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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Nine New Child Safety Officers and Tips on Keeping Routine

Deputy Principal - Student & Staff Wellbeing, Mr Patrick Brennan

Mr Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal - Student & Staff Wellbeing

Read more: new child safety officers, tips on keeping routine during lockdown.

Waverley College places the care and safety of all students at the forefront of everything that it does. In addition to all staff undergoing child protection training in line with our Code of Conduct, the College up until now, has appointed Child Safety Officers from its leadership team.

After consideration, we believe that students would benefit from a broader range of staff being included in this group. The College Leadership Team have therefore made the decision to expand the number of Child Safety Officers from a broader cross-section of staff.

The key responsibilities of this team include:

  • Point of contact for receiving child safety concerns;
  • Championing child safeguarding within the school;
  • Assisting in coordinating responses to child safety incidents;
  • Assisting staff in clarifying concerns and managing the next steps;
  • Notifying the Principal of any reportable conduct to allow a report to the NSW Ombudsman if required.

Ongoing training will be provided by EREA including the National Child Safeguarding conference in September.

Nine New Child Safety Officers

Below are the new Child Safety Officers joining me, Ms Elizabeth Watson and Ms Gabby Smith:

  • Ms Suzi Succur – Wellbeing Assistant
  • Ms Dawn Young – Psychologist (Junior School)
  • Mr Steve O’Donnell – Director of Co-Curricular
  • Ms Sue Walsh – Director of Identity and Student Formation
  • Ms Natasha Zivanovic – Learning Hub
  • Mr Greg Cameron – Psychologist (Senior School)
  • Ms Adele Cutbush – College Nurse
  • Ms Tessa Prior – Psychologist (Senior School)
  • Ms Alexsandra McCredie – Psychologist (Junior School)

Over Lockdown? – Routine is the key for all of us

I have spoken to the students at assembly a number of times about the importance of finding and maintaining a routine at this time. For most of us, our regular gym sessions, co-curricular training, competitive sport and coffee catch ups are a distant memory. There are, however, strategies we can take to maintain our ‘normal’ routine amidst the current Greater Sydney lockdown:

  1. Focus on the Good

Start or end each day with five things you’re grateful for, and see how your mindset during the day or before your sleep shifts;

  1. Find the Sun and Surf

Make an effort every day to get outside for at least 20 minutes to soak up some sun (when possible), or simply observe the ocean or even lake if you’re down by the water. The sun will boost your immune system and help you sleep in the evening, not to mention the calming nature of the ocean;

  1. Relax – It’s Important You Do

It’s so easy to simply work ALL day, as you may not be leaving the house and/or there is “nothing better to do”. Take at least 30 minutes to simply relax, doing what you love … read, listen to music, play games, or go for a walk;

  1. Food for Thought: Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Snacking will easily creep in, especially when you get bored. Make an effort to only buy what you plan to consume, and keep the same eating routine. Consider healthy snacks such as nuts, fruit and cut up vegetables such as carrots and capsicum. Keep the hydration up too, drinking between 2-3 litres of water per day;

  1. Stay Active

Amongst the usual benefits of exercise, the main focus here is keeping mentally and physically stimulated (endorphins are awesome), and keeping your immune system in check.


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal (Student and Staff Wellbeing)
