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On Sunday May 23, the Class of 2021 and their mums came together for a Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House, Hyde Park. The support for the event was a true celebration of the lasting connections and friendships made over the years and an important coming together to mark this final year of school for the students…which is as much a milestone for their mums!

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Sons at the 2021 mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Sons together at the 2021 Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House

Mother & Son Luncheon at Doltone House


On Friday evening Waverley competed against St Clare’s in the fifth round of the CSDA competition. Students were given topics ranging from socio-political issues about youth detention centres to Australia’s economic influence on the international world stage. 

All teams debated confidently, showing great poise in delivering their arguments and rebuttals. Overall, an incredibly successful evening with Waverley winning debates in Years 8, 9, 11 and 12. 

Well done to all teams, and I look forward to Round 6 this Friday 4 June against St Mary’s Cathedral College.


Ms Emma Halpin

Convenor of Debating and Public Speaking


Congratulations Green and Tevlin Houses

Congratulations to Tevlin and Green Houses on winning the inter-House Junior and Senior Basketball competition yesterday. Great sportsmanship was exhibited by all teams and it was terrific to see the level of support given by all the Houses. Well done to Brennan and Aungier House Prefects on their organisation of this event. It was great to see so many students involved. Well done!

Tevlin House Basketball Champions 2021

Tevlin House Basketball Champions 2021

Inter-House Junior and Senior Basketball Competition

Inter-House Junior and Senior Basketball Competition


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity and Student Formation


An enriching time was had by all as we came together to participate in National Simultaneous Storytime read from the International Space Station.

It was great to have the participation of the Junior School, Year 7 science, the Science faculty, the College Enrichment coordinator, the College Literacy coordinator and Director of Curriculum all join us and the library team for an inspirational morning.

Click here to view our participation certificate!

National Simultaneous Storytime

Year 7 Science at National Simultaneous Storytime in the Senior Library

Junior School at National Simultaneous Storytime in the Senior Library

Junior School at National Simultaneous Storytime in the Senior Library


Mr Bill Roberts

Head of Library


Last Friday, Year 12 PDHPE students traveled to the Sydney Academy of Sport at Narrabeen. The focus of the day was to refine students’ understanding of content undertaken in the PDHPE syllabus for Core 2 ‘Factors Affecting Performance’ and the Option ‘Sports Medicine’. The students gained valuable insights into many facets of exercise science, physiology, training principles as well as experiencing the life of an elite professional athlete.

Students volunteered to undertake VO2max testing and lactate analysis. Surrounded by a team of exercise physiologists, the students undertook a 30-minute incremental test on a treadmill, pausing briefly every two minutes for lactate analysis via a blood sample taken from the ear and an RPE (rating of perceived exertion) score. Both students ran to exhaustion and provided the rest of the group with some excellent data for discussion later in the afternoon. 

Over lunch, students were also able to observe a resistance training session undertaken by the Manly Sea Eagles NRL team. Students were put through a number of different forms of ‘Recovery Strategies’ including hydrotherapy, cryotherapy, ice baths and pool rehabilitation.

Special thanks to the exercise scientists at the Sydney Academy of Sport who gave up their time and expertise to provide lectures and conduct a range of tests on Waverley students, as well as Ms Gair for assisting in the organisation of the excursion.


Mr Patrick Darvill

Head of PDHPE



Round 2: Waverley v Brigidine, Randwick

On Friday evening Waverley competed against Brigidine College, Randwick in the second round of the CSDA competition. All teams did a fantastic job and showed great confidence in their arguments and rebuttals. We almost came away with a clean sweep, winning debates in Years 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 – well done!

Students were tasked with arguing the need for personal devices in the classroom, exploring ideas about social development, academic progress, and fact versus fiction in a technological world. All teams left their debates with a stronger grasp of socio-economic issues both within and outside of the school classroom.

Well done once again to our Senior team, and I look forward to Round 3 this Friday, 14 May against Marcellin College.


Ms Emma Halpin

Convenor of Debating and Public Speaking


Waverley will host students from our Junior School, the Science department and selected Year 7 students to celebrate this national event on Wednesday 19 May. This year is particularly exciting as we have astronaut, Dr Shannon Walker from the International Space Station reading the book. 

This wonderful event (organised by the Australian Library and Information Association) is an annual event that started in 2001. Libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes and bookshops around Australia register to read the same picture book at the same time. In 2020 there were over one million participants in over 14,000 locations, including many locations outside Australia (New Zealand, Thailand, UK, Canada, Singapore, Vietnam and Hong Kong).

Click here to find out more about this year’s event (with lots of links and ideas for activities) 

We look forward to sharing some photos of Waverley’s participation in coming editions of Nurrunga.


