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With news just to hand that the online environment will continue for another four weeks, we are looking at novel ways of engaging our cadets, while still teaching them the skills they need for our return.

Online Escape Room to be Trialed

Some of our most popular options on Friday afternoons include Laser Tag and the Climbing Wall which are obviously not feasible in the current climate. Instead, we are trialling an online Escape Room for our Seniors as a team building exercise and, if successful, we will open this up to the rest of the Unit. In the meantime, our Training Officer is busy pulling together video demonstrations and online presentations to be uploaded from week to week, to teach the many field skills required in the lead up to Bivouac.


Bivouac is now planned for 17-19 September, which is the first weekend of the school holidays. To parents who have already booked holidays for this time, please do not be concerned. We understand completely, given the short notice possible.

New Recruits

To all our new recruits, I would encourage you to keep connected with your platoons. It will make Unit Parades so much more enjoyable upon our return if you spend time getting to know your Corporals and Sergeants and Staff.

Stay safe.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


As lockdown continues, I would like to encourage our cadets to stay connected and keep checking into their Cadet activities on Friday afternoons. The Training Program has been adapted for the current situation and, each week, there will be Zoom Meetings and activities, lessons and videos posted to the respective Google Classrooms, so cadets can start learning the skills they need for our return.

As part of the Cadet Unit, all members are asked to abide by a Code of Conduct, which our new recruits acknowledged in last week’s activity. This code speaks to the following parameters and is something to particularly keep in mind in the current climate:

As a youth development organisation, Cadets teaches our young people tenacity, fortitude, strength of character, confidence and service. Now, more than ever, we need to harness these skills.

Cadets - teamwork


Cadets - tenacity


Cadets - initiative



MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Following the successful Cadet Promotions Courses in the school holidays, it gives me great pleasure to announce our new leaders for the 2021/2022 Cadet Year.

Regimental Headquarters (RHQ)

Senior Cadet Under Officer (SUO) – CUO Zach Straker

Adjutant – CUO Daniel McSweeny

Training Officer – CUO Daniel Di Francesco

Operations Officer – CUO Sophia Voigt

Logistics Officer – CUO Sachiel Bass

Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) – WO1 Charlie Alexander 

Company Commanders

A COY COMD – CUO Darcy Ferguson

B COY COMD – CUO Ellie Mallett

C COY COMD – CUO Hugo Pizzol

D COY COMD – CUO Kai Chavez

SPT COY COMD – CUO Hugo Defina-Sperando

Company Sergeants Major

A COY – WO2 Matteo Paolella

B COY – WO2 Harrison Cox-Nugent

C COY – WO2 Kayla Heng

D COY – WO2 Alistair Isaac

SPT COY – WO2 Mitchell Cahill

 Students of Merit

JLC Course – CPL Deuchar Dezarnaulds

SLC Course – WO2 Alistair Isaac

CUO Course – CUO Daniel Di Francesco

107 candidates attended the three courses and have been posted to their positions of responsibility across the Unit. We are particularly proud of our first St. Catherine’s Cadet Under Officers who are the first to achieve this rank following the new partnership between our two schools in 2020. This is an exciting milestone and one that brings true balance and integration to the Unit.

With the current COVID-19 limitations, there are changes to the commencement of the Cadet Year. All recruits have been emailed to inform them of their new Sections and Platoons and Companies, and are invited to attend the Cadet Google Classroom for their introduction to Cadets on Friday afternoon. Rank are invited to attend Google Meets with their respective Companies. Please keep an eye out for the Routine Orders through the Chain of Command.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


2021 Cadet Promotions Courses

2021 Cadet Promotions Courses

Commanding Officers’ Parade Postponed

The Commanding Officers’ Parade, where we welcome our new recruits to Cadets and present our new rank with their rank slides, has been postponed to 23 July due to the revised COVID-19 lockdown dates.

Cadets will have access to online content on Friday 16 July so please keep an eye on your emails for further information.

Dates and times of uniform issue to all recruits will be emailed next week pending further COVID-19 updates.

Thank you for your patience.

Cadet Promotions Courses 2021

In the first week of the school holidays, 107 of our most dedicated cadets gave of their vacation time to become our new leaders for the 2021/2022 Cadet Year. Leadership is one of the most rewarding components of being a cadet and our new Corporals, Sergeants, Warrant Officers and Cadet Under Officers worked tirelessly throughout the week, learning new skills and demonstrating that they have what it takes to lead our new recruits as they start their Cadet journey this term.

