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Waverley will be hosting Theatresports on the 17 May at the PAC! The College is fielding an Intermediate team and a Senior team in the 2021 Theatresports Interschool Challenge. Both teams have been training hard twice a week as part of their Waverley co-curricular commitments, with the goal of reaching the grand finals held at the Enmore Theatre.

The squad consists of students from Years 9-12: Dexter Craddock, Evander Hudson, Cjuba Lord, Finn Nebauer, Jay Palm, Michael Richmond, Aidan Rogers, Orlando Smithers-Haines, Zachary Straker and Achilles Zanapalis.

They will be up against teams from seven other schools in the area, including Scots College, St Catherine’s and Ascham.

Each heat starts with a fantastic Theatresports workshop at 4pm, with the competition itself starting at 7pm! The nights are wonderful entertainment, as each team pitches their skills against each other over three rounds of improvisational theatre games. The night should be wrapped up by around 9pm.

Waverley is proud of these dedicated and talented young performers. It would be great to see as many supporters turn up for the heat at Waverley as we can muster!

Parents and friends who want to see the show at Waverley College can buy tickets at the PAC door from 6.45pm on the night ($10 for adults, $5 for students).


Mr Peter Lamb

Theatresports Convenor


Theatresports in 2017

Theatresports in 2017

Entries for the 2021 Waverley Youth Art Prize are Open!

Looking at the theme: We are Family – ancestors, bloodlines and belonging, students are invited to create an artwork to submit for the competition. Works can range from drawings, paintings, ceramics, sculptures, prints or photographs. Be creative!

The art rooms will be open in the Senior School during lunch on the following days:


All students from the Junior and Senior Campus are encouraged to enter the Waverley Youth Art Prize. All works entered will be exhibited in the opening on 3 June 2021. Entrants will go into the running to win vouchers and prize packs.

Submission Details – entries close 21 May 2021 

If you are wanting the Art Department to enter your work on your behalf, please bring in your artwork by 19 May 2021 with the completed entry form for your age category.

Entry forms:
Click here for entry form age 9-12
Click here for entry form age 13-15
Click here for entry form age 16-18

Link to entry form 

Link to previous winners 

Good luck everyone!


Ms Natalie Oates

Head of Visual Arts


Waverley Youth Art Prize 2021

Waverley Youth Art Prize 2021

Waverley College awards the George William Rummery Music Scholarships as a means of encouraging students to realise their potential and strive for excellence. The George William Rummery Scholarship is a gift of the Rummery Family in memory of their son and brother, George, whose life ended tragically in 1982 when he was in Year 8 at Waverley College.

The Scholarship is awarded to students of the College who display particular aptitude and interest in music. The scholarship covers ongoing full remission of music tuition fees for students from Year 7 to Year 12.

It is with great pleasure that we announce the recipients of the George William Rummery Music Scholarship for 2021 are:



Mr Chris Balkizas

Head of Music


George William Rummery Music Scholarship winners

George William Rummery Music Scholarship winners for 2021

George William Rummery Music Scholarship 2021

George William Rummery Music Scholarship 2021


A friendly reminder Music Camp will be held from Wednesday 5-7 May 2021 at Naamaroo Uniting Venues, Chatswood.

The primary focus is the development of the Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, the College Choir and Guitar Ensemble. We will endeavour to improve the standard of our young musicians, expand their repertoire and to strengthen relationships among the musicians of the College.

The Music Camp will provide the opportunity to develop and strengthen the level of musicianship across all participating ensembles; specialist music tutors are employed to assist in this process along with the Waverley College full time music staff. It is strongly encouraged that all students participating in the above groups attend this residential music camp.


Students will need to bring the following clothing and equipment:

Students are to meet at the Performing Arts Centre on the morning of Wednesday 5 May at 8am.

The students will return to the PAC prior to the conclusion of the school day on Friday 7 May and can be collected after 3.15pm.


Ms Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator


On Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 May 2021, the Music Department is launching its first ever Piano Competition!  Open to students both enrolled in the Instrumental Music Program within the College and those taking lessons externally, the Competition offers an opportunity for students to show off their very best playing whilst under the scrutiny of a respected invited adjudicator.

It provides a chance to build confidence and performing skills in front of an audience, including their peers, as well as the incentive to learn and prepare repertoire to the highest level possible. Additionally, it allows the occasion to hear other students in the same area of study and to compare performances and receive helpful notes from an expert adjudicator.

It’s all about taking part and enjoying both the process and chance to share your music with others … and possibly take away one of the prizes on offer for each Division!  

Winners will be offered the privilege of performing at the annual Waverley College Music Festival, which will be held on Thursday 10 June 2021.

Further information and application forms are available from Ms Kossenberg, PAC Coordinator – please email 

Get thinking about what you would like to play, and submit your application form by Friday 7 May 2021.


Ms Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator


Our Performing Arts Centre Supporters Group meeting will be held on:

Thursday 13 May 2021 at 4pm in Room P11, Lower Level, Performing Arts Centre (Senior Campus) at 131 Birrell Street, Waverley.

We are looking to fill all positions for the Music Supporters Group.

These include the positions:

All welcome. Please come along to discuss upcoming events on the Music Department calendar, including the Music Festival in June. We are seeking your enthusiastic support for this event!

Please email Ms Kossenberg at to advise your attendance. 


Ms Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator

Waverley College Music Festival will showcase the abundant talent of Waverley College students in vocal, brass, strings, elective music and ensemble performances from both the Junior and Senior Schools.

Bookings will open from Thursday, 20 May. We will share the booking link with families when it opens.

Entry: Adults $25, Children $15. Location: Br R.J. Wallace Performing Arts Centre, 131 Birrell Street Waverley.

Hot food and drinks will be available to purchase from 5.15pm prior to the commencement of the concert. Performers should arrive no later than 5.30pm.


Ms Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator


Calling All Artists – Enter the Competition to Create Art for the Wavefest Promotional Poster!

Are you an artist with a vision? Create an image/art that might be chosen as the Wavefest main poster of promotion for this year’s short film festival. 

The competition runs until 1 May 2021.

Theme: “Future is Yours”

Please email for more information and submission details.

WaveFest 2021

WaveFest 2021

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

From Ms Jenna Turnbull, Visual Arts Teacher

Waverley College can boast numerous talented artists. Below is an impressive collection of Year 8 high achievers portraits. Students worked hard in their Visual Arts lessons in drawing the correct proportions of a face, using the grid structure method, using tone to creation expressions and dimensional form, and also using other technical drawing methods to create their self portrait.

These artworks will be displayed in the Wellbeing Centre for viewing. How many of our stars can you recognise?

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits

Year 8 High Achievers in Portraits