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Annual Field Exercise (AFX – Cadet Camp) takes place in the last week of Term 1 at Majura Military Training Area in Canberra from Sunday, 3 April – Friday, 8 April, 2022.

The Joining Instruction for the AFX has been emailed to all parents and cadets. Please read this documentation before completing the below Google form, to register your son’s attendance on camp.

>>> Click here to view the Google form.

It is important that we have the latest next of kin and health and dietary information, to ensure the best care for your son on camp.

Many have already responded. Still waiting to hear from 186!

Registration is required by Tuesday, 1 March 2022.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Last week was another hive of activity at Cadets.

B Company enjoyed an afternoon of Archery, C Company combined Laser Tag with a lesson on Methods of Movement, D Company were briefed on safety aspects of AFX, and A Company learnt how to cook a ration pack and how to keep clean without running water, when they weren’t scaling the heights of the Mobile Climbing Wall.

Cadets Home Training T1 2022

Cadets Home Training T1 2022

Next week, Friday 4 March, there are NO cadets for the Recruits nor Junior Rank due to the Swimming Carnival. Our staff and Senior Rank will take advantage of this time to have their AFX Briefing in preparation for camp.

5 weeks to go!

Cadets Home Training T1 2022

Cadets Home Training T1 2022


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Last week was a hive of activity at Cadets.

A Company headed to Hugh Bamford Reserve for an afternoon of Archery, B Company enjoyed Laser Tag in the Quad, C Company learnt some important safety actions for AFX before learning how to put up an 11 x 11 military tent, and D Company tested their physical prowess on the Climbing Wall.

Interspersed with the action were lessons on ration packs, how to pack a pack for hiking, health and hygiene in the field, how to put up a hutchie, and skills in sight and sound ready for tactical manoeuvres on camp. Each Company will take turns at all these events in the coming weeks.

CPL Seroa showing D Company

CPL Seroa Showing D Company How It’s Done

B Company at Laser Tag

B Company at Laser Tag

B Company at Laser Tag

B Company at Laser Tag

Preparing for AFX

Support Company is busy bringing their skills up to par for AFX as well. Our Medics are being professionally trained by an external First Aid provider, so they can support their recruits with minor injuries on camp. Pioneers are practising the exciting activities they have planned for the recruits on camp. Signallers are practising Ratel and Media are capturing the lot on camera.

We thank our hardworking team in Q Store, led by the QM and the LOGSO, for putting together the stores requests from week to week, and preparing supplies and equipment for camp.

AFX is X Platoon’s time to shine, and we look forward to seeing the culmination of their training at Majura MTA in April.

Only 6 weeks to go until camp!


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Annual Field Exercise (AFX – Cadet Camp), takes place in the last week of Term 1 at Majura Military Training Area in Canberra, from Sunday, 3 April – Friday, 8 April, 2022.

The Joining Instruction for the AFX has been emailed to all parents and cadets. Please read this documentation before completing the Google Form in the link below, to register your son’s attendance on camp.

>>> Click here to view and complete the Google Form.

There is a drop down box on the Google Form, which asks parents to select the Cadet Rank for their son. For recruit parents, the rank of your son is REC for ‘recruit.’ It is the rank at the bottom of the drop down list.

It is important that we have the latest next of kin and health and dietary information, to ensure the best care for your son on camp.

Registration is required by Tuesday, 1 March 2022.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


The Golden Boot Competition on Friday, 11 February, was an exhilarating way to start the Cadet year! The incredible energy in the Quad was a great release after months of Online Cadets. Company spirit was high, and the Company Commanders did well to bring their companies together as they competed for the Golden Boot Trophy.

A Company Tug of War

A Company Tug of War

A Company Tug of War

A Company Tug of War

Our victors on the day were the cadets of 7 Platoon in C Company, and we congratulate them for their physical stamina as they performed push-ups, plank, tug of war, water jerry relays and leopard crawl relays to the best of their ability.

Thank you to the SUO, CUO Zachary Straker, and his team in RHQ for putting together, and running, an engaging afternoon for our recruits.

