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Walawaani x Waverley Council  Reconciliation Week Art Project – Art Exhibition

On Thursday 1 August, our Walawaani students visited the Waverley Council Library to view their artworks on display at the gallery. This was a wonderful morning for Parents, Carers, our College Leadership Team and Council members to view these incredible artworks. 

These artworks displayed the theme of Reconciliation Week ‘Now, More Than Ever’, our students’ Country and our local community & area. 

These artworks will still be on display for the weekend and then will be returning to school for display.

Aboriginal artwork

Year 12 Formal – Tickets on Sale tonight 6pm

year 12 formal

The Year 12 Formal will take place on Thursday, 22 August 2024 at The Australian Turf Club, Randwick.

Click HERE to purchase tickets.

An Evening with Digital Resilience Expert Yasmin London

You are invited to attend an evening with Digital Resilience Expert, Yasmin London. She will be presenting on the latest online trends, social media dynamics, gaming landscapes, and pertinent research and legislation affecting children and families in the digital world. Yasmin’s insights promise to be both enlightening and essential for understanding the digital environment our children navigate daily.

This is a community event specifically for parents of children in Years 5-9.

Date:   Thursday 8 August

Time:   6pm-7pm

Cost:   $30.00

Venue: Ascham School, Packer Theatre, 188 New South Head Road, Edgecliff 


Ask Izzy – Resource for Young People

Ask Izzy is an interactive website run by a not-for-profit organisation, Infoxchange. 

The website is aimed specifically at providing young people with customised resources if they need help with support/counselling, food, housing, money, domestic/family violence, everyday needs, health, advice/advocacy and work/learning. It is free and anonymous, with thousands of services listed across Australia. And if a young person is on the Telstra or Vodafone mobile networks, they can access Ask Izzy on their phone even if they don’t have credit or access to wifi.

It is regularly updated and seeks to provide access to resources that are local to the young person engaging with their website.

AskIzzy poster

Student-Led Information Evening, Tuesday 3 September

On Tuesday, 3 September from 6:30pm-7:30pm, our Year 12 College Leaders are welcoming students from Years 8-10 and their parents/carers to attend an information evening about Alcohol and Addiction, Healthy Habits, Positive Relationships and Technology Usage.

RSVP HERE by Tuesday, 20 August to indicate your attendance.


Raising Teenage boys

Today, instead of sharing content on how to deal with anxiety or discussing some other psychological viewpoints, we’d like to offer a friendly and non-judgmental reminder: spend more quality 1:1 time with your teenage son.

Raising a teenage boy often involves a tug-of-war between their desire for more freedom and your (often justified) concerns about their maturity to handle it. This conflict usually leads to interactions centred around guiding them, setting boundaries, and establishing rules. Over the years, these interactions can overshadow the precious moments spent simply enjoying each other’s company without any agenda.

It’s also challenging with teenage boys, as they often claim they don’t want to spend time with you. Despite their efforts to appear independent, they do appreciate these moments together.

If you’re open to this reminder, consider finding an activity you both might enjoy—whether it’s a dinner, movie, exhibition, sporting event, or something more active. Ask him openly if he would like to join you, explaining that you just want to spend some 1:1 time together with no strings attached. If he says no, don’t take it personally; it’s not a reflection on you. Simply accept it and try again in a week or two. If he agrees, cherish this time together and resist the urge to bring up any concerns when his guard is down. Remember, parenting is a long game. By consistently creating these opportunities for trust and connection, you’ll likely find him more willing to engage with you in the future.


Greg Cameron

School Psychologist

The week started off with the Year 7, 8 & 11 Parent & teacher interviews, we had the final House mass for the year and we celebrated the Year 10-12 Academic Awards Winners at the assembly yesterday. 

Years 10, 11 and 12 Academic Award Winners 

Congratulations to the following students who were presented with an academic award at this week’s Senior School College assembly.

academic assembly award winners

These students should all be congratulated for their hard work, high skills and the competition that striving for excellence brings and benefits all. I hope other students are inspired by them to strive just a little bit harder in Semester 2.  

The full Year 10-12 award winners list can be viewed HERE.

The Old Boys’ Union Award for Academic Integrity and Fortitude 2023 Winners

Congratulations to the following students who were presented at yesterday’s Assembly the Perpetual Shields for the OBU Award for Academic Integrity and Fortitude 2023;

Public Speaking Success

Congratulations to James Peate who was recognised in our assembly this week for his tremendous achievements in public speaking.   James was invited to the stage to present two  perpetual shields to the community for two tremendous achievements.  

Firstly, James was presented with the perpetual shield for our Waverley College Edmund Ignatius Rice Essay and Speech competition that he won earlier this year.  Also, James was presented with the perpetual shield for the prestigious NSW Rostrum Voice of Youth Public Speaking Competition where he competed with 900 students in NSW to win the title. 

James competed against the other state winners in the national finals over the weekend in Hobart and was a very commanding runner up.  A massive thank you to Ms Alice Curtis who has supported this student in this very impressive journey.  

james peate

Year 12 HSC Guide / Trials 

HSC Study Guides were distributed this week to all Year 12 students sitting the HSC this year. The Study Guides include exam advice from teachers and past students along with tips on looking after students’ mental health and wellbeing, in the lead up to exams. 


Senior Teaching & Learning staff also went through the Trial HSC protocols this week, in preparation for the Trials which begin on Monday 5 August and conclude on Monday 19 August 2024. We wish all Year 12’s the best of luck with their Trials.

Parents’ Association Meeting – Come and Join us in Person!

Wednesday, 7 August 2024 – 5.30pm-7.30pm 

Senior Campus in the Grange Boardroom – All Welcome RSVP here

All parents/carers are warmly invited to attend the Waverley College Parent Association (WCPA) meeting which are normally held once per Term.

