Today, the whole Cadet Unit departed on their first Cadet camp for the new Cadet Year – Bivouac 2024. This is a chance for our recruits to put into practice the lessons they have learned over the past several weeks. Cadets are due to return to the College on Sunday, 8 September, at approximately 5pm, depending on traffic. Recruits will be dismissed upon return to the College and Senior Rank will be dismissed once stores are returned to Q Store.
For any queries, or for communication with the Cadet Unit during camp, please contact the Cadet Administration Officer, LT(AAC) Jessie Stanley on 9369 0652 or
As they ready themselves for the upcoming bivouac, Charlie Company took valuable time this Friday to learn how to tie crucial knots and put up hutchies.
They learned the knots ‘bow line’ and ‘rolling hitch.’ The bow line ties ropes to the hutchie, while the rolling hitch ties around the tree. The rolling hitch allows for easy customisation of the hutchie’s height, which helps a lot when it comes to sleeping out in the bush.
In other news, the recruits of 8-Platoon were very inquisitive about the upcoming bivouac asking multiple questions to their Corporals, Sergeants and Company Sergeant Major (CSM). This is really positive as it shows that the recruits have a genuine interest in the Unit and its activities.
General comments from the rank were positive with CPL Praman Gandhi saying that activities for the recruits on Friday were, “Good fun.” CSM WO2 Luke Nezval also gave an overview of how Charlie Company has been performing since the beginning of the 2024-2025 Cadet Year stating, “This [recruit] year shows a keen interest in what it means to be in Cadets and to face the challenges that arise.”
Report written by CPL Carter Hughes
Photos taken by CPL Carter Hughes
Bivouac is fast approaching, and our Senior Rank are looking forward to taking our recruits on their first Cadet adventure next week.
On Friday, 6 September, cadets are asked to come to school in their DPCU Field Dress, complete with field hat, and their Trek backpack labelled and packed with all their cadet gear. There will be designated areas in Airmount (near library) to store the trek bags in Company locations until recess.
Cadets will form up in bus lines on the Centenary Quad directly after recess.
Important notice: The QCS store will be CLOSED on Wednesday, 4 September as we will be packing the truck and vehicles with the supplies required for 400 people in the field.
In 1923, Legacy made a promise to help veterans’ families carry on with their lives after the loss or injury of their loved one. It was a simple promise that Legacy keeps today; providing the same stability, guidance and assistance that a partner would normally provide to his or her family.
Today, Legacy supports 40,000 partners and children of veterans who gave their lives or health serving our country.
On Friday 30 August 2024, members of the Cadet Unit will be selling Legacy badges prior to school at various locations in Waverley and Bondi Junction. Badges and bears will also be available in the staffroom.
The Legacy badge is a special emblem symbolising our nation’s greatest values of mateship, companion and fairness. Legacy badges may be little but the funds they raise make a BIG impact in the lives of our veterans’ families.
We thank you for supporting this great cause.
A reminder to all families to complete the administration requirements for Bivouac by Friday 23 August.
Please ensure your son checks his equipment and attends the Q store on Wednesday 28 August for any last minute equipment or uniform issues. Please note – the Q store will NOT be open on Wednesday 4 September as we are packing the trucks and vehicles with the stores required for 400 people in the field.
Bivouac is an essential component of the Cadet calendar and takes place from 12pm Friday, 6 September – 5pm Sunday, 8 September 2024 at Cataract Activities Centre, Appin. Buses will transport all cadets to and from Bivouac.
The Joining Instruction (JI) was emailed to all families on 5 August 2024.
Please review the JI and complete the necessary medical and dietary information on this Google Form by Friday, 23 August 2024 to ensure the best possible care for your son.
For their first lesson, the recruits of D-Company were taught the inner workings of the Waverley College Cadet Unit such as the chain of command (i.e. corporals and sergeants) and the unique roles that certain members of the cadet unit hold such as the Logistics Officer and Regimental Sergeant Major.
Next, D Company learnt essential Drill commands such as, “RIGHT-Dress!” This command is key to the organisation of a Cadet Parade. They participated in Drill games where the D Company Commander, CUO Cameron Vincent-Hull, gave them orders such as, “ATTENTION!” and, “STAND AT EASE!” in quick succession. The company performed very well in this exercise with the RSM, WO1 Renato Rovacchi, in charge of Unit Drill, Dress and Bearing, commending D Company on their Drill.
Delta Company then engaged in some good fun with a tug-of-war competition before practising their war cry chanting, which was exhilarating for all who took part, proving a force to be reckoned with when they projected their chant for all members of the Unit at dismissal.