Mr William Roberts

Head of Library Services


Justice and solidarity is an Edmund Rice touchstone. The 2021 Bondi SurfAid Cup provided a perfect opportunity for six Waverley College students and surfers to give back to communities less fortunate. This year’s participants were Noah Matet, Max Leedham, Judah Miller, Milan Mann, Kai Jones and Charlie Smith.

Operating in the Pacific Islands, Mexico and Indonesia, SurfAid is an organisation which assists remote communities connected through surfing.  Providing a ‘hand up’ rather than a ‘hand out’, SurfAid delivers health and nutrition, clean water, and mother and child programs. SurfAid is also the case study used in Year 9 Geography, with students completing a formal assessment task in Term 1. 

The 2021 event allowed students to rub shoulders with pro surfers, participate in a renowned community and global event, and gain a deeper understanding of how non-government aid can assist communities less fortunate. 

This year is the sixth occasion Waverley students have participated in the event.  The 2020-21 team (cancelled in 2020 due to COVID-19) raised in excess of $5000, and the College community collectively have raised more than $20,000 since the relationship began. 

In closing, I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone that has supported this activity and student experience since its inception. Your support and contribution has changed lives … literally.

Click here to read more about SurfAid

Judah Miller

Judah Miller

Max Leedham

Max Leedham

Milan Mann

Milan Mann

Students with local pro surfer JJ Bortelli

Students with local pro surfer JJ Bortelli

SurfAid 2021

SurfAid 2021


Mr Adam Wallington

Head of HSIE


On Friday 30 April the Year 11 Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation students attended an excursion at Point Piper which related closely to the Unit they studied in Term 1 called Outdoor Recreation. Students took part in kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding on Sydney Harbour with each activity running for two hours. This gave the students an opportunity to experience some of the great outdoor recreation activities that we have available to us in the local area. The students represented the College in an extremely positive manner and thoroughly enjoyed the excursion.

SLR excursion Sydney Harbour

SLR excursion Sydney Harbour

SLR excursion Sydney Harbour


Mr Ben Shorthouse

PDHPE Department



Business life cycle, profitability, business concept and innovation are common terms regularly discussed in Year 11 Business Studies classes. In short, a successful business relies upon a sustainable competitive advantage. This week the HSIE department and Year 11 students hosted a successful Shark Tank contestant Mr Sam Priestley.

Sam has a number of businesses and passive income streams including the Boss Scoop and booking agency Men on Fire. Sam delivered an insightful presentation to Year 11 Business Studies students about how to develop a business concept, tips and tricks to being a successful entrepreneur, and how to follow your dreams.

This invaluable experience will no doubt assist the cohort to develop their own business plan for their upcoming Term two assignment, and hopefully also provide some inspiration for new and innovative business ideas in the future. 

If you do something you love, you will never need to work another day in your life, and in Sam’s words, success means ‘finding your niche market and doing everything better than the competitor.’

Mr Adam Wallington

Head of HSIE



Sam Priestley delivering an insightful presentation to Year 11 Business Studies students

Sam Priestley talking to Year 11 Business Studies students on being a successful Shark Tank contestant

Sam Priestley delivering an insightful presentation to Year 11 Business Studies students

Sam Priestley delivering an insightful presentation to Year 11 Business Studies students



On Friday evening Waverley College hosted the prestigious Lawrence Campbell Oratory competition, attended by staff and students from across each of the GPS and CAS schools. Since its inception in 1935, the Lawrence Campbell Oratory focuses on elocution and the art of speech, inspired by the three Ms of public speaking: Manner, Method and Matter. 

On the night, each candidate was required to speak for eight minutes on one of three topics given to them 15 minutes beforehand. One of 13 competitors, Vice Captain Patrick Hoggett, represented the College with confidence and poise. His topic, ‘Both Sides Now’ explored universal ideas of equality, self-efficacy and global politics through an introspective and interpersonal framework. This auspicious moment solidified Waverley’s prominence in the pedagogical realm of public speaking. I congratulate Patrick on his composure and ability to frame ideas so fluidly under timed constraints and in front of an audience of his peers.

Patrick Hoggett representing Waverley at the Lawrence Campbell Oratory Competition

Patrick Hoggett representing Waverley at the Lawrence Campbell Oratory Competition


Ms Emma Halpin

Convenor of Debating and Public Speaking


On Wednesday evening Waverley hosted Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (OLSH) in the first round of the CSDA (Catholic Schools’ Debating Association) competition, winning all of our Junior debates and narrowly missing out on a win in the Senior debates.

Students spoke about topics ranging from bullying and harassment to anonymity and social media in the modern world. Each of our debaters proudly represented the College, and are to be commended on their poise, manner and well-formed arguments.

Well done to our debaters on a fantastic start to the Catholic Schools’ Debating Association competition, and I look forward to Round 2 against Brigidine College this coming Friday 7 May.


Ms Emma Halpin

Convenor of Debating and Public Speaking
