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Read more: Cadet uniform, Lunge for Legacy video.

Cadet Uniform

We are so looking forward to seeing all our wonderful cadets back at their respective schools next week! Stay tuned for what this will look like in terms of training, but at the very least, let’s wear our uniforms to school on Friday, 29 October. This will be a real novelty for our new recruits as they wear their Cadet Uniform at College for the very first time.

The Q Clothing Store will be open at lunchtimes and after school all week for those who have yet to collect their packaged gear. Those needing to exchange ill-fitting garments are welcome to come by as well.

Q Clothing Store is underneath The Grange, accessed by the gates at the back of the library.

Lunge for Legacy Video

A big thank you to CPL Davis and Media Platoon for producing this Lunge for Legacy video, showcasing the Unit’s fantastic fundraising efforts as an Online Cadet Activity in Term 3.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Defence Youth Safety Training

As part of our partnership with Australian Army Cadets, we ensure our boys and girls are aware of appropriate and healthy working relationships in Cadets through the Defence Youth Safety Training. This is a short presentation and quiz that is required of all recruits when they join the Cadet Unit. This week, it is B Company’s turn and I would encourage all to ensure they join the Zoom at 3:15pm on Friday.

CAS Milskills Team

Each year, the CAS Cadet Units compete against each other in the CAS Military Skills Competition, vying for the CAS Milskills Trophy. Due to COVID-19, the 2021 event had to be postponed to March 2022. Our team has commenced their training in fieldcraft, ratel, first aid, leadership and initiative and we are proud to announce our representatives for 2021:

Term 4 Training

Cadets continues online for Friday, 15 October and Friday, 22 October. Please stay tuned for further information regarding the rest of the term.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer — WCCU


This weekend will be the final chance to collect Cadet Uniform before your sons return to College.

If you’ve not yet done so:

  1. >>> Click here to complete the Google Form with your son’s measurements.

  2. >>> Click here to book a timeslot to collect on Saturday 16 or Sunday 17 October.

Please follow these COVID-safe guidelines:                      

If you would like to exchange sizes this weekend, you may do so using the booking system above. Otherwise, your sons are welcome to bring ill-fitting items to Q Store in their first week back for exchange. Q Store (near the entrance to the Senior Library) will be open each lunchtime for this purpose.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer — WCCU


Lunge for Legacy

September saw the Cadet Unit raise monies for Legacy through the Lunge for Legacy Activity. The 33, 998 collective lunges contributed to the Unit raising $3,230 towards this worthy cause. Your efforts will help the families of many veterans in Australia and I am so proud of you all.

Service is such an important component of your participation in Cadets, and we thank LT Kelly for organising this opportunity for the young men and women of the Waverley College Cadet Unit to serve their community.

Along with our existing Community events, Service to the Community will now be an annual activity in our Cadet Training Program. As we speak, we are preparing to support our soldiers overseas, with messages for Christmas. Stay tuned for more information.

Congratulations to the following cadets, who excelled and won our major prizes:


Monies Raised

Cadets Term 4

Please bear with us while we navigate the return to school and co-curricular activities in line with COVID-19 requirements. Cadets will continue online for October. We wait to see what November and December will look like and will let you know in due course.

Thank you to our rank for their excellent engagement with their respective platoons and companies via Zoom in Term 3, and we look forward to the day that they can strengthen these connections face to face.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer — WCCU


Cadet of the Week

Congratulations to Cadets of the Week, CPL Meg O’Connor of 4 PL and CPL Oliver Malzard of 7 PL, who have been demonstrating excellent leadership and initiative in their respective platoons, responding to challenging circumstances with maturity and innovation, and setting high standards as they lead by example.

CPL Oliver Malzard of 7 PL

CPL Oliver Malzard of 7 PL

CPL Meg O’Connor of 4 PL

CPL Meg O’Connor of 4 PL

CyberTaipan Competition

On Sunday, a team of dedicated cadets represented the Cadet Unit by participating in the annual CSIRO CyberTaipan Competition. This is a national cyber defence competition designed to inspire students to further their education in STEM subjects.

Teams of students nationwide are provided with a set of virtual images that represent different operating systems. Over a six-hour period, they receive points for finding and fixing cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Of the 132 teams competing on Sunday, our cadets came 37th and had great fun while they were doing it. We congratulate:

for their enthusiasm and commitment to this event. Thank you to LT(AAC) Muir and DS Hodge for their guidance and mentorship in leading the team.


The CyberTaipan Competition inspires students to further their education in STEM subjects

Cadet Uniform Issue for Recruits

Thank you to all Year 8 parents who have now completed the Cadet Uniform Measurement Form. Uniform and equipment will be bagged up and issued to your sons upon the Year 8 return to school in November.

Lunge for Legacy

A huge thank you to everyone in the Unit for raising $2,690 towards the Lunge for Legacy Activity. These funds will assist the 500 families who are suffering from the loss of their Veteran to suicide. Lunge for Legacy is still open until the end of September. Keep logging your lunges to reach your Company’s targets, while serving the community in this meaningful way. Thus far, we have collectively done 17,000 lunges!