Overall, Delta Company really enjoyed Friday afternoon.
Report written by CPL Carter Hughes – Media Platoon
Photos taken by CPL Constantine Iatrou and CPL Carter Hughes – Media Platoon
The Cadet Bivouac (3-day Cadet Camp) is an important event in the school calendar and requires all members of the Cadet Unit to attend. This is the first chance our recruits have to put their Friday training into context, and it gives our new rank the chance to put into practice their newly-honed leadership skills in the field.
Bivouac takes place from 12pm Friday, 6 September – 4:30pm Sunday, 8 September 2024 at Cataract Activities Centre, Appin. Buses will transport all cadets to and from Bivouac.
Please review the Joining Instruction emailed to all families on 5 August 2024 and complete the necessary administration.
To ensure the best care for your son on this camp, it is vital that we have the most up-to-date contact information and medical and special dietary requirements on the Google Form below.
Thank you to all the families who have already completed the Google Form with these details.
The Commanding Officer’s Parade marks the beginning of our new recruits’ Cadet journey as they parade for the first time in their Cadet uniform. It is always a day of energy and excitement as our new rank command their sections, platoons and Companies for the first time.
For our recruits, learning how to wear the uniform with respect, learning simple drill movements and getting to know their fellow cadets takes time and our senior students and staff are here to help with this transition.
In four short weeks, we will take the whole Unit on their first Cadet Camp – Bivouac 2024 – and over the coming weeks, recruits will learn the art of constructing a weatherproof hutchie, how to cook a ration pack and how to look after themselves in the field without running water.
The Cadet Unit will be supporting local Legacy branches by selling badges and bears on Friday, 30 August to the local community. There will be cadets at Charing Cross and Bondi Junction before school, so please look out for them and support this worthy cause. Merchandise will also be available in the Staff Common Room. Cash only, I’m afraid, so please come prepared.
MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Commanding Officer – WCCU
Bravo Company has started off the year with a bang.
The new recruits were introduced to their first drill lessons, learning commands such as ‘Attention’ and ‘At Ease’. They were also taught how to properly wear their uniforms.
The day ended on a fun note with a game of dodgeball. During this time, recruits met their Company Commanders, Sergeants, and Corporals, forming new friendships and gearing up for an exciting Cadet year ahead.
CPL Constantine Latrou
Media Platoon
Cadets has been developing youth in resilience, citizenship and leadership at Waverley College since 1911. In order to support the Waverley College Strategic Plan in holistic education, we are extending this opportunity in 2025 to include Year 7 students, commencing the compulsory component of Cadets in Term 3 2025 until AFX (Cadet Camp) at the end of Term 1 2026.
This exciting initiative will enable greater opportunities in the development of character, professional relationships in a coeducational setting, and servant leadership as students from Waverley College and St Catherine’s School progress through the Waverley College Cadet Unit across a 5 year program.
Students currently in Year 6 2024 will participate in a special Cadet Orientation Afternoon with our senior cadets in Term 4 this year, where they will get a glimpse of this engaging outdoor education program. Once in Year 7, they will be issued with their uniform and equipment in Term 2 2025, ready to begin Cadets in Term 3 2025.
Students currently in Year 7 2024 will be given the opportunity to join the Cadet Unit in a voluntary accelerated Recruit Induction Program in Term 2 2025. This one-off opportunity is a great way to commence the program as part of this exciting new program and forge the way for a new Senior Recruit Company in Term 3 2025 where they will continue their training at an elevated level.
As we look to promote excellent citizenship across our schools, the Waverley College Cadet Unit is integral in fostering collaborative and respectful relationships, followship and leadership, in our students from the beginning of their secondary education.
We are looking forward to welcoming our recruits at their first parade, The Commanding Officer’s Parade, at 3.30pm on the Centenary Quad on Friday 2 August.
253 new recruits from Waverley College and St Catherine’s School are joining a collective and proud history that goes back to 1911.
Cadets is a unique co-educational outdoor activity that provides the opportunity for our young people to learn to work together and to develop healthy professional relationships commensurate with the real world, whilst maintaining the benefits of their single-sex education.
Cadets takes place on Friday afternoons from 3.30pm – 5.30pm, and cadets wear their Cadet Uniform to school on Fridays. This means:
Recruits are posted to a particular Company, Platoon and Section and stay with this group for the rest of the Cadet year, building strong relationships, not only with others in their year group and St Catherine’s, but with the rank from the years above. The Section Commanders send the Routine Orders (RO) from week to week, so recruits know to expect and what to bring. Training finishes each week at 5.30pm with a Company Dismissal.
Over the next three terms, recruits will learn the skills they need as a cadet and new aspects about themselves, culminating in the Annual Field Exercise (AFX) which doubles as the Year 9 Camp at the end of Term 1, 2025. Training this term prepares the Unit for the first Cadet Camp of the year – Bivouac 2024 at Cataract Scout Park from Friday 6 September – Sunday 8 September.
As with all co-curricular commitments, we have a duty of care for your son between 3.30pm and 5.30pm. In the event of illness or misadventure, please apply for leave by emailing no later than 12.00pm on the relevant Friday. A maximum of two Leave Applications is granted per semester at the discretion of the Commanding Officer.
Q Store opening hours (Term time) Wednesdays Recess, Lunch and After School
Bivouac – Whole Unit Fri 6 Sep -– Sun 8 Sep 2024
AFX (Year 9 Camp) – Whole Unit Sun 6 Apr – Fri 11 Apr 2025
Promotions Course Camp Mon 14 Jul – Sat 19 Jul 2025
Cadets involves many additional opportunities to develop leadership, skills and service. Expressions of Interest are now called for the following activities from cadets in Years 9 and above. Please email the Commanding Officer at to register your interest:
During the school holidays, 107 cadets gave a week of their precious holiday time to attend the Waverley College Cadet Promotions Courses, learning valuable skills in leadership, team development, instruction and field skills, in order to lead the Unit in the 2024/2025 Cadet Year.
Successful candidates have been posted to their new positions of responsibility across the Unit and this Friday, 26 July we will celebrate the promotion of our successful candidates at the Rank Induction Ceremonial Parade.
We congratulate the new Senior Cadet Under Officer, CUO Lachlan Isaac, as he leads the Unit into the coming year.
It gives me great pleasure to announce the leadership team for the 2024/2025 Cadet Year.
Senior Cadet Under Officer (SUO) CUO Lachlan Isaac
2IC CUO Amelie Salem
Adjutant CUO Taj Lynn
Training Officer CUO Yannick Hott
Operations Officer CUO Rohan Baker
Logistics Officer CUO Daniela Comino
Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) WO1 Renato Rovacchi
A COY COMD – CUO Abigail Salem
B COY COMD – CUO Fox Stapleton
C COY COMD – CUO Natalie Ha
D COY COMD – CUO Cameron Vincent-Hull
E COY COMD CUO Alexandra Coffey
SPT COY COMD – CUO Harry Ballesty
A COY – WO2 Chiara Marshall
B COY – WO2 Nicholas Scerri
C COY – WO2 Luke Nezval
D COY – WO2 Oliver Bracic
E COY – WO2 Ben Darcy
SPT COY – WO2 Finn McCarthy
JLC Course CPL Claudia Lynam
SLC Course WO2 Oliver Bracic
CUO Course CUO Lachlan Isaac
JLC Course CPL Isabel Hunstead
SLC Course WO2 Chiara Marshall
CUO Course CUO Rohan Baker
The whole Unit, including Year 8 recruits, will parade for the first time on Friday, 2 August, and we are looking forward to an engaging and dynamic year ahead.
All recruits should now be equipped with their Cadet uniform and gear.
Any uniform issues or exchanges can be done from week to week at the QCS Store under the Grange Building on Wednesday – recess, lunch or after school.
We are looking forward to welcoming our new Year 8 recruits to the Cadet Unit in Term 3.
A reminder to all parents/carers that this weekend is the Recruit Uniform Issue Weekend and 10-minute appointments are available to book for Saturday, 22 June and Sunday, 23 June at by clicking here.
Uniform items and equipment are provided on loan for the duration of your son’s involvement in the Cadet Unit and are issued from the QCS Store located behind the Grange Building on Carrington Road.
MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Commanding Officer – WCCU
Sunday was a very special day in the Cadet Calendar as we farewelled our graduating Year 12 Cadets at the conclusion of their five years of service to the Unit. The Annual Passing Out Parade and Awards Ceremony is a wonderful opportunity to bring our parents and community together to celebrate the successes of the past year.
Reviewed by Major James Georgiadis, Canadian Forces College, Joint Canadian Staff Program, our Unit paraded proudly for the last time under the command of the SUO, Oliver Malzard. Our cadets were resplendent in their Ceremonial AMCU, demonstrating their respect for tradition, for the Cadet Unit, and for our Senior Ranks.