The week was certainly challenging with the shifting sands of the COVID-19 limitations and we were impressed with how our cadets were able to adapt and overcome, with the ensuing changes to the week. By the end of the week, candidates across the three courses – Junior Leadership Course, Senior Leadership Course and the Cadet Under Officers’ Course – had forged strong new friendships and a collegiate team vital to supporting themselves as they commence their new positions as the Unit’s new leaders. We set the bar high in terms of drill, dress and bearing, and the proficiency standard required for their new responsibilities, and they rose to the challenge.

We are proud of all our candidates and look forward to announcing the new leadership team next week.

MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


>>> Please click here for the Waverley College Cadet Unit Key Dates 2021.

As we come to the end of each Cadet Year, we look to the future and prepare our leaders to command the Unit for the coming year. The 2021 Promotions Courses will take place in the school holidays and we have 51 keen candidates for the Junior Leaders Course, 25 for the Senior Leaders Course and 26 applying to become Cadet Under Officers. We thank our candidates for giving of their school holiday time to further their leadership development at this residential camp and look forward to their command of the Unit for our new recruits in Term 3.

For our new Recruits from Year 8 and St Catherine’s, uniform issue and platoon placement will be finalised during the school holidays. Please keep an eye on your emails.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


>>> Please click here for the Waverley College Cadet Unit Key Dates 2021

CAS Drill Competition

It’s been a big week in Cadets! On Wednesday, our CAS Drill Competition Team travelled to Knox to compete in the annual CAS Drill Competition against Cadets Units from Trinity, Knox, St Aloysius and Barker. A team of 22 cadets from Waverley and St Catherine’s have been rehearsing all term to compete and they did a sterling job. While Barker took out the trophy, Waverley were near contenders and we look forward to great things from our team in the years ahead.

Cadets CAS Drill Competition Team

CAS Drill Competition Team

Cadet Passing Out Parade

What a brilliant Winter’s Day graced us for Passing Out Parade on Sunday. Passing Out Parade is a formal farewell for our Year 12 cadets, and this year, we were fortunate to be able to open the ceremony to parents and friends. Spectators lined the balconies as our cadets performed brilliantly for the Reviewing Officer, Commander of 2nd Brigade, COL Glenn Taylor.

The symbolic exchanging of the flags was a momentous occasion as the flags from the Old Flag party passed to the new Flag Party Commander, WO2 Sophia Voigt. As the first St Catherine’s cadet to be appointed Flag Party Commander, Sophia represents the ongoing success of the partnership between our two schools.

The occasion allows us to recognise the significant achievements of cadets striving to achieve the tenets of the AAC over the course of the Cadet year and we are very proud to announce the winners for 2021.

Passing Out Parade 2021

Passing Out Parade 2021

Passing Out Parade 2021

Passing Out Parade 2021

Passing Out Parade 2021

Passing Out Parade 2021

Annual Awards Ceremony Winners

Most Efficient Cadet in the Field

Most Efficient JNCO Awards

Commanding Officer’s Efficiency Awards

Commanding Officer’s Commendation for Excellence in the Field

The Major General Charles H New Award for the Most Outstanding Medic

The Commanding Officer’s Commendation for Outstanding Contribution to the Unit

The Johnny O’Keefe Award for Excellence in the Band

The Major General Charles H New Trophy for Outstanding Leadership in the Field

The Major F S Farrell Trophy for General Excellence in a Senior Specialty Platoon

The Sgt Bede Kenny VC Memorial Award for the Most Efficient NCO

The General Cosgrove Shield for the Most Efficient Senior Specialty Platoon

(Received by Platoon Commander – CUO James Privett)

The Major F D Marzorini Shield for the Most Efficient Platoon

(Received by the PL Commander – CUO Tobias Malzard)

The Lt Col P R Frost Company Cup for the Most Efficient Company

(Received by the Company Commander – CUO Hayden Walker)

The Officers’ Staff Cane for General Excellence in the Completion of Duties

The Col R J Marr Cane DFC QC for Meritorious Service

The Maj General J A Chapman Cane for the Best Cadet in the Unit

Dining In Night

Later that evening, Year 12 cadets and their parents joined AAC and school dignitaries and Cadet staff in a formal Military Mess in the Gym. Our stewards transformed the room into an elegant dining space and we were blessed to come together to celebrate our Year 12s’ five years of service to the Cadet Unit.