Waverley College Cadet Unit – Year 7 Commencement 2025

Cadets has been developing youth in resilience, citizenship and leadership at Waverley College since 1911. In order to support the Waverley College Strategic Plan in holistic education, we are extending this opportunity in 2025 to include Year 7 students.

All Year 7 students will commence Cadets in Term 3 2025 and continue until end Term 1 2026. This exciting initiative enables greater opportunities in the development of character, professional relationships in a coeducational setting, and servant leadership as students from Waverley College and St Catherine’s School progress through the Waverley College Cadet Unit across a 5 year program.

Students currently in Year 6 2024 will participate in a special Cadet Orientation Afternoon with our senior cadets in Term 4 this year, where they will get a taste of this engaging outdoor education program. Once in Year 7, they will be issued with their uniform and equipment in Term 2 2025, ready to begin Cadets in Term 3 2025.

Students currently in Year 7 2024 will be given the opportunity to join the Cadet Unit in a voluntary accelerated Recruit Induction Program in Term 2 2025. This one-off opportunity is a great way to commence the program as part of this exciting new program and forge the way for a new Senior Recruit Company in Term 3 2025 where they will continue their training at an elevated level.

As we look to promote excellent citizenship across our schools, the Waverley College Cadet Unit is integral in fostering collaborative and respectful relationships, fellowship and leadership, in our students from the beginning of their secondary Education.

Memorial Plaque unveiling – Saturday, 10 August

The College will officially unveil a memorial plaque to commemorate the talents and dedication of our builder and architect Old Boys who together constructed the T&M Hayes Pavilion in Queens Park.  This will occur on Saturday, 10 August at 2.30pm – 3pm, Queens Park Pavilion.

Read about the Green Gables and Queens Park Pavilion History

“My father certainly gave a lot back to the school – he loved the school. How cool in hindsight that a building designed by your Dad is opened by the Prime Minister of Australia (John Gorton). A very proud moment.” – Mr Peter Anderson (Class of 1973-74) about his father Professor Neville Anderson (Class of 1936).


Academic Awards Assembly Years 10-12 2024

academic award winners

This week in our Academic Awards Assembly, we celebrated our high achievers who ranked first in their courses during Semester.  In the assembly I spoke about why we celebrate these students at the half-way point.  Of course, the main reason is to celebrate their wonderful achievements but, as we know, topping a course is no easy feat. 

We also celebrated the strength of character that these students have demonstrated.  These students have grafted.  They have gone beyond the set work and have pushed for more.  Whether it’s sticking to their study timetable, even when motivation is waning or taking the time to summarise their class notes as they go so that revision later on in the course is that bit easier, the Semester 1 academic first in course awards not only speak of a top ranking in a subject, they speak to character.  To grit, tenacity, perseverance and resilience.

In class, many of our students, particularly in the younger years, will have started to practise measuring their own capacity to demonstrate character in the Deep Learning activities that we have embedded into Teaching and Learning programs.  Our Deep Learning work with the Association of Independent Schools provides the tools for teachers to mentor our students to reflect on their own strength of character, measure their own tenacity, perseverance and resilience and set goals to develop that competency.  

So why are we pushing this so much?  Earlier in the year I wrote about NESA Curriculum Reform.  One of the key changes is that – our students not just in Waverley College but all across NSW – will have experiences in the new courses where they actively learn about key life skills that employers are looking for.  One of these is certainly strength of character.  I challenged our students in the assembly to picture themselves in a future job interview or leading team building session with younger employees where they might be able to use examples of when they have demonstrated strength of character.  

academic assembly award winners

At Waverley College we celebrate the strength of character that it takes to drive academic growth and effort.  To this end, we also celebrated the students who received the Old Boys’ Union Award for Academic Integrity and Fortitude 2023 at the start of this year by presenting them with the Perpetual Shield that will write their achievements into the history of the College for many years to come.  The timing of this was crucial as the second challenge I gave to our students in the assembly was about whether they might contend for the 2024 awards.  We will be monitoring academic growth from Semester 1 to Semester 2 to determine these awards so this week, at the halfway point of the year, was the opportune time to set this challenge.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

Welcome back to Term 3! I hope your son/s had an enjoyable break over the winter holidays.

Congratulations to all students and staff who represented the College very well across a wide range of activities and events over the break including; our Immersion experiences in Cambodia, Timor Leste, and Fiji, our European Music tourists, our Walawaani students who led a NAIDOC ceremony for Dorothy Boyt House, our Cadets who attended the promotional course, our Rugby players at the Australian Schoolboy championships and State Cup, National Surfing competition, Sydney Interschool Snowsport Championships, and a water polo training camp in Crete. Please see Mr O’Donnell’s article for more co-curricular details.  

Thank you to our Year 12 teachers who conducted HSC tutorials over the break and well done to our Year 12s who turned up in large numbers in preparation for their upcoming trials. We wish them well in their ongoing preparations. 


Thank you to Mr Kevin Heath (Aboriginal Liaison Officer) for organising our NAIDOC week assembly and special guest, Mr Fred Leone. Fred is a well-respected community leader whose family come from Garawa and Butchulla tribes. Fred attended St James College, an EREA school in Brisbane. Fred is one of the Butchulla Songmen, a language custodian, a groundbreaking and award winning artist who works across genres and mediums to bring a distinctly original voice to his performances and recordings. Fred has toured both nationally and internationally and is a member of the Indigenous Advisory Group for the National Indigenous Music Awards. Fred performed at assembly and shared his talents, wisdom and culture with our community for which we were all very appreciative and thankful. 