RHQ in the middle of their lunges on Friday

RHQ in the middle of their lunges on Friday


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Read more: Cadet of the Week, form to complete for Cadet Uniform Issue for Recruits, last Cadets for the term, Lunge for Legacy.

Cadet of the Week

Congratulations to our equal Cadets of the Week – CPL Isobel Killcross of 1 PL and REC Fox Stapleton of 10 PL!

Congratulations CPL Isobel Killcross of 1 PL

Congratulations CPL Isobel Killcross of 1 PL

Isobel was promoted to Senior Corporal after her brilliant performance on the Junior Leaders’ Promotions Course in June, and has been excelling in her leadership with 1 PL throughout this term.

Congratulations REC Fox Stapleton of 10PL

Congratulations REC Fox Stapleton of 10PL

Fox has been consistently working to improve his Cadet knowledge, week after week, and is one of the reasons 10 PL is doing so well in the Platoon Competition.

Well done, Fox and Isobel!

Cadet Uniform Issue for Recruits

A reminder to all parents of Recruits (Year 8) to go online and complete the Cadet Uniform Measurement Form so we can issue your son with his Cadet uniform and equipment as soon as we are back on campus, with minimal handling of clothing.

Thus far, only 30 parents have responded. Could I please ask Year 8 parents to pass this message on, via your social networks, so we can reach everyone in the year group?

>>> Click here as soon as possible to complete the Cadet Uniform Measurement Form.

Last Cadets for the Term!

Today is our last Friday for Cadet Training this term and what a magnificent effort our rank and recruits have shown us! Every week, at O Group, our Company Commanders report that rapport is getting better and better, knowledge and skills are advancing, in the face of significant hurdles. You are demonstrating the tenacity, fortitude, service and excellence that are the hallmarks of a cadet. And you are getting to know your platoons, your companies and your staff, ready to hit the ground running on the journey to AFX, as soon as we are able.

This week, D Company and 6 Platoon are enjoying their break from the CDC as they compete against each other, and the clock, in the virtual Space Escape Room.

Thank you to Will Whitaker from Media Platoon, for his coverage of B Company activities last week:

Scenes from B Company

Scenes from B Company

And a hello from RHQ below – the senior rank who have been working hard each week in planning your training and activities:

RHQ on Friday Afternoon

RHQ on Friday Afternoon

Lunge for Legacy

Thus far, the Cadet Unit has raised $2,600 towards the Lunge for Legacy Activity with A Company currently 4th in Australia for funds raised. A big thank you to the A Company Commander, CUO Darcy Ferguson, who leads by example with his individual fundraising efforts! Well done, Darcy!

SPT Company Commander, CUO Hugo Defina-Sperando, is lunging for Australia as he brings his Company to 6th on the National Leaderboard. Fantastic leadership, Hugo.

The activity continues for the rest of September. Please keep logging your lunges and pledges on your teams’ pages for your best chance in the Individual and Company competitions.

Have a Look at Our Progress!

Lunge for Legacy

Lunge for Legacy


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Read more: Cadet of the Week, Space Escape, Cadet uniform issue for recruits, Lunge for Legacy.

Cadet of the Week

Congratulations to our equal Cadets of the Week – CPL Campbell Porteus of 7PL and CPL Aodhan Williams of 9PL.

Just one term into their new rank positions as Corporals, these young men have demonstrated excellent leadership and compassion as Section Commanders.

CPL Williams has been consistently impressive, week after week, in teaching and engaging with his recruits with energy.

CPL Porteus worked particularly well, looking after his section on Friday, in difficult circumstances. His Company Commander was very impressed with his command of the situation.

Well done, gentlemen!

So many nominations!

We have so many nominations for Cadet of the Week every week (which is a great problem to have!). With one more week of Cadets to go this term, not everyone will get a mention here, but I thank all our rank and recruits who have engaged with their platoons with diligence and spark. All Company Commanders have noticed a significant improvement in rapport and engagement across the term. Let’s keep those connections going as we head into Term 4.

Space Escape

This week, C Company and 5 Platoon will enjoy a break from the CDC as they compete against each other, and the clock, in the virtual Space Escape Room. The rest of the Unit will continue their lessons in the field skills required for AFX 2022, and the RSM will start teaching static drill to develop skills in self-discipline, self-monitoring and team building.

Cadet Uniform Issue for Recruits

As we head into Term 4 in the online environment for the first five weeks, we will take this opportunity to issue Cadet Uniform and Camp Supplies to our new recruits in a COVID-friendly manner. Please check out the ‘Action Items’ section of this Newsletter for further details.

Lunge for Legacy

A reminder to the College community that it is not too late to support your son’s Company in our service to Lunge for Legacy. A Company is leading the charge with monies raised and Support Company with lunges completed:

>>> Click here for A Company.

>>> Click here for B Company.

>>> Click here for C Company.

>>> Click here for D Company.

>>> Click here for SPT Company.

>>> Click here for RHQ.