One of the advantages of Cadets is the regular opportunity to display courage and that was certainly the theme of the day. This year group has risen to the many challenges they faced – with COVID-19, with new tasks, with change – and they have adapted brilliantly. They are an exceptional group who have raised the bar with their leadership, their dedication and their camaraderie. Although an emotional time for them, our Year 12 cadets are ready to say good-bye and to embrace the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

Cadet Dining In Night 2021

Cadet Dining In Night

Cadet Dining In Night

Cadet Dining In Night

Cadet Dining In Night

Cadet Dining In Night


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Please click here for the Waverley College Cadet Unit Key Dates 2021

Cadet Passing Out Parade and Annual Award Ceremony

This Sunday, we farewell our Year 12 cadets after five years of service to the Waverley College Cadet Unit. These incredible young men have formed such close attachments – to the Unit, to their cadets, and to each other – and it will be an emotional time for them as they wear their uniform for the last time at Passing Out Parade on Sunday. We are incredibly proud of their leadership over the past year and the inspiration they have been to the cadets that follow. We thank them for their dedication to, and belief in, the Cadet program.

This is also the occasion to congratulate cadets who have demonstrated exemplary conduct and upheld the tenets of the AAC – service, courage, respect, teamwork and excellence – at our Annual Cadet Awards Ceremony. 

On Sunday, all cadets and CPL are to form up in Winter Barracks Dress no later than 10.15am on the driveway in their Companies.

Parents are most welcome to attend the Parade which starts promptly at 11am. Seating will be available on the upper levels.

2021 Promotions Courses

As we say goodbye to the Senior Ranks of 2021, we turn our attention to training our new leaders to take us into 2022. A reminder to all parents to register their child for Promotions Courses by Monday 7 June if they wish to apply for promotion. Numbers need to be finalised with the venue on this date. 

Click here to register for 2021 Promotions Courses


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


>>> Please click on this link for the Waverley College Cadet Unit Key Dates 2021

Compulsory Passing Out Parade and Annual Awards Ceremony

This Friday and next, cadets will be rehearsing for the Year 12 Passing Out Parade. This is a compulsory element of Cadets and we ask all Cadet parents to ensure their sons attend the Parade at 11am on Sunday 6 June in the Centenary Quad. This parade is also the occasion for us to recognise some of the incredible leadership in the Unit with the Annual Cadet Awards Ceremony. Parents are most welcome to come and observe the parade and ceremony.

Please click on this link to register your interest, so that we know how many spectators to expect.

We are looking forward to a lovely send-off for our Year 12 cadets after five years of service to the Unit. Year 12 parents are encouraged to respond to the invitation by this Sunday for Dining In Night which takes place in the Gymnasium on the evening of Sunday 6 June.

As we say good-bye to our Year 12 leaders, we look to prepare our new leaders in the Promotions Courses running in the first week of the school holidays. The training your sons will get on course is applicable to so many aspects of their lives, both in school and beyond, and I would encourage all to participate whether they are interested in attaining rank or not. Certainly, to be promoted, cadets will need to attend their respective Promotions Course from Monday 21 June – Saturday 26 June at the Winbourne Conference Centre in Mulgoa. Please see the Joining Instruction emailed this week for further information.


Cadet Promotions Courses

The Joining Instruction for the Cadet Promotions Courses has been emailed to all in the Unit. The Junior Leadership Course, Senior Leadership Course and the CUO’s Course all take place at Winbourne Conference Centre in Mulgoa from Monday 21 June – Saturday 26 June.

Please click on this link to respond to this invitation.


Highlights from the Training Program

Last week, Companies continued with the variety of activities in the Training Program and some more photos are included here for your enjoyment.

Signallers enjoying Rock Climbing

Signallers enjoying Rock Climbing

B Company enjoying Rock Climbing

B Company enjoying Rock Climbing

B Company enjoying Rock Climbing

B Company enjoying Rock Climbing

Ratel Exercise

Ratel Exercise

CDT Luca Patrick-Watkins enjoying Ratel

CDT Luca Patrick-Watkins enjoying Ratel


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Please click here for the Waverley College Cadet Unit Key Dates 2021

Cadets over the past couple of weeks have been taking turns by Companies to extend their skills across a number of areas:

I think you can see from the accompanying photos how well they have been doing!

