCCU

MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow Commanding Officer - WCCU

Cadets – Year 7 Commencement 2025

Cadets has been developing youth in resilience, citizenship and leadership at Waverley College since 1911. In order to support the Waverley College Strategic Plan in holistic education, we are extending this opportunity in 2025 to include Year 7 students, commencing the compulsory component of Cadets in Term 3 2025 until AFX (Cadet Camp) at the end of Term 1 2026.

This exciting initiative will enable greater opportunities in the development of character, professional relationships in a coeducational setting, and servant leadership as students from Waverley College and St Catherine’s School progress through the Waverley College Cadet Unit across a 5 year program.

Students currently in Year 6 2024 will participate in a special Cadet Orientation Afternoon with our senior cadets in Term 4 this year, where they will get a glimpse of this engaging outdoor education program. Once in Year 7, they will be issued with their uniform and equipment in Term 2 2025, ready to begin Cadets in Term 3 2025.

Students currently in Year 7 2024 will be given the opportunity to join the Cadet Unit in a voluntary accelerated Recruit Induction Program in Term 2 2025. This one-off opportunity is a great way to commence the program as part of this exciting new program and forge the way for a new Senior Recruit Company in Term 3 2025 where they will continue their training at an elevated level.

As we look to promote excellent citizenship across our schools, the Waverley College Cadet Unit is integral in fostering collaborative and respectful relationships, followship and leadership, in our students from the beginning of their secondary education.

Commanding Officer’s Parade

We are looking forward to welcoming our recruits at their first parade, The Commanding Officer’s Parade, at 3.30pm on the Centenary Quad on Friday 2 August.

253 new recruits from Waverley College and St Catherine’s School are joining a collective and proud history that goes back to 1911.

Cadets is a unique co-educational outdoor activity that provides the  opportunity for our young people to learn to work together and to develop healthy professional relationships commensurate with the real world, whilst maintaining the benefits of their single-sex education.

Cadet Uniform and Attendance

Cadets takes place on Friday afternoons from 3.30pm – 5.30pm, and cadets wear their Cadet Uniform to school on Fridays. This means:

  • DPCU shirt buttoned up except for the top button, collar ironed flat
  • DPCU pants bloused on top of your boots, either with the toggle if you have pants with one or with a rubber band tucked into the hem
  • Undershirt (a green or brown one from K-mart is good and cheap). The undershirt is never to be worn as an outer garment
  • Boots laced up, over THICK explorer socks or equivalent
  • Cadet Jumper (if it is cold)
  • Bush hat – MUST be worn at all times, particularly when travelling to and from school in public

Recruits are posted to a particular Company, Platoon and Section and stay with this group for the rest of the Cadet year, building strong relationships, not only with others in their year group and St Catherine’s, but with the rank from the years above. The Section Commanders send the Routine Orders (RO) from week to week, so recruits know to expect and what to bring. Training finishes each week at 5.30pm with a Company Dismissal.

Over the next three terms, recruits will learn the skills they need as a cadet and new aspects about themselves, culminating in the Annual Field Exercise (AFX) which doubles as the Year 9 Camp at the end of Term 1, 2025. Training this term prepares the Unit for the first Cadet Camp of the year – Bivouac 2024 at Cataract Scout Park from Friday 6 September – Sunday 8 September.

As with all co-curricular commitments, we have a duty of care for your son between 3.30pm and 5.30pm. In the event of illness or misadventure, please apply for leave by emailing no later than 12.00pm on the relevant Friday. A maximum of two Leave Applications is granted per semester at the discretion of the Commanding Officer.

Important Dates To Remember

Q Store opening hours (Term time)           Wednesdays Recess, Lunch and After School

Bivouac – Whole Unit                                     Fri 6 Sep -– Sun 8 Sep 2024
AFX (Year 9 Camp) – Whole Unit                   Sun 6 Apr – Fri 11 Apr 2025
Promotions Course Camp                          Mon 14 Jul – Sat 19 Jul 2025

CAS Milskills Team + VC Guard

Cadets involves many additional opportunities to develop leadership, skills and service. Expressions of Interest are now called for the following activities from cadets in Years 9 and above. Please email the Commanding Officer at to register your interest:

  • 2024 CAS Milskills Team – Competition date Saturday, 19 October
  • 2024 VC Guard
  • 2024 Flag Party
  • 2024 Catafalque Party
  • Dining In Night Stewards
  • Open Day Crew
  • 2025 CAS Drill Competition Team