Congratulations to our 2024 Prize Winners for their dedication and commitment to the Unit:
A COY CDT Alex King
B COY CDT Max Jennings
C COY CDT Praman Gandhi
CDT Oliver Isaac
D COY CDT Tom Maxwell
E COY CDT Patrick Palmer
SPT COY CPL Thomas Vanderkemp
A COY CPL Patrick Blackall
CPL Zoe Ngu
B COY CPL Chiara Marshall
C COY CPL Luke Nezval
CPL Ryan Murphy
D COY CPL Dante Scarfone
CPL Nicholas Scerri
SPT COY CPL Constantine Iatrou
SGT Fox Stapleton SGT Rohan Baker
WO2 Daniella Comino SGT Toby Fernandes
WO2 Yannick Hott SGT Abigail Salem
SGT Noah Anderson SGT Lucas Simcocks
SGT Kimmi Bilmon SGT Jamie Vanderkemp
SGT Alexandra Coffey SGT Benjamin Webb
SGT Ariana Fermanis SGT Karl Young
CUO Julia Mallam CPL Finnian McCarthy
CUO Oscar Passicot CPL Will Priddis
CUO Meg O’Connor
(Presented at Final Assemblies in 2023)
Year 10 Cadet – Waverley College WO2 Taj Lynn
Year 12 Cadet – Waverley College CUO Alistair Isaac
Year 10 Cadet – St Catherine’s WO2 Amelie Salem
Year 12 Cadet – St Catherine’s CUO Sarah Teitler
(Presented at Final Assembly 2023)
Year 10 Cadet – Waverley College WO2 Lachlan Marzol
Year 12 Cadet – Waverley College CUO Christopher Armstrong
Year 10 Cadet – St Catherine’s SGT Georgina Kimpton
Year 12 Cadet – St Catherine’s Ms. Elenor Craven
(Presented by Australian Army Cadets at Lake Barrington, Tasmania)
CUO Robert Muir
WO2 Lachlan Isaac
WO2 Eve-Jasmine Rizos-Parker
WO2 Amelie Salem
WO2 Renato Rovacchi
QM Platoon
(Received by the CDTQM – CUO Lucas Screnci on behalf of CUO Luca Passicot, WO2 Reuben Seroa, SGT Ruby Congdon, SGT Ariana Fermanis, SGT Elliot Hellawell-More, SGT Karl Young)
1 Platoon
(Received by Platoon Sergeant – SGT Abigail Salem)
A Company
(Received by Company Commander – CUO Emma Hartwig)
CUO Remy Frampton CUO Lachlan Miranda
CUO Oliver Malzard
WO1 Hayley Paddock
The celebrations continued into the evening as our Year 10 and 11 Dining Stewards converted the gymnasium into a beautiful formal military mess, enjoyed by special guests from the AAC, St Catherine’s School, Waverley College and our Year 12 cadets, parents and carers.
As we end another Cadet Year, we thank the Year 12 cadets for their leadership, their commitment and their service:
CUO James Birbas
CUO Anika Bradford
CUO Deuchar Dezarnaulds
CUO Remy Frampton
CUO Matthew Garrop
CUO Emma Hartwig
CUO Mitchel Ho
CUO Freya Jensen
CUO Marcus Kastrissios
CPL Jack Kerves
CUO Julia Mallam
CUO Oliver Malzard
CUO Declan McAuliffe
CUO Campbell McCarthy
CUO Thomas McIntyre
CUO Lachlan Miranda
CUO Robert Muir
CUO Meg O’Connor
SGT Jett O’Halloran
WO1 Hayley Paddock
CPL Thomas Park
CUO Oscar Passicot
CUO Luca Passicot
CUO Luca Patrick-Watkins
CUO Campbell Porteus
WO2 Eve-Jasmine Rizos-Parker
CUO Jack Ryan
CUO Lucas Screnci
WO2 Reuben Seroa
CUO Will Sweetman
CUO Charles Thompson-Owens
CUO Aodhan Williams
CUO Zara Wiseman
A reminder to all Promotions Candidates to review the Joining Instruction and ensure you have all your uniform and equipment this week. The Q Store will be open on Wednesday 26 June and this will be your last chance to deal with missing items before the Promotions Courses.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Promotions Courses Camp from Monday, 15 July – Saturday, 20 July at Winbourne Conference Centre, Mulgoa. Form up on Centenary Quad Waverley College at 0630hrs Monday 15 July.
A big thank you to our Cadet staff for their dedication in developing our new young leaders on the Promotions Courses Camp over the school holidays.