CDT Jet Foltman

CDT Jet Foltman

LCPL Gemma Proctor

LCPL Gemma Proctor

Pioneers enjoying Rock Climbing

Pioneers enjoying Rock Climbing

C Company working on their Nav Data Sheet

C Company Working on their Nav Data Sheet

B Company at Checkpoint A

B Company at Checkpoint A

CDT Hunter Eldridge thinking through his Ratel

CDT Hunter Eldridge Thinking Through his Ratel

Battleships using Ratel to communicate

Battleships Using Ratel to Communicate

For the next two weeks, we will be concentrating on the Passing Out Parade as we prepare to farewell our Year 12s, and we ask our cadets to make sure their uniforms are looking particularly good for these rehearsals.

Our CAS Drill Team has been busy rehearsing from week to week in preparation for the CAS Drill Competition to be held at Knox Grammar School on Wednesday 2 June. We wish them all the best under the command of CUO Bryn Parry as they consolidate their orders.

This is the final term in the Cadet Year, and as we say good-bye to our current leaders, we are preparing the program to develop our new leaders on the Promotions Courses in the first week of the school holidays. To become a Corporal, Sergeant, Warrant Officer or Cadet Under Officer, cadets are invited to attend this excellent leadership training from Monday 21 June – Saturday 26 June at the Winbourne Conference Centre in Mulgoa. Keep an eye on your emails for further information.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU



Please click this link for Waverley College Cadet Unit Key Dates 2021

Save the Date – Sunday 6 June

The Passing Out Parade and Annual Award Ceremony is taking place on Sunday 6 June 2021 in the Centenary Quad. This will involve the Whole Unit.

We look forward to seeing you there!



MAJ (AAC) Ms Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Last week, we welcomed back the biggest cohort of Cadets finishing their Recruitment year in recent history. I am so proud of these young men and women who have seen through the difficulties of their induction year and the huge impact that COVID-19 made on their engagement with the program. They have shown tenacity and insight and an openness to opportunity, and we are so excited they have chosen to continue their leadership and youth development with Cadets.

Welcome back Term 2 2021

Welcome back Term 2 2021

Honing navigation skills

Honing navigation skills

This result is also testament to the leadership of our Corporals, Sergeants, Warrant Officers and Cadet Under Officers, who have led by example and demonstrated the skills and attributes the Cadet Program instils through Friday afternoons, Promotions Courses and Camps.

This week, we start a three-week Bullring with each Company taking turns in the activities on offer. A Company will head out for some Indoor Rock Climbing at the Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym. B Company will extend their navigation skills in Queens Park and C Company will hone their proficiency with Ratel and radio communication in the school grounds.

The RSO - CUO Jack Priddis, teaching the phonetic alphabet in a Ratel lesson

The RSO – CUO Jack Priddis, teaching the phonetic alphabet in a Ratel lesson

A reminder to all parents that our Ceremonial Passing Out Parade, where we farewell the Year 12 cadets, takes place on Sunday 6 June at 11am. This Unit Parade is also the chance to recognise the excellent contribution Cadets have made across the Unit as we present the Annual Awards and Trophies. All Cadet parents are invited to attend.


MAJ (AAC) Ms Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


How proud we were of our cadets as they participated in the ANZAC Commemorative Service and Parade during Assembly on Monday. The front of the Gym was lined with our VC Guard, Catafalque Party and Flag Party while our cadets, interspersed amongst the school, held vigil with a candle, lit to commemorate the lives of the 65 Waverley Old Boys who lost their lives in World Wars 1 and 2. The school community followed the cadets’ lead and approached the service with respect and pride. It was a wonderful way to mark this very special day in the Australian Calendar.

ANZAC Day 2021

ANZAC Day 2021

Cadet training recommences this week for the whole Unit and we are thrilled to welcome back 75 of our recruits as fully-fledged cadets, having now completed AFX and their Recruit Induction year. This term we prepare for our Year 12 Graduation Ceremony – The Passing Out Parade – on Sunday 6 June, but we still have time for some exciting field training in the lead up to this.

Once our Year 12s pass out of the Unit, we look to our new leaders to take the helm into Term 3, which is when our new Year 8 recruits will start their Cadet journey. Promotions for these new leaders takes place in the first week of the school holidays.

I would ask all parents to take note of the following dates for their calendars:


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


ANZAC Day 2021

ANZAC Day 2021

ANZAC Day 2021

ANZAC Day 2021

ANZAC Day 2021

ANZAC Day 2021

ANZAC Day 2021

ANZAC Day 2021