The Jerry Can Relay, Main Quad

The Jerry Can Relay, Main Quad

Exciting Recruit Activities

This week, we start the rounds of exciting activities for our recruits to enjoy in the lead up to AFX, including Archery and a Mobile Climbing Wall.

Interspersed with the activities, cadets will be learning the skills they need to be safe and comfortable on camp. Only 7 weeks to go until camp!


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Annual Field Exercise (AFX – Cadet Camp) takes place in the last week of Term 1 at Majura Military Training Area in Canberra, from Sunday, 3 April – Friday, 8 April, 2022, for all members of the Cadet Unit.

The Joining Instruction for the AFX has been emailed to all parents and cadets. Please read this documentation before completing the Google form in the link below.

>>> Click here to register your son’s attendance on camp via Google form.

It is important that we have the latest next of kin and health and dietary information to ensure the best care for your son on camp.

Registration is required by Tuesday, 1 March 2022. Thank you to the parents who have already completed this process. I look forward to the remaining 300 attending to this soon!

Please don’t hesitate to contact the Commanding Officer if you have any queries or concerns.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


On Friday, 11 February, we have a number of exciting activities for our recruits to look forward to in the lead up to AFX.

Interspersed with these activities, cadets will be learning the skills they need to be safe and comfortable on camp. Everyone will have a turn at everything over the coming weeks!


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


This week, the Joining Instruction for the Annual Field Exercise (AFX – Cadet Camp) was emailed to all parents and cadets.

AFX takes place in the last week of Term 1 at Majura Military Training Area in Canberra, from Sunday, 3 April – Friday, 8 April 2022. This camp is also the Year 9 Camp and is an important component of a Waverley student’s experience at the College.

Please read the Joining Instruction and the accompanying documentation in the email, before completing the Google Form to register your son’s attendance on camp. It is important that we have the latest next of kin, and health and dietary information, to ensure the best care for your son on camp.

Registration is required by Tuesday, 1 March. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Commanding Officer if you have any queries or concerns.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


A warm welcome back for an exciting year of Cadets in 2022.

This term is all about AFX! AFX is the Annual Field Exercise (Cadet Camp), that is the culmination of the year’s training. This is the camp where cadets get to put into practice everything they have been taught; their field skills, how to construct a shelter, how to care for themselves without running water and electricity, how to cook their own meal, how to thrive when outside their comfort zone.

For our leaders, this is the chance for them to shine, to inspire, to command and to lead by example. We expect great things from our Corporals, Sergeants and CUOs, and they always rise to the challenge, returning from camp confident, capable and better prepared for life’s obstacles.

Cadets 2022

Please keep an eye on your emails for the Joining Instruction for AFX. There are some administrative details to attend to, so we can ensure the best care of your child on camp. Of particular note, please make sure we are aware of any health concerns or special dietary requirements, so that specific arrangements can be made.

We have much in store for this term, and look forward to being able to make as much possible as COVID-19 restrictions allow.

Cadets starts back on Friday, 4 February with the Golden Boot Competition. There will be no Cadets on your first day back at school.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


X Platoon

X Platoon is our special senior platoon for those wanting to extend themselves in fieldcraft and military skills. Having passed an extensive barrier test and physical test to be accepted, X Platoon are busy preparing for extensive activities on AFX. On Friday, they were practising stealth with methods of movement, and will be working on their navigation and survival skills over the Christmas break. Ably led by WO2 Tom Martin, we look forward to seeing the challenges they set themselves for 2022.

Ghost walking – SGT Max Van Buuren

Ghost walking – SGT Max Van Buuren

Commando Rolls Demonstration

Training Term 1 2022

At our last Cadet training this afternoon, we ended the year with a Scavenger Hunt, Swim Testing, Operation Bush Wookie and Drill Games. Thank you to the SUO and his team in RHQ for their diligence in maintaining the Training Program across both schools under trying circumstances.

We have much to cover in Term 1 2022, to make sure our recruits are ready for AFX (Annual Field Exercise – Cadet Camp), as well as exposing them to the many activities we should have had this year.

We start the year on 4 February with the annual Golden Boot Competition, vying platoon against platoon in military skills and cadet knowledge.

