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On Tuesday, as we came back from our rested long weekend, Year 12 Hospitality students were busily cooking in the kitchen for the staff to enjoy some extra food in their day. The students were tasked with creating 11 different dishes, some more intricate than others. These dishes certainly tested their skills, and I was confident that their summation of the hospitality course had prepared them for days such as today.

One dish of importance within any restaurant is a ‘family meal’. This meal, served to the chefs and wait staff within restaurants, is a real way to connect a business. As such, we wanted this to be reflected in this group. Our family meal was a freshly made basil pesto pasta, where the pasta had been prepared by the boys from scratch and rolled out.

Year 12 Hospitality 2022

The pride and passion for the food created by these boys was reflected in their application of skill, their willingness to present it, and at some stages, rushing to do a classroom delivery to their favourite teachers to get that affirmation of how great they had cooked.

This service period was an important step in finalising their competency tasks in their VET course, and to make sure they are well equipped if they decide to pursue retail and hospitality careers, post-school. The TAS VET team enjoyed the working environment created during these service periods, and a huge thanks to Mrs Knowles, Mrs McCarthy and Mrs O’Loughlin for the day’s assistance.

Year 12 Hospitality 2022



Mr Mark Neale

TAS/VET Teacher


Last week, our SRC organised some fun activities for students to enjoy after exams. Years 7 and 8 played Touch Football, whilst our Years 9 and 10 competed in a Soccer competition.

An entertaining time was had by all, culminating in finals and a BBQ on Thursday. Sportsmanship was the winner on the day! Many thanks to the Prefects who coordinated these events and to all those who purchased at the BBQ. We raised $200 towards the Edmund Rice camps for students living with disabilities.

Next Wednesday is our House Strongman competition. Aungier/Brennan are organising this competition, with two teams from each House 7, 9, 11 and 8, 10, 12. Activities include: 1 min push ups/1 min sit ups/sleds/Year 7 on back of Year 11 squats/Year 8 on back of Year 12 squats/relays/tug o’ war.

Will you be there? We look forward to seeing you.

Years 7 and 8 After Their SRC Touch Football Comp

Years 7 and 8 After Their SRC Touch Football Comp

Years 9 and 10 After Their SRC Soccer Comp

Years 9 and 10 After Their SRC Soccer Comp


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


Students in Year 12 Marine Studies put their fishing skills to the test, casting a line at Parsley Bay and Rose Bay this week. This takes the theory coursework beyond the classroom, as students have developed their understanding of fish size and bag limits, knot tying, rod and reel maintenance, recreational fishing techniques and fish stock conservation strategies in Australia. 

There were a few fish biting on our second day of fishing, with Tom Kenny catching and releasing a beautiful box fish, and Gabriel Woodward catching, not one but two trevally, unfortunately too small to keep.

We are hoping on our next fishing trip to La Perouse, we will reel in a fish big enough for us to keep and cook up on the barbeques at school!

Tom Kenny's catch and release

Tom Kenny’s catch and release


Ms Gemma Brown

Head of Science


Students in Year 8 have been using the Writer’s Toolbox Sentence Train game to develop their skills in sentence structure and written expression. Through modelled instruction, students have been able to explore the different ways grammar, punctuation and syntax create clear and focused ideas in their writing.

Many thanks to Literacy Coordinator, Mr Robert Tall, for providing us with these interactive activities. 

In combination with these literacy activities, my Year 8 students have been learning about Shakespeare’s famous tragedy, King Lear. In supporting student understanding through drama, students have created tableaus of the play’s famous opening scene, where King Lear divides his kingdom amongst his three daughters, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia. 


Ms Emma Halpin

English and History teacher


On Wednesday afternoon, Waverley debaters from Years 7 – 12 competed in the final round of CSDA (Catholic Schools’ Debating Association) against Champagnat. In an impressive feat, Waverley came away with the win in all year groups — a fantastic way to end the competition.

The adjudicators commended our students on the strength of their arguments and rebuttals, as well as the skill with which these were articulated. The coaches would like to congratulate all students involved, and thank them for their decorum and sophistication this term.

Thanks also to the students who volunteered their time to help chair the debates — Alejandro Zanapalis, Brandon Reid, Ricardo Zanapalis — and those who supported our teams in the audience.

We look forward to resuming competition next term, whilst also celebrating such a strong end to CSDA.

Waverley is so proud of each and every one of our debaters, and their commitment to Debating, week in, week out. We too, celebrate your brilliant achievement!


Ms Melanie Stephens

English Teacher and 1st Coach Debating


Waverley has been thrilled to have former Olympian and Preservice Teacher Ms Dani Stevens in our energetic PDHPE department for her Master of Secondary Teaching practicum (Griffith University).

Dani was an elite discus thrower for 20 years, a four-time Olympian (2008, 2021, 2016, 2020), World Champion and minor medallist (2009, 2017), 2 x Commonwealth Games Champion (2014, 2018), World Uni Champion and minor medallist, Oceania and Australian Record Holder, and 17 x Australian Champion. Wow!

Starting her career aged five at Little Athletics ‘Tiny Tots’ in Sydney’s west, she became the youngest-ever discus world champion when winning gold at the 2009 world titles in Berlin, aged 21.

Dani Stevens, courtesy Athletics Australia

Dani Stevens in 2018, courtesy Athletics Australia

Check out her personal bests:

Dani co-captained the Australian Athletics team at her fourth and final Olympics, after bravely overcoming spinal surgery and 14 months’ rehabilitation. Inspiring a generation of athletes, she retired from professional sport in 2021.

Nurrunga asked Dani what made her decide to choose teaching as her second career:

“I always knew in the back of my mind I would become a teacher in my post-Athletics career. So many of my family and friends are teachers, and I had a lot of positive role models in my life who were teachers when I was growing up. In the last few years of my competitive career, I realised all the areas I had a passion for, and enjoyed sharing knowledge – such as sport, coaching, nutrition, health, and wellbeing – was a perfect fit for teaching Physical Education.”

We’ve been very lucky to have Dani at Waverley. During her practicum, she focused on ‘Understanding Diverse Learners’, with a particular focus on their complex abilities and interests. While she was here, her university expected her to consider the influence of the social context on students’ lives and learning.

Waverley wishes you all the best with your continuing studies, Dani!

Dani Stevens at 2022 PDHPE Practicum

On 24, 25 and 26 May, Waverley College entered teams from Years 5-11 into the annual da Vinci Decathlon competition. This year, the event was conducted via Zoom.

All students showed great enthusiasm for the duration of the day, and participated in 10 challenges across each team in:

All teams displayed passion, dedication and awesome team work.


We would like to congratulate all students for their hard work and participation in this valuable event:

Thank you to our dedicated teachers who provided assistance over these days: Mr William Roberts, Ms Melanie Stephens, Mr Richard Chen, Ms Margaret Fitzgerald and Mrs Deanne Edwards.


Mr William Roberts

Head of Library and English Teacher



Ms Melanie Stephens

English Teacher



Mr Richard Chen

Science Teacher


On 25 May, the Senior library joined with our Junior School colleagues to participate in and celebrate National Simultaneous Storytime.

Our Junior school Innovation student helpers’ team joined in with over 1 million other students around Australia to listen to Family Tree, written by talented singer-songwriter and children’s author Josh Pyke, illustrated by Ronojoy Ghosh.

We thank Ms Pearce for her assistance organising the morning, Mr Robert Tall our literacy coordinator for attending, and Ms Zivanovic for preparing the Junior School Innovation Hub for what was a very special morning.

Keep reading, kids!


Mr William Roberts

Head of Library and English Teacher


A year on from our uniform donation to Fiji, we are privileged to see the results of your incredible generosity.

The school held its Graduation last week, and provided us with these beautiful photos of their students proudly wearing our Waverley blazers.

We look forward to continuing our relationship with these students and the school, when we are allowed to once again take Immersions.

Old Uniforms Repurposed in Fiji 2022


Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


Last week, 70 students from Years 11 and 12, and 10 teachers, went on our Kairos #4 Retreat. This is a very special student-led retreat, open to all Year 12 students and to those in Year 11 who wish to lead these retreats in Year 12.

Kairos was held at two venues: Mount Schoenstatt and Mount Carmel. We would especially like to thank Fr Bernie who led one of the retreats, and all the teachers who helped facilitate this wonderful formation experience for our students.

Congratulations to all attending students on your enthusiastic participation throughout the experience. As our retreat program grows, we look forward to welcoming more retreatants in the coming year.


Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


This term, Year 10 History students have been studying the role of Australians in WWI and WWII. In examining and reading through primary sources from my grandfather’s time in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and New Guinea, students in my class were able to draw connections between people, places, and events of the past.

Year 10 History - Primary Sources

In history, primary sources are defined as firsthand evidence of an event that took place in the past. They are a powerful learning tool to really help students sharpen their critical-thinking skills.


Ms Emma Halpin

English and History teacher


Shark Tank Presentation

Year 11 Business Studies students have been actively working on developing their business plans for their upcoming Shark Tank-style business pitch. To help create an entrepreneurial mindset, Waverley College was fortunate enough to secure James Peebles from TRUE Projects as a guest speaker.

Year 11 Business Studies Shark Tank 2022

TRUE Projects’ point of difference is based around full disclosure, and an open-book pricing method. James discussed the skills required to successfully start up and run a business, providing invaluable insights and advice around developing a business concept.

Thanks, James!

Year 11 Business Studies Shark Tank 2022


Mr Adam Wallington

Head of HSIE