I thank everyone in the Unit for their commitment to Cadets over the past busy year and look forward to seeing you in Term 3.
Rank Induction Parade – Friday 26 July 2024 – Rank and Staff only.
Commanding Officer’s Welcome Parade – Recruits and all members of the Unit – Friday, 2 August 2024.
A reminder to all members of the Cadet Unit that the Annual Cadet Passing Out Parade and Awards Ceremony takes place on Sunday, 16 June. Cadets are required to form up at 10.30am on the Kenny Quad in AMCU Ceremonial Dress Code 4Z.
We welcome all parents to view the parade from the upper-level balconies at 11.00am. Please bring your coats in case of cooler weather.
We are very much looking forward to this special night to celebrate the end of our Senior Ranks’ five years of service to the Cadet Unit.
The Joining Instruction for the Promotions Courses (Junior Leadership, Senior Leadership and Cadet Under Officers Courses) has been sent to all members of the Cadet Unit.
If you are interested in extending your leadership skills, please ensure you attend to the registration requirements by Sunday 16 June.
For parents making travel plans for 2025, please note that attendance at Promotions Camp is essential to become a Sergeant, Warrant Officer of Cadet Under Officer. The courses in 2025 will be held from Monday, 14 July – Saturday 19 July 2025. Please take note these dates if your child is wanting to progress to these important leadership roles.
Our CAS Drill Team have been rehearsing diligently and consistently over the past two terms to represent the Cadet Unit at the Annual CAS Drill Competition to be held at Barker College next Wednesday. We thank the RSM, WO1 Hayley Paddock, for leading the team so competently and wish them all the best of luck in the competition.
Hayley Paddock, Renato Rovacchi, Rohan Baker, Kimmi Bilmon, Daniela Comino, Anna Dimopoulos, James Grant, Yannick Hott, Lachlan Hoy, Oliver Isaac, Lachlan Isaac, Finn Jones, Lara Karlovsky, Chiara Marshall, Finnian McCarthy, Zoe Ngu, Ethan Ooi, Amelie Salem, Abigail Salem, Lauren Sheehan, Jamie Vanderkemp, Toby Fernandes, Claudia Lynam.
A reminder to all members of the Cadet Unit that the Annual Cadet Passing Out Parade and Awards Ceremony takes place on Sunday 16 June, 2024. Cadets are required to form up at 10.30am on the Kenny Quad in AMCU Ceremonial Dress Code 4Z.
We welcome all parents/carers to view the parade from the upper-level balconies at 11am. Please bring your coats in case of cooler weather.
A reminder to all Year 12 cadets and parents to RSVP to the Dining In Night on the Try Booking site by 1 June. We are very much looking forward to this special night to celebrate the end of our Senior Ranks’ five years of service to the Cadet Unit.
The Joining Instruction for the Promotions Courses (Junior Leadership, Senior Leadership and Cadet Under Officers Courses) has been sent to all members of the Cadet Unit.
If you are interested in extending your leadership skills, please ensure you attend to the registration requirements by Sunday 16 June.
For parents making travel plans for 2025, please note that attendance at Promotions Camp is essential to become a Sergeant, Warrant Officer of Cadet Under Officer. The courses in 2025 will be held from Monday 14 July – Saturday 19 July 2025. Please take note these dates if your child is wanting to progress to these important leadership roles.
A reminder to all members of the Cadet Unit that the Annual Cadet Passing Out Parade and Awards Ceremony takes place on Sunday, 16 June 2024. Cadets are required to form up at 10:30am on the Kenny Quad in AMCU Ceremonial Dress Code 4Z.
We welcome all parents/carers to view the parade from the upper-level balconies at 11am. Please bring your coats in case of cooler weather.
A reminder to all Year 12 cadets and parents/carers to RSVP HERE to the Dining In Night on the TryBooking site by 1 June. We are very much looking forward to this special night to celebrate the end of our Senior Ranks’ five years of service to the Cadet Unit.
The Joining Instruction for the Promotions Courses (Junior Leadership, Senior Leadership and Cadet Under Officers Courses) has been sent to all members of the Cadet Unit.
If you are interested in extending your leadership skills, please ensure you attend to the registration requirements by Sunday 16 June.
For parents/carers making travel plans for 2025, please note that attendance at Promotions Camp is essential to become a Sergeant, Warrant Officer or Cadet Under Officer.
The courses in 2025 will be held from Monday, 14 July – Saturday, 19 July 2025. Please take note these dates if your child is wanting to progress to these important leadership roles.