Lunge for Legacy 2021


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


COVID-19 lockdown has impacted our newest recruits in so many ways, and we are so thrilled that they have engaged with the program as well as they have in Term 3. This has been further complicated by their lack of uniform and equipment.

In order to address this, and to minimise handling of uniform through the usual fitting process, could I please ask parents to open the below Google Form and enter the requested measurements for their son?

>>> Click here to enter the requested measurements for your son on the Google form.

Cadet gear will then be bagged up for individual issue and collection in November when we are back on Campus.

Thank you for your cooperation.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Cadet of the Week

Congratulations to our equal Cadets of the Week – SGT Adele Chandler of 11PL and REC James Peate of 8PL. SGT Chandler has been working hard to engage with her platoon, preparing her lessons well and putting into practice everything she was taught on the SLC Promotions Course. Well done, Adele!

REC Peate has impressed his rank with his enthusiasm and energy for Cadets on a Friday afternoon, not easy after a week of online learning. Well done, James!

Congratulations James Peate!

Congratulations James Peate!

Space Escape!

This week, A Company and 4 Platoon will enjoy a break from the CDC as they compete against each other and the clock in the virtual Space Escape Room, while the rest of the Unit are learning the different types of knots they need in the field, and how to put up a hutchie.

Lunge for Legacy

Our Companies have now established their fundraising pages for the ‘Lunge for Legacy Competition’ over the month of September. If you would like to support your son’s Company in raising funds for the families of Veterans who are coping with the consequences of suicide, please click on the relevant link below.

Companies will compete against each other for the most lunges and the most monies raised:

>>> Click here to view A Company.

>>> Click here to view B Company.

>>> Click here to view C Company.

>>> Click here to view D Company.

>>> Click here to view SPT Company.

>>> Click here to view RHQ (including the CO!).

Lunge for Legacy 2021


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Read more: Cadet of the Week, Space Escape, Lunge for Legacy.

Cadet of the Week 

Congratulations to our Cadet of the Week – SGT Sarah Teitler of 6PL. Sarah’s approach to online learning has been exemplary. She engages well with her recruits from week to week, and her passion for Cadets and the care she shows for her platoon is excellent. Well done, Sarah!

Recruits last week learnt the safe and economical way to pack a pack ready for AFX, so important for Company morale and efficiency. I was really impressed with the submissions to the assessment with the top points going to:

Space Escape!

In lieu of the Archery and Laser Tag activities planned for Cadets in Term 3, our recruits will take turns with an Online Escape Room over the next three weeks. This will add a bit of variety to our training, and provide an excellent team-building platform for Company bonding.

Lunge for Legacy

I am proud to announce that the Cadet Unit will be raising funds for Legacy during September through Lunge for Legacy 2021.

>>> Click here to read more about Lunge for Legacy 2021.

This activity is open anyone who would like to support the families of our veterans who are coping with the consequences of suicide.

Our Companies will compete against each other in the online environment, seeing who can do the most lunges and who can raise the most funds. Service is a key tenet to Australian Army Cadets and we are proud that our Company Commanders are contributing to the community in such a meaningful way.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Read more: Cadet of the Week, Recruit Platoon Competition, online Escape Room.

Cadet of the Week – an Equal Tie

Congratulations to our Cadet of the Week – an equal tie between REC Gina Kimpton in 2PL and REC Yannick Hott of 5PL. These recruits were passionately engaged in their lessons and activities on Friday. Not easy at the end of a long week online, so well done to both of you!

Recruit Platoon Competition

7 Platoon is still marginally ahead in the Recruit Platoon competition, although 10 Platoon gave them a good run for their money last week. Our recruits learnt how to keep healthy and hygienic in the field without running water, and I was impressed with how many could quickly access their equipment in the online scavenger hunt.

Learning how to keep clean and healthy with limited resources is a skill for anyone keen on camping, or with ambitions to backpack on a Gap Year, or to trek the Larapinta or the Camino. In a group setting, staying healthy keeps up the morale of both the individual and the group, and means you are fit and able to support your team. We encourage our cadets to constantly look at the bigger picture.

Online Escape Room

Support Company had a great time on Friday enjoying the Online Escape Room, and our recruits will take turns with this activity over the coming weeks.

Online Escape Room

Online Escape Room


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


We congratulate Cadet of the Week, SGT Caleb Urquhart, who has been working really hard to get to know his recruits online and making his lessons engaging and interactive. Three weeks into online learning and we can all sympathise that this is not an easy task. Well done, Caleb!

SGT Caleb Urquhart

SGT Caleb Urquhart

After the first three weeks of participation, 7 Platoon is ahead in the Platoon Points Competition. Remember, attendance, participation and engagement all count towards points from week to week. Bonus points are also up for grabs. The platoon with the most points upon our return wins the Pizza and Popcorn Party.

This week’s training starts looking at the skills recruits need for Bivouac and AFX by covering Health and Hygiene in the Field and the principles of First Aid, while our Seniors in Support Company are enjoying a Company-based activity in an Online Escape Room.

 I wish everyone a safe and healthy week.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU
