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Munich – Salzburg – Vienna – Padua – Lausanne – Milan

Expressions of interest are sought for a Music Tour to Europe including cities such as Munich, Salzburg, Vienna, Padua, Lausanne and Milan in June 2024.

The tour is open to all new and existing Waverley College musicians, choir and ensemble members. If you are unsure as to your eligibility, please speak to a member of the music staff.

An information evening will be held on Tuesday, 7 March 2023 at 6pm in the Performing Arts Centre Theatre (PAC), Waverley College, 131 Birrell Street Waverley.

A Tour Operator representative will be attending to share details of the planned tour. EFTPOS facilities will be available on the evening for tour deposits.

Click here to indicate your expression of interest by Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Click here to view the Music Tour concert flyer

The Year 12 students studying Design & Technology will be attending SHAPE 2023 at the Powerhouse Museum. 

Students will engage with industry professionals in a masterclass session. This will allow Year 12 students to examine the marking guidelines relevant to their subject, and gain understanding of the marking guidelines. 

Students will unpack projects in the exhibition and see the standard of HSC work, looking at Band 6 HSC projects presented from around the state from the 2022 HSC.

In addition there will be a variety of aspects of the accompanying folio.

Excursion Details – Friday, 17 March 2023

Assemble: students assemble in the Braidwood area, 8:30am

Travel: we will walk to Bondi Junction to catch the train to Central Station, then walk to the Powerhouse Museum at 500 Harris Street, Ultimo

Dismissal: students will be dismissed from the Powerhouse Museum around 2:15pm to make their own way home

Uniform: full school Summer uniform is to be worn

Missed Classes: it is your son’s responsibility to ensure he completes the work from classes missed on the day

Lunch: students are required to bring a packed lunch to eat during a break outside the venue

Cadets: any student who has Cadets must inform us, so that they can be released early to get back to school by 3:15pm

Cost: approximately $80, billed to your account


Please feel free to email me at

In support of the Visual Arts and Design curriculum, Years 11 and 12 Visual Arts students will be attending an excursion to the Art Gallery of NSW on Thursday, 23 March, 2023.  

Students will attend the ARTEXPRESS Lecture from 2022 High Achievers and explore the exhibition to provide further stimulus and direction for the practical components of the Visual Arts, HSC Major Work.

Students will also explore the new North Building Public Gallery spaces to broaden their understanding of audience participation in installation and traditional works.

Excursion Details: Years 11/12 Visual Arts – AGNSW – ARTEXPRESS Excursion  Organising Teacher: Ms Jenna Turnbull
Date: Thursday, 23 March 2023 

Term 1, Week 8

Location: Art Gallery of NSW (Art Gallery Road)


Start time: 9am

Students are to meet at school for their name to be marked off. 

Students will have a half an hour for recess and lunch at the Domain Park. There are limited food outlets in the area and students must bring their own packed recess and lunch. 

Supervision will be provided during this time.
Students will be released from the Art Gallery of NSW at 3pm.  

In the permission note, there is an opt in/out for this dismissal. And if students have co-curricular activities on at school, they must return to school for their co-curricular. 

Uniform: Students are to wear full academic school uniform (including blazer)
Transport: Students will be travelling via public transport. They will be walking from the school grounds to Bondi Junction station, walking to the Art Gallery of NSW from Martin Place Station.
*All students are required to bring a loaded Opal card. 
Cost: $35.00

Click here to view and complete the permission slip

*Please complete this permission slip no later than Thursday, 16 March, 2023 (Week 7)

If you have any questions regarding the excursion, please do not hesitate to contact the Visual Arts Department.

Visual Arts Club will be offered at Waverley as a Winter Extra-Curricular activity for students from Years 5-12.

It will commence Term 2, Week 2, 2023 and run until Term 3, Week 8. 

Visual Arts Club provides an opportunity for students to build skills in critical and creative thinking. This winter, students will be introduced to: Landscapes – Experiments with Watercolour.

Each student will be introduced to a range of drawing and painting techniques, such as perspective drawing and natural landscapes through watercolour paintings. Students will build upon traditional artmaking foundations of drawing and painting, while experimenting and exploring new foundations of contemporary painting styles. 

In Visual Arts Club students will:

*(This may also include an external excursion for students!)

Cost: $100.00
Materials: all materials will be supplied
Session times: select ONE from the following:

Click here to book

Click here to book

We welcome Special Guests from The Lane Cove Concert Band – The Cameraygal Wind Symphony joining the Waverley College Cliff Goodchild Concert Band performing on stage on Thursday, 23 March 2023.

The Cameraygal Wind Symphony is the senior ‘Flagship’ ensemble in the Lane Cove Concert Band organisation, and comprises a group of approximately 50 adult woodwind, brass and percussion players.

Come along and enjoy the performance. The evening will showcase two 40-minute performances with an intermission.

Food and beverages will be available for purchase from 6pm in the PAC foyer.

The concert will commence at 7pm.

The event is free of charge, but tickets need to be booked.

We hope to see you there!

Ticket Bookings

You can book tickets by:

  1. clicking the button below

Book Tickets Now


2. Scanning the QR code below

QR Code Joint Band Performance


3. Clicking the button below and then scanning the QR code on the flyer

Book Today!

All students in the Year 11 VET Entertainment course will take part in an excursion to the Lyric Theatre in Sydney to see the musical ‘Hairspray’ on Wednesday, 15 February.

Going to see a large-scale professional musical is a wonderful opportunity for the boys to examine how the elements of production such as lighting, staging, sound, costume design and direction, all come together to communicate a story to the audience.

Students will be accompanied by Mr Lamb and myself. When we get to the Lyric Theatre, the boys will be allowed to get themselves some lunch at the nearby shopping mall.

Hairspray the Musical

Date: Wednesday, 15 February 2023
Time: 11am
Cost: $97.00

Dress: Full school uniform

Meeting point: PAC foyer at 11am

Parent/carer permission is required.

Click here to view excursion information and complete the google permission slip

I kindly ask all parents/carers to complete the Google form permission slip no later than Monday, 13 February.

Please do not hesitate to email me for further information.

Munich – Salzburg – Vienna – Padua – Lausanne – Milan

Expressions of interest are sought for a Music Tour to Europe including cities such as Munich, Salzburg, Vienna, Padua, Lausanne and Milan in June 2024.

The tour is open to all new and existing Waverley College musicians, choir and ensemble members. If you are unsure as to your eligibility, please speak to a member of the music staff.

An information evening will be held on Tuesday, 7 March 2023 at 6pm in the Performing Arts Centre Theatre, Waverley College, 131 Birrell Street Waverley.

A Tour Operator representative will be attending to share details of the planned tour. EFTPOS facilities will be available on the evening for tour deposits.

Click here to indicate your expression of interest by Friday, 24 February 2023

Click here to view the Music Tour Concert Flyer


Please contact

Across our two campuses, Waverley College offers a great variety of Choral, Bands and Ensembles for our music students.

>>> Click here to view the 2023 Music Ensembles Rehearsal Schedule.


College Choir

The Waverley College Choir rehearse and perform a variety of repertoire under the direction of Ms Jaz Dolso. Rehearsals are held weekly in the Recital Room of the Performing Arts Centre.

The College Choir is engaged throughout the year to sing at many College events, College liturgies, masses and concerts. Over the last 10 years, the Choir has participated in several overseas tours, performing in Germany and Italy.

Students also have the opportunity to attend a Music Camp and to participate in performances across the wider community.

Waverley College Choir at 2021 Music Festival

Waverley College Choir at the 2021 Music Festival, conducted by Ms Jaz Dolso

Chamber Choir

The Chamber Choir is a small acappella group of Waverley College and St Clare’s College students, who meet once a week to rehearse and perform at assemblies, music festivals and other College events. The group sings a range of contemporary repertoire.


The Waverley College Junior School Cantores is an auditioned choral group of approximately 40 students. The Cantores sing for liturgies, masses, concerts and competitions. The Cantores perform a mixture of contemporary and classical repertoire, including choral works by Australian composers.

2021 Music Festival a Resounding Success!

Cantores at the 2021 Music Festival, conducted by Ms Michelle Rollins

Concert Bands

Cliff Goodchild Concert Band

This is the premier Concert Band at Waverley College, and students are invited and auditioned for their position. The Band comprises students ranging from all years at the Senior School. Students need to be proficient on their instrument, and are given the opportunity to learn skills and to contribute to large group performances. The Band perform for College events and competitions, and have toured across Europe, China and the USA. The Band is under the direction of Mr Dan Williams.

Matthew Coorey Concert Band

Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 students are introduced into the large ensemble program for Senior School students who play a woodwind, brass or percussion instrument, including piano. This group allows new and existing students the ability to come together during their first years of Senior School, to perform music in a safe, fun and enjoyable learning environment. The Band is under the Direction of Mr Alexander Lee.

Waterford Concert Band

This Band comprises students from Years 5 and 6. All students who learn an instrument in brass, woodwind and percussion can join this Band. Rehearsals are Thursday morning from 7.30am. The Band covers a range of repertoire and performs at College assemblies, concerts and festivals.

Jazz Band – A

This ensemble builds upon the skills learnt in Jazz Band – B. The students in this group mainly belong to the Cliff Goodchild Concert Band, who wish to continue developing their jazz ensemble playing. Jazz Band – A are often called upon to perform at many College events and competitions. The Jazz Band also offer their time and skills to perform at a number of our local community events which fall under the College’s social justice program. This group has also toured extensively overseas.

Jazz Band – B

This ensemble provides our middle school students an introduction to jazz at the Senior School level. Students are required to audition and should also be part of the Concert Band programme.  Jazz Band – B gives students an opportunity to begin learning about the different genres and the art of improvisation.

Brass Ensemble

The Brass Ensemble comprises students who are proficient on their brass instrument. The group builds on skills learnt in the Concert Band and performs often within the College environment, including liturgical services, academic assemblies and community events. Students perform a wide spectrum of repertoire.

Woodwind Ensemble

Students are given an opportunity to learn and perform Wind Chamber Music in various types of woodwind ensembles. These ensembles are small groups that usually perform in small venues. Membership is by audition.

Rock Bands

There are a number of Rock Band Groups at the College. These groups are arranged by Year group and ability. The annual ‘Rock Band Festival’, gives each of the rock bands an opportunity to perform in front of their friends and family, and is one of the many highlights of the year in the Music Department.

String Ensembles

Chamber Strings Ensemble

Students in the ensemble range from Years 7 to 12, and approximately Grade 2 to Grade 5 standard (AMEB). The ensemble extends and enhances students’ musical development and enjoyment, through the rehearsal and performance of stimulating repertoire.

Guitar Ensemble

The College has a number of guitar ensembles, allowing students to play in a group of students with a similar level of attainment. In most Chamber Music groups there will be only one player per part, giving added responsibility to the musicians.

Music Festival 2021

Guitar Ensemble at the Music Festival 2021


The Waverley College Junior School Stomp is a small, creative group of 16 boys. Stomp is a very popular activity at the Junior School, that encourages our students to be creative with rhythm and improvisation. The idea behind the Stomp style of music is that you can create music using everyday items in creative ways.

Over the years, we have developed performances using chairs, music stands, buckets, bins, brooms, pipes, pots and pans – to name just a few. We also try to include a theatrical element or some kind of storytelling in our Stomp performances, to make it more spectacular for the audience.

The most important part of this activity is the creating not the performing, with each of our Stomp items being created solely from original ideas from the students.

Private Music Lessons

Private music tuition is available on a range of instruments. Students​ ​electing​ ​to​ ​take​ ​private​ ​music​ ​lessons​ ​must​ ​do​ ​so​ ​for​ ​a​ ​minimum​ ​of​ ​six​ ​months​ ​(one​ ​semester). There is an additional charge​ ​for​ ​the​ ​use​ ​of​ ​a​ ​College​ ​instrument.

Parents/carers who would like their sons to commence instrumental lessons, must complete a private music tuition form.

Click here to complete the 2023 private music tuition form

Music Festival 2021 - Evan Service winner of the inaugural piano competition division 2, plays Solfeggietto by Bach.

What is the Young Archie?

The Art Gallery of New South Wales invites budding artists between the ages of 5 and 18 to submit a portrait for the Young Archie portrait competition.

The portrait must be of a person who is special to you – someone who is known to you, and who knows you, and plays a significant role in your life.

There are four age categories:

Entry Instructions

If you wish to enter the portrait prize, please collect a drawing pack from the Visual Arts staffroom. You may have begun your portrait over the Summer holidays!

The College will submit your work on your behalf. Please return your works no later than Monday, 20 February 2023 to the Visual Arts staffroom, with your name, age category and House attached to the back of your drawing sleeve.

Ensure you follow the entry guidelines and criteria set out by the Art Gallery of NSW when creating your portrait.

Entry Guidelines and Criteria

The annual outdoor ROCK BAND Concert will be held on Tuesday, 29 November 2022.

Family and friends are invited to enjoy an afternoon of entertainment from our ROCK BANDS.

The event will be held outdoor in the Braidwood courtyard area near the Performing Arts Centre, commencing at 4pm. The evening should conclude approximately 6pm.

A BBQ and drinks will be available for purchase – meal deal for $5.00.

Click here for your invitation

Please click the button below to complete the form to advise the number of persons attending. This helps us greatly with set up and seating for this event. In the event of rain, the concert will be held in the Performing Arts Centre (PAC).

Please complete this form to advise number of persons attending

Students are welcome to stay after school to prepare for their performances. We look forward to a great afternoon of entertainment!

Please advise if your son is in a ROCK BAND Group and is not able to attend this event by email:

The Waverley College Choral and Chamber Music Concert will be held on Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 6pm in the College Chapel.

Join us for an evening of performances featuring the College Choir, Chamber Choir, Cantores, Jazz Band A, Saxophone Ensemble, Clarinet Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, String Ensemble, Guitar Ensembles and soloists.

Tickets are limited and can be purchased via this TryBooking link OR the QR code on the flyer via the button below.

Click here to view the QR code on the flyer

Adults: $20.00
Students/Concession: $10.00

All funds raised will be donated to The Cardoner Project.

Click here to view information about the Cardoner Project

Congratulations to Year 11 student, James Iatrou, who received a Highly Commended Award for his Short Film in the Senior Category of the Woollahra Youth Photographic & Short Film Prize. This Prize is highly competitive, with entrants from schools across the Eastern Suburbs. 

This short film originally commenced for James last year in the filmmaking process for WaveFest, and sadly, due to COVID-19, James’ film was not able to be presented. So once the opportunity of the Woollahra Prize arose, there was the perfect opportunity for James to finish, make final edits, and submit his short film. 

James’ short film, alongside the help of younger brother Constantine, is drawn from classic films and pop culture films. It plays out the storyline of two brothers making it in the film industry. And again, congratulations for James on all of his efforts in creating such an interesting film.

We hope you enjoy viewing the short film The Future is Yours by James Iatrou.

All photographs and films are on display at Woollahra Gallery at Redleaf. You can also participate in the People’s Choice Awards for other students who have entered from Waverley College, by following the link below:

>>> Click here to view information about the entries and voting in the People’s Choice Awards.

Congratulations, James Iatrou


Ms Jenna Turnbull

Innovation Coordinator and Visual Arts Teacher