NAIDOC week smoking ceremony

Fred Leone

Our next two College assemblies will celebrate our Academic Award winners from Semester 1. 

National Public Speaking Final 

We wish James Peate (Year 11) all the very best as he represents NSW at the National Public Speaking Final being held in Hobart this weekend. 

Congratulations on National and State Success 

Senior School Reminder 

There will be a pupil-free day for Senior School students (Year 7-12) on Monday, 29 July due to the Year 7, 8 & 11 Parent Teacher Student Interviews. There will also be no Senior School cocurricular training next Monday.


On behalf of Mr Sam Hardjono, EREA NSW Board Chair, please click here to read a letter to the school community announcing new Directors and members to the EREA NSW Board and committees. 

Staff Update

Ms Gaby Bransby, Director of Junior School will be leaving us at the end of the year to complete her Masters of Educational Neuroscience and pursue an educational business venture. Gaby has worked at the College for 14 years and been a wonderful leader and teacher. We wish her all the very best in her last semester at Waverley. The Director of Junior School position has been advertised as a result and I will update you once the recruitment process has been finalised. 

We have also advertised the Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning position in line with our usual procedures. Ms Lynsey Porter has been acting in this position for 2024. 

Mr Stan Lengyel has worked with us for six years in our Finance Team in charge of accounts payable. Stan has been a positive and effective team member and we wish him well in retirement. We welcome to the College, Ms Angela Chu who joined us this week and is a qualified Certified Practising Accountant (CPA). 

Cadet Promotions Course

The new Cadet Year commences this term with a Rank Induction Parade for all newly promoted rank on Friday 26 July.  All Year 8 Waverley boys, in addition to 29 Year 8 St Catherine’s girls, start their Cadet training at the Commanding Officer’s Parade on Friday 2 August. 

Congratulations to Lachlan Isaac (Year 11) who has been appointed SUO (Student Under Officer) for 2024/2025. And congratulations to the rest of the Cadet Leadership positions that have been appointed: 

2IC – CUO Amelie Salem

OPSO – CUO Rohan Baker

TRGO – CUO Yannick Hott

ADJT – CUO Taj Lynn

LOGSO – CUO Daniela Comino

RSM – WO1 Renato Rovacchi

A COY COMD – CUO Abigail Salem

B COY COMD – CUO Fox Stapleton 

C COY COMD – CUO Natalie Ha

D COY COMD – CUO Cameron Vincent-Hull

E COY COMD – CUO Alexandra Coffey

SPT COY COMD – CUO Harry Ballesty

A COY CSM – WO2 Chiara Marshall

B COY CSM – WO2 Nicholas Scerri

C COY CSM – WO2 Luke Nezval

D COY CSM – WO2 Oliver Bracic

E COY CSM – WO2 Ben Darcy

SPT COY CSM – WO2 Finn McCarthy

St Catherines Principal 2025 

Congratulations to Ms Deb Magillwill who has just recently been announced as the New Principal for St Catherine’s School.  Ms Deb Magillwill is the current principal at Roseville College and will commence in 2025.

Staff Professional Learning Days 

In their 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis into the characteristics of effective teacher professional development, Sim, Fletcher-Wood, O’Mara-Eves, Cottingham, Stansfield, Van Herwegen and Anders posited that, “In the last two decades, a large number of experimental evaluations have tested the impact of different approaches to teacher PD. Evidence has accumulated showing that PD does indeed improve teaching and pupil learning.” (1)

With this in mind, at the end of Term 2 and the start of Term 3, we conducted a program of staff professional learning with the aim to improve student learning outcomes shaped by our NESA-informed Teaching and Learning vision and mission: To build an inclusive community of mutual trust and respect that values liberating teaching and learning, celebrates curiosity, critical thinking and nurtures globally-minded citizens.

Friday, 28 June – Staff Professional Learning Day

At the end of Term 2, we conducted a range of in-house professional learning sessions to address our strategic priorities for 2024-2025 from our Teaching & Learning Framework.

Session 1 targeted our continued work on supporting student mastery of foundational skills. Using their own learning from a range of external conferences and workshops, our Head of Academic Enrichment, Ms Helen Barrie, and Literacy Coordinator, Ms Mary Ryan, developed a workshop on Elevating Literacy and Writing Across the Curriculum.  

Capturing the research and planning from our Data Focus Working Group meetings this year, Session 2 continued our learning series on using student performance data to know our students and inform our practice. The team conducted a range of targeted workshops to empower our teachers to use our data analytics program, Track One, to reflect on Semester 1 student progress and plan for Semester 2 teaching and learning programs.

Session 3 grappled with the issue of the use and management of AI in Education. After attending a network conference, our Head of English, Dr Michael Couani, Head of Library, Mr William Roberts and (Acting) Head of History for Term 1, Mr Nicholas Brophy, researched, prepared and facilitated a workshop on the pitfalls and opportunities of AI in the Education landscape.

With the pressing issue of cybersafety, our final session aimed to educate our teachers and support staff on how to mitigate the risks in the cyber security space. Our Director of Campus and ICT, Mr Simon Potter, went through the threat landscape including information on ransomware, password safety and AI threats.

Monday 22 July – EREA NSW Network Staff Professional Learning Day

At the start of this week, Waverley College hosted the seven EREA NSW schools – St Dominic’s College, St Pius College, Edmund Rice College, St Patrick’s College, Christian Brothers College, St Edward’s College and Waverley College – for a combined professional learning conference. The conference was framed as an ‘Invitation to Collaborate as a connected community in order to grow excellence in practice.’ The purpose of the day was to leverage our EREA NSW network to improve learning outcomes for students and staff in the Edmund Rice tradition.  

This conference was a result of over six months of planning with the Teaching and Learning leaders at each of the seven EREA schools meeting with Heads of Departments in each Key Learning Area to determine the teaching and learning priorities in their faculties that merit further collaboration. The predominant themes centred around: NESA curriculum reform, boys’ education, engaging assessments, boys’ literacy, AI in education and catering for our diverse learners to name but a few.  

Our EREA community embraced the expertise of our Heads of Department and their teams who worked tremendously hard to construct and facilitate a range of targeted professional learning workshops that addressed our identified key priorities.

We also welcomed a range of external presenters including:

Many thanks to Ms Maura Manning, Director of EREA NSW Colleges and CEO and her team for her tireless work with the Teaching and Learning leaders across the schools; Ms Sue Walsh and the Mission and Identity directorates across the seven schools for the tremendous work with the Mass; Mr Kevin Heath for his Welcome to and Acknowledgement of Country; Ms Robin Ball and her team of support staff whose endless energy and care on the day was second to none; to our Heads of Department and teachers who presented on the day; and to all who attended and contributed to the sessions.


Sims, S., Fletcher-Wood, H., O’Mara-Eves, A., Cottingham, S., Stansfield, C., Van Herwegen, J., Anders, J. (2021). What are the Characteristics of Teacher Professional Development that Increase Pupil Achievement? A systematic review and meta-analysis. London: Education Endowment Foundation. The report is available here.

HSC Study Guide 

During Weeks 1 and 2, our HSC plus ATAR students will be fervently preparing for their HSC Trial Examinations which commence in Week 3. As well as the Pre-Trial planning session with Dr Prue Salter which students attended at the end of last term and the online platforms to which we subscribe such as Atomi and Edrolo, there is also a really useful HSC Study Guide released by the Sydney Morning Herald as outlined below.

The HSC Study Guide is online now, packed with everything HSC students need to kick their exam goals! 

Students can:

There’s also practical mental health and wellbeing advice from the experts at ReachOut – with tailored tips for parents and carers on supporting their children in the lead up to exams.

Click here to access the HSC Study Guide 2024.

Live Parent Webinar: How to Get (and Keep!) Your Child Motivated

Elevate Education will be hosting a free webinar for our parents on motivation on Wednesday, 7 August.

Elevate works with our students, delivering high-impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation.

By tuning into their webinar series, you’ll learn how you can help support your child at home by reinforcing the skills they’re learning at school.

The upcoming webinar on motivation will give you a simple, realistic action plan to help keep your child motivated right up until the day of their last exam.

Live Parent Webinar: How to Get (and Keep!) Your Child Motivated

Wednesday, 7 August 6:30-7:30pm (AEST)

Click HERE to register.

Here’s what Elevate will be covering on the night:


Ms Lynsey Porter

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


ICAS Science and English Assessments

We are delighted to announce that ICAS will return to Waverley College this year for English and Science. We encourage you to consider entering your child for either ICAS assessment. This fantastic assessment program allows students to challenge themselves and be recognised for their academic efforts. The assessment is now fully online and sitting dates will commence in Term 3.

You now pay for ICAS individually online! To confirm your child’s participation, click here and enter our unique school code RXV933 to make a direct payment to ICAS Assessments. You can register for either the English ICAS, Science ICAS or both!


Ms Emily Pace

Assistant Head of Science


NAIDOC week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It is celebrated by all Australians and is a great opportunity to recognise and learn more about the history and culture of indigenous communities.

NAIDOC stands for National Aboriginal and Islanders Day Observance Committee. Its origins can be traced back to the Aboriginal rights movement, when on Australia Day 1938, protestors marched through the streets of Sydney to highlight the status and treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Today, it is a week-long celebration held in July that consists of a range of traditional and contemporary activities.

NAIDOC Week is an important event that helps build positive relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. It enables a deeper understanding of our differences and similarities. NAIDOC week is an opportunity for all Australians to eliminate bias and discrimination by reflecting and reconciling the wrongs of the past to facilitate hope and build a fairer future. Families are encouraged to join in and support young people in learning the significance of NAIDOC Week.

This Special Report offers suggestions on how families can celebrate NAIDOC Week together. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help.

Here is the latest report from SchoolTV.

Year 12 Formal – Save the date

The Year 12 Formal will take place on Thursday, 22 August 2024 at The Australian Turf Club, Randwick from 6pm-10pm, $165 per person.

Waverley students and their partners are invited. 

Purchase tickets HERE.

Ticket sales open at 6pm on Friday, 2 August and will close on Thursday, 15 August. 

*Please note: Year 12 students will be leaving at the end of Period 4 on 22 August.

An Evening with Digital Resilience Expert Yasmin London

You are invited to attend an evening with Digital Resilience Expert, Yasmin London. She will be presenting on the latest online trends, social media dynamics, gaming landscapes, and pertinent research and legislation affecting children and families in the digital world. Yasmin’s insights promise to be both enlightening and essential for understanding the digital environment our children navigate daily.

This is a community event specifically for parents of children in Years 5-9.

Date:   Thursday 8 August

Time:   6pm-7pm

Cost:   $30.00

Venue: Ascham School, Packer Theatre, 188 New South Head Road, Edgecliff 


Student-Led Information Evening, Tuesday 3 September

On Tuesday, 3 September from 6:30pm-7:30pm, our Year 12 College Leaders are welcoming students from Years 8-10 and their parents/carers to attend an information evening about Alcohol and Addiction, Healthy Habits, Positive Relationships and Technology Usage.

RSVP HERE by Tuesday 20 August to indicate your attendance.

Transdev John Holland Bus services – Term 3 update

As we commence Term 3, it is important that students are reminded about tapping on and off bus services. OPAL data shows that in the months of May and June, school bus services operating to and from our school were carrying less than two students on average each school day.

As you may appreciate, this is a concern as it places our school bus routes at risk of being either modified, or redistributed to an area that has demonstrated a greater need.

We will ensure that our teachers on bus duty are fully aware of the requirement for all school students to Tap On and Off with their School or Child/Youth OPAL Cards and we are seeking the cooperation of our students. It would be appreciated if you could reiterate this message to your son.

Click HERE for the School Bus Information Guide for Parents, Guardians and Students.



As we approach the school holidays, I want to thank you all for a wonderful Term 2. Thank you to all our incredible parents/carers for the support you continue to show the College. We appreciate being able to work in collaboration with you.

I would also like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday period. This time is an opportunity to unwind, recharge, and create wonderful memories with family and friends. Whether you’re travelling or staying close to home, I encourage you to enjoy your time and take care of yourselves.

We look forward to your return in Term 3, refreshed and rejuvenated. Waverley thrives on your energy and enthusiasm, and I look forward to hearing about your adventures and seeing your renewed spirit in the classroom.

Remember to stay safe, make responsible choices, and have fun. 

How to Stay Healthy over the Holidays

Holidays can be challenging. Without routine, it’s still important to stay healthy and look after yourself.

For some young people, this time of year can be challenging. It can feel as though you’ve been taken away from your usual routine of studies or work and you may not get to see your friends, teachers or workmates as often as you would like to. This can leave you feeling bored, unsupported, upset and sometimes anxious. It’s important to stay healthy and look after yourself. There are a number of ways to help you do this, please take a look at the following Headspace page.

ClearlyMe App

I recently wrote about a new app that has been developed by the Black Dog Institute called ClearlyMe. ClearlyMe is an app designed for teens aged 12-17 who are experiencing depressive symptoms, psychological distress or in other words, going through a tough time.

What is a tough time?

Depression can be more than just feeling low or sad. It could mean that we are feeling stressed, worried, anxious or overwhelmed. Other times, it could be that we struggle to get out of bed in the morning, and we don’t know why.

It is normal to go through tough times, and usually, they can pass on their own. But sometimes, they stay for a little while longer. And it can be hard to explain this feeling to others, leaving us feeling alone or even unseen.

ClearlyMe can help you to:

Term 3 Uniform Expectations 

As we look towards Term 3, a few reminders around college uniform expectations:

Community Consultation Launch – Walking in Waverley

Waverley Council is developing its first strategy to promote walking. We want to make it safer and more pleasant to walk to schools, public transport, shops, parks, and beaches, and to better integrate walking with other modes of transport.

The Waverley Walking Strategy project kicks off in June with a community survey about where people currently like to walk, where they would like to walk more, and what would encourage them to walk more often. The strategy also applies to community members with limited mobility and those who use mobility aids.

Figures from the 2023 Household Travel Survey show that a higher proportion of all daily trips are on foot in Waverley, compared to the Greater Sydney average. All trips, whether by car, public transport or bicycle, involve walking, which means walking is the foundation of our transport system.

The Walking Strategy project is in line with the objectives of the Council’s People, Movement and Places Strategy and the Disability Inclusion Action Plan.

To complete the survey, CLICK HERE. The survey is open until 21 July, 2024.

You can also join the Have Your Say pop-up stand in Bondi Junction, Oxford Street Mall on 10 July, 11:30AM to 1:30PM.

For further information, please contact Leigh Pitkethly, Engagement Officer at or 9083 8362.

Thank you

Thank you to staff, parents, alumni and students who have made Term 2 a both successful and productive one across the boys’ spiritual, cognitive, social, emotional and physical dimensions. School Reports for Year 7-10 should have been received yesterday which provide an opportunity to celebrate successes and review areas of development. 

Safe travels to our 46 students and 6 staff members as they embark on the 2024 European Music Tour. They have been practising and working towards this trip for 8 months and over the next 15 days, they will perform and immerse themselves in musical and cultural experiences throughout Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Italy, and Switzerland. 

European Music Tour

We also wish safe travels and wonderful learning experiences to three immersion groups who are heading to Fiji, Cambodia and Timor Leste during this break.  

Fiji Immersion

Timor-Leste Immersion

Congratulations James Peate!

Congratulations to James Peate on winning the NSW Speaking competition over the weekend. This is a wonderful achievement for James who is only in Year 11. We will show some of the speech that James’ delivered at College Assembly early next term. James will represent the State at the Nationals being held in Hobart in Term 3. 

Congratulations Jack George!

Congratulations to Jack George in Year 12 who represented Waverley College at the VET Training Awards as a regional finalist, and won the category of ‘VET Student of the Year.’  He will represent Waverley College at state level next month.

Year 12

Please keep our Year 12’s in your thoughts and prayers at this busy and crucial time of the year, as they continue their preparation for their upcoming trial and then HSC examinations. Thank you to our staff who continue to offer extra tutorials throughout this Term, and through this upcoming holiday period. Please ensure your son maintains good exercise, relaxation time, reduced screen time, good sleep patterns and a healthy diet during this time. Please do not allow your son to change his normal sleep patterns drastically and sleep in. A consistent approach to his day over the next few months is what is required.

Hearts 4 Arch

Thank you for the support of our community in raising over $4400 for the Hearts 4 Arch charity vision. These funds will provide the Sydney Children’s Hospital Cardiac Unit with the ability to purchase value mobile devices that deliver accurate, personalised heart data to doctors, anytime and anywhere. 

Staff Update

On behalf of the College Community, I would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to the following staff who will be leaving us at the end of semester. Ms Carolyn Quirke, Science Teacher, Ms Fiona O’Connor, Maths Teacher, and Ms Alysha Pyne, Science Technician. We also wish Junior School Psychologist, Ms Alex McCredie all the best as she takes leave from the College. We welcome Ms Jacinta Lynch (psychologist) who is replacing Alex. Jacinta comes from us having worked as a school psychologist at Reddam House and Brigidine College. She also works as an Outreach Program Counsellor with Veteran and Families Counselling Service.  She will work with us in the Junior School Mondays and Wednesdays from 22 July 2024 until 24 September 2025.

House Competition Update 

After a well run and well-fought house chess series this week, the semester House results have been updated below. Congratulations to Green House (1st Place), and Brennan and Conlon Houses who are both in equal second place at the halfway point of the year. 

House Junior chess Int. chess Senior chess House Totals
Aungier 10 15 15 370
Brennan 10 10 25 445
Conlon 25 10 10 445
Green 25 25 10 460
Lacey 10 20 15 295
O’Connor 15 10 10 285
Quinn 10 10 20 360
Tevlin 15 15 10 400

Mary Immaculate Church Event  

Come and be entertained by the Sydney Male Choir and St Clare’s College when they join to RAISE YOU UP – Singing a mix of Jazz, Pop, Opera, Gospel, and Musicals including Queen | Les Misérables | Non Nobis Domine…and much more!

Where: Mary Immaculate Catholic Church, 45A Victoria Street, Waverley

When: 2pm, Sunday, 4 August

Tickets: $35 ($30 early bird until 28th July) | Children free

Buy tickets online or at the door.

The concert will serve as a fundraiser for the House of Welcome, a service of St Francis Social Services for refugees and asylum seekers.


Our latest copy of our College magazine, Wavelength, has arrived! If you are an Old Boy, you will receive this in the post over the next few days. Otherwise, feel free to collect from reception.

In the meantime, please view the digital copy HERE.

As Term 2 comes to a close, I want to express my sincere gratitude to students, families and staff for what has been a fulfilling and successful term within the College.

I’d also like to wish you all a safe, happy and relaxing holiday break.  I hope everyone has an opportunity to relax, recharge, and create lasting memories with loved ones.

I eagerly anticipate the return of students in Term 3 with renewed energy and enthusiasm after a very well deserved break!

Year 5 Visual Arts incursion 

Year 5 classes have attended the Senior School Ceramics room this term to immerse themselves in a clay making workshop.

The sessions connect to learning students have completed exploring making a mark and take inspiration from Ms. N. Marawili Baratjala’s style.

The slab works are embossed with leaves collected from our local surrounds, providing a connection to place.

Each student approached the opportunity with enthusiasm and has learnt fundamental ceramic techniques of sgraffito, slip and scoring to create their resolved ceramic platter. 

Ms Lynsey Porter

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


ICAS Science and English Assessments

We are delighted to announce that ICAS will return to Waverley College this year for English and Science. We encourage you to consider entering your child for either ICAS assessment. This fantastic assessment program allows students to challenge themselves and be recognised for their academic efforts. The assessment is now fully online and sitting dates will commence in Term 3.

English – 16 August, 2024

Science – 20 August, 2024

You now pay for ICAS individually online! To confirm your child’s participation, click here and enter our unique school code  RXV933 to make a direct payment to ICAS Assessments. You can register for either the English ICAS, Science ICAS or both!


Ms Emily Pace

Assistant Head of Science


Congratulations to the talented cast of Tartuffe! Waverley students, along with students from St Clare’s College and The Ascham School, delivered a splendid and professional performance for three nights this week of this play that is also studied as a HSC text. Congratulations to the cast and crew who have dedicated countless hours in perfecting their performances. 

Cast: Luke Crossen (Year 12), Matt Frost (Year 12), Lachlan Hoy (Year 11), Taj Lynn (Year 11), Oliver Bracic (Year 10), Lachy Colquhoun (Year 10), Alexander King (Year 9), Hooper Negus (Year 10).

Entertainment Crew (Year 12): Sebastian Blowers, Caelum Brook, Will Burland, Ashton Child, Dillon Due-McCoy, Matthew Garrop, Frankie Pedder, Thomas Pilger, Luke Richardson, Nate Smith, Zac Summerhayes, Henry Whitehouse.

Staff:  Peter Lamb – Producer/Director and Sound Designer, Gina Cohen – Assistant Director, Assistant Producer and Backstage Supervisor, Bishoy Wasef – Production Manager and Videography,  Steven Hall – Wardrobe Supervisors, Rachel Crompton – Choreography/Make-up, Peter Mussared – Set, Costume and Props Designer and Set Construction and Dress, Angus McPherson – Photographer, Keiran Kossenberg – Administration

Year 6 History Showcase 

As a principal, parent and history teacher, I was most impressed with our Year 6 History showcase this week. The detailed stories, journeys and experiences of parents, grandparents and other relatives that the boys shared was very impressive and I am sure they took a lot out of this deep learning experience. Thank you for supporting your sons with their history presentations. 

Year 10 Subject Selection 

I look forward to seeing Year 10 and their parents at next Tuesday’s Subject Selection Evening which is an important evening designed to assist students in choosing the correct subjects and pathway for their senior years at the College.

Social Justice Week – Our Faith in Action

Our Faith In Action Week at Waverley College has been a time of celebration, reflection and opportunity for all staff and students. This week encompassed our College touchstones of Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Solidarity and Justice and Inclusive Community.  Each day presented aspects of social justice that we as a school can act upon as global citizens and exemplified the Year 12 motto for 2024 which is ‘stronger together, united as one’. 

As part of our Faith in Action week, we welcomed special guests Robert Toia from the Rooster NRL Team, as well as Teki Tuipulotu, former Tongan International rugby player and coach. Our Pasifika students performed a traditional Haka and demonstrated the importance of diversity and inclusion at our college. 

Our week of celebration was also a time for students to reflect on their own environment and included a challenge by the student-led SOTWEG group to promote the importance of respect and dignity towards each other and the space in which we share at Waverley College.  

The social justice focus of this week also enabled our guest Brendan from Wheel Chair Sports to showcase his skills and challenge students in new areas of physical activity.  Students from Physical Activity & Sports Studies (PASS) classes and our senior boys were invited to partake in the activity and inspire teamwork and cooperation between each other.  

As part of the week of celebration, students and teachers were also asked to reflect on the journey of others and gain a greater understanding of refugee week and what it means to be a displaced person in our world today.  Special guest, Ismail Ibrahim, a refugee who was born in Somalia presented his story to the College, demonstrating his resilience and strength throughout the obstacles he faced. 

Our Faith in Action initiative supports the Edmund Rice ethos and aims to strengthen our resolve in living out the gospel values and enhancing our ability to live with integrity and faith to help others. 

Holiday Learning Tips for Students: A Guide for Parents and Students

As we approach the holiday break, it’s important to remember that this time can be used effectively to stay on top of learning and prepare for the upcoming term. Here’s how students across different year levels can make the most of their holidays:

Year 12 Students

For our Year 12 students, this holiday is a crucial time to enact the study timetable you will create with Dr. Prue Salter during the pre-Trial session next Wednesday, 26 June in Period 1. Sticking to this timetable will help you manage your study load and ensure you’re well-prepared for your Trials.  Remember that the College library is open during the holidays 8am to 4pm for Year 12 students who would like to use a dedicated study area.  Please sign in at the library as you arrive and make use of your wonderful library space.

Additionally, this is the perfect opportunity to finalise any work on Major Works, Projects, and Performances. Creating a detailed plan will help you stay on track and avoid last-minute stress.

Students enrolled in the HSC plus Vocational program might consider using this time for work experience. 

Year 11 Students

Year 11 students should focus on consolidating their notes from Semester 1. Reviewing feedback from assessment tasks can provide valuable insights into areas that need improvement. Use this time to set clear and achievable goals for Term 3, ensuring you start the new term with a strong sense of direction.

Years 7-10 Students

For students in Years 7 to 10, holidays are a great time to indulge in some enjoyable reading, especially if the weather encourages indoor activities. Selecting a good book can be both relaxing and intellectually stimulating.

We have a suggested reading list available here to help you choose a book that suits your interests. The school library is an excellent resource for finding new books to read. We encourage students to visit the library before the end of term and seek advice from the library staff if needed.

Additional Resources

Don’t miss the insightful article from Mr. Roberts and Ms. Ryan below, featuring our guest speaker, Mr. Charlton, a teacher from Manchester City. He shared how reading the stories of others has inspired him, and the article outlines various resources available in both print and audio formats for students.

Using the holidays effectively can make a significant difference in your academic journey. Whether it’s through structured study, work experience, note consolidation, or leisure reading, every bit of effort counts. Enjoy your holidays, stay productive, and come back ready to tackle the new term with enthusiasm and confidence!


Ms Lynsey Porter

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


ICAS Science and English Assessments

We are delighted to announce that ICAS will return to Waverley College this year for English and Science. We encourage you to consider entering your child for either ICAS assessment. This fantastic assessment program allows students to challenge themselves and be recognised for their academic efforts. The assessment is now fully online and sitting dates will commence in Term 3.

English – 16 August, 2024

Science – 20 August, 2024

You now pay for ICAS individually online! To confirm your child’s participation, click here and enter our unique school code  RXV933 to make a direct payment to ICAS Assessments. You can register for either the English ICAS, Science ICAS or both!


Ms Emily Pace

Assistant Head of Science

Literacy and Library Update

We thank Ben Charlton for coming to two selected reading classes in the library to talk about the role of reading in the context of sport.

Ben shared with us some of his preparations indicating the role of literature via text and film and the role it can have to inspire.  The group discussed Michael Sheen’s Motivational speech for the Welsh football team and an extract from Roger Federer’s Dartmouth University speech.

“I think these are both great for generating conversation and I enjoyed them both. There are some great graduation speeches from famous actors. I love the ‘Wear Sunscreen’ graduation speech which was turned into a song (It’s an Australian graduation speech) – the words are powerful. There are also some great motivational speeches from sports movies – Al Pacino from Any given Sunday and Denzel Washington from We are the Titans,” said Mr Charlton.

Our reading session covered memorable biographies extracts and some targeted sports reading texts.

Ben particularly found reading the great runner Micheal Johnson’s biography inspiring and Ben shared this with the classes.

We look forward to working with staff throughout the College to promote reading and provide role models.

The Library is Open over School Holidays!

Just a reminder the library has an extensive e-book and audio book collection which is available anytime throughout the school holidays.  All resources can be accessed via the Library CANVAS page.

The library is staffed over the school holidays so your son is welcome to come to the library to borrow a print book to read at home.  We have a great range of novels for children and teens. Please see the reading list here.

28 years of the Big Issue

To support the College Social Justice Week we were lucky enough to host two guest speakers – Dave and Vernon from Big Issue –  to meet with some of the students during the College’s dedicated reading program in the library.

We prepared by reading The Big Issue magazine and learning about how The Big Issue helps improve the lives of people experiencing homelessness through employment opportunities, connection to community and the enhancement of self-esteem.

Literacy and PE Collaboration

We have been delighted to welcome all Year 8 PE classes to the library where we have presented students with a wide variety of text types – mainly non fiction – relating to the world of sport and wellbeing.

We relived the glory of Cathy Freeman’s victory as Mark Beretta’s No1 Australian sporting moment in his wonderful book Mark Beretta’s Greatest Moments in Australian Sport published in 2022.

The students read an article from The Sun Herald on the inclusion of breakdancing in this year’s Olympics, with focus on two Australian competitors who have dedicated their time and energy into gaining an entry.

The highlight for many students has definitely been listening to the audiobook of Arnold Schwarzenegger Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life and in particular Chapter 3 where he details the many sacrifices he made to ensure he became the best body-builder, the best action movie actor, and the best governor of California. The message: work, work, work! We have enjoyed sharing this message with the students and hope that they can transfer some of the lessons from these sporting moments and legends to their own lives. 

Thank you to all the Y8 PE teachers for reading our selected texts to the students.


Mr William Roberts

Head of Library Services, Applied Philosophy Teacher

Our Waverley Community

As a Waverley community we regularly come together to show support and acknowledgment for others, whether it’s through awareness campaigns, fundraising, celebrations or recognition of service to others. These are just a few examples of how we, as a Waverley College community, can make a positive impact through working together for a better world. Thursday’s assembly was a reflection of this support and work that has been done striving toward creating a better, more just and equitable society. Embodying our Year 12s motto, the notion of being stronger together, united as one. 

At Thursday’s Assembly we acknowledged and celebrated the life and legacy of Archie Perkin who would have been finishing Year 12 with us this year. Thank you to the Waverley College Community for all the support shown to the Hearts 4 Arch Foundation. We are still waiting on the total amount raised, however we already know it will make a significant impact on the lives of children with a heart condition. 

This week, we were touched by three charities we support, each having a connection to our College through our students and their families.

Hearts 4 Arch 

Hearts 4 Arch is in memory of Year 8 student Archie Perkin who passed away in 2020 from a pre-existing heart condition over the summer holiday period. Archie would have been graduating from Waverley College this year. All money raised will go directly to the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network Cardiac Unit and to the purchase of mobile ECG units known as ‘Kardia’. The aim is to provide a Kardia unit to every eligible cardiac patient at Sydney Children’s Hospitals, and at $173 each, every dollar counts. Donations can be made through the Hearts 4 Arch Foundation.

Thank you to Archie’s parents Nicola and James and his sister Mimi who joined us at this week’s assembly for Hearts 4 Arch. Nicola spoke about Archie’s passion for life and the love of his friends who have continued to stay in contact with them. Nicola also thanked the community for their support of this great cause. 

Beanies for Brain Cancer 

Both Digger (Year 11) and Archie (Year 9) Callander spoke poignantly and inspiringly at assembly this week about their family’s life journey. Sadly, their father Matt Callander lost his battle to brain cancer in 2017. Matt played a big part in launching the Beanie for Brain Cancer initiative in the NRL to support the Mark Hughes Foundation. The Beanie for Brain Cancer NRL round will take place this week to raise much needed awareness and funds to promote research into this terrible disease and provide patient support. Please support this great cause where you can

Running for Premature Babies 

This year is a significant milestone for Running for Premature Babies. The City2Surf event coincides with what would have been the 18th birthday of Sophie Smith’s first-born triplet sons, Henry, Jasper and Evan. Their brother, Owen Smith (Year 10) shared his family’s story at assembly this week and spoke movingly and passionately about how we can all assist this important cause. Owen encouraged students, staff, parents, friends, and family to join the team. ‘Waverley College For Premmies’, supporting local charity Running for Premature Babies. Fundraising is optional but anyone on the team who raises $300 will be refunded their race registration fee so you can run for free and help a great cause. 

Please watch this short message HERE from the charity’s founder Sophie Smith, explaining why August 2024 marks a special milestone for her family and for the charity.

Click HERE to register. When you register, choose to ‘JOIN A TEAM’ and enter the team name ‘Waverley College for Premmies’.

Student News

Congratulations to the following students who were successful in attaining Mid-Year Prefect appointments. These students were presented with their badges at this week’s College Assembly.

Brennan – Alex Sideris

Conlon – Will Kirk

O’Connor – Zach Hodges

Quinn – Riley Evans

Tevlin – Sam Rossen

Year 10 Dinner cruise

Thank you to Ms Suzi Sucur (Student Wellbeing Administrator) for organising the Year 10 Dinner Cruise and the Wellbeing Team for supervising the event. The evening presented the opportunity to host a friend to a formal dinner and enjoy the beautiful vistas of Sydney harbour with VIVID as a backdrop. Over 400 students had a great evening and night out with their peers and friends and I congratulate them for their positive energy and behaviour.  

School Production 2024 – Tartuffe Tickets now on sale

Our fabulous production of Tartuffe is gearing up for our opening on Tuesday 18 June at 7pm. Come and see this great comedy updated to a 1980s Sydney setting. Featuring a talented cast from Waverley, St Clares and Ascham. Don’t miss out—get your tickets early to enjoy this fantastic production!

Link to purchase tickets 

Over the past six months, the cast and crew team have dedicated tremendous effort and countless hours to perfecting their performance.

Wishing them all the best with next week’s performances.

Cast: Luke Crossen (Year 12), Matt Frost (Year 12), Lachlan Hoy (Year 11), Taj Lynn (Year 11), Oliver Bracic (Year 10), Lachy Colquhoun (Year 10), Alexander King (Year 9), Hooper Negus (Year 10).

Entertainment Crew Year 12: Sebastian Blowers, Caelum Brook, Will Burland, Ashton Child, Dillon Due-McCoy, Matthew Garrop, Frankie Pedder, Thomas Pilger, Luke Richardson, Nate Smith, Zac Summerhayes, Henry Whitehouse.