In subsequent weeks, look forward to Archery, Laser Tag and the Climbing Wall, interspersed with lessons on ratel, setting up your hutchie, how to cook a ration pack and how to keep yourself clean and healthy on camp. AFX will be a camp unlike any you have experienced, and your Corporals and Sergeants are looking forward to working with you on these skills.

Merry Christmas! 

Thank you to our rank and staff for their excellent leadership under difficult circumstances in 2021. Corporals, Sergeants, Warrant Officers, Cadet Under Officers and Directing Staff, I thank you all for your commitment and passion, and belief in the vision of this youth development program. You can see beyond the difficulties of 2021, and know the exciting experiences possible for our recruits. Thank you for your optimism.

I wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday, to give you the energy to hit the ground running in our short leadup to AFX 2022.

Merry Christmas to everyone in the Unit, to your families, and to the wider Waverley College and St Catherine’s communities.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Training Term 4 2021

We continue to work within the parameters of the current context, while still endeavouring to expand our recruits’ Cadet skills. A reminder to all in the Unit that we are required to wear masks when on parade and conducting activities.

Company-based parades are proceeding under Directing Staff supervision and we look forward to the day when rank and St Cath’s are able to join and command their Platoons and Companies.

Remembrance Day 2021

A small service to commemorate Remembrance Day 2021 was broadcast to the College at 11am on Thursday, 11 November. We thank the following cadets for their time in rehearsing and conducting this important Ceremonial Parade:


Catafalque Party

Flag Party and Escort


 Drum Corps

School Flags

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Rank Parade 2021

Given the current climate, we will recognise our new rank for 2021/2022 with a COVID-safe Ceremonial Parade this afternoon. Rank have already been presented with their slides, but we are thrilled to finally be able to celebrate their achievements on the Parade Ground.

Congratulations to the following Duces of Promotions Courses for 2021:

The SUO, CUO Zach Straker will finally have the chance to take command of the Cadet Unit at this parade and be presented with his ceremonial sword. Congratulations to RHQ and our Company Commanders as they commence their leadership in the face-to-face environment:


 Company Commanders

Cadet Uniform

The majority of our recruits now have their cadet uniform and have ironed out any equipment and size issues. There is a handful of packaged items still awaiting collection. Any cadet yet to be fitted is welcome to come to Q Store at lunchtimes.

I must say, the standard was impressive last week, given it was our recruits’ first chance to wear their uniform.

To reiterate the Routine Orders, recruits wear Dress Order 4B which is Summer Field Dress:

CyberTaipan Competition

Last weekend, our CyberTaipan Team performed brilliantly in the second round of the nationwide CSIRO CyberTaipan Competition. SGT Paul Muir, CPL Julia Mallam, CPL Isobel Killcross and CPL Liam McEvoy worked well together across a six-hour window, responding to scenario-based cyber threats, to come in the top 50 teams across Australia. Well done, team! Thank you to our coaches, LT(AAC) Mackenzie Muir and DS Eden Hodge for their expertise in mentoring our cyber experts.

Bivouac 2021

It is was with disappointment that we made the decision to cancel Bivouac 2021 this week. RHQ was working well on plans and logistics, but our community is not yet in a safe space for the Unit to come together across both schools for such an activity at this time. 

Bivouac is intended as an introductory camp for our recruits to put into practice some of their fieldcraft lessons, before extending their skills at AFX at the end of Term 1, 2022. Please be assured that your rank will be ready to assist you across Term 1 and on AFX, so you are ready for Majura MTA!

Training Term 4, 2021

Over the next three weeks, we will endeavour to give you a flavour of some of the activities normally on offer in Cadets. Bear in mind, though, that we are unable to bring external providers on site as yet, and most activities have been pushed back into Term 1 next year. Something to look forward to!

A major priority is for the Unit to be swim-tested in Cadet Uniform before we go on camp and so, over the course of November, each Company will take turns at the pool on Friday afternoons. Keep an eye on the Routine Orders to see when you are needed.

There are just 11 short weeks before AFX and we will try and pack in as much as we are able to for your Cadet experience.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU
