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This Month on SchoolTV

Bullying is an ongoing or repeated misuse of power in relationships, with the intention to cause deliberate psychological harm. Bullying behaviours can be verbal, physical or social. It can happen in person or online, via various digital platforms and devices and it can be obvious or hidden.

Bullying in any form or for any reason can have immediate, medium and long-term effects on those involved, including bystanders.

Despite the efforts made to reduce bullying behaviours, the research tells us that one in four students still report being bullied every few weeks. However, not all negative behaviour should be considered bullying.

The key difference is that bullying does not stop on its own. It’s important young people learn how to identify behaviours that are rude, behaviours that are mean, and behaviours that are related to bullying.

Bullying SchoolTV

Often the reasons for bullying can be complex. Some young people do it to get approval from others, some do it to regain control, whilst others may do it because it makes them feel safe.

Supporting young people as they work through their emotions will help them unpack the motivation and reason behind the behaviour.

In this edition of SchoolTV, caregivers can better understand why some young people engage in bullying behaviours and what to do to support a child experiencing it.

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback.

If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact our College for further information, or seek medical or professional help.

Click here for this month's edition of SchoolTV


Ms Gabby Smith

Acting Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing

25 November 2022

2023 Fees

*As per the updated conditions of enrolment and as indicated on the College website, all Years 5 and 7 enrolments, Term 1 tuition fees are charged in Term 4, in the year prior. This includes continuing Year 6 (2023) students into Year 7 (2024). This replaces the “continuing confirmation deposit” usually charged in the 3rd Payment to Year 6. Year 5 and 7 will still receive an invoice in Term 1, 2024 for any applicable sundries, sibling discounts, excursion fees and camps. Please be advised that if this payment is not made by the due date, your son’s enrolment will be forfeited, and his place will be offered to a waitlisted candidate.

Discounts and Penalties

Fees paid before 4pm on the prompt payment date attract a $25.00 discount.

Any payment received after the due date will attract an administrative fee of $110.00.

Please be advised that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (e.g. Internet/BPay/BPoint).

Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Principal that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school term, is the first day of the same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable. The relevant dates for 2022 and 2023 are below:

We are excited to announce that Science Club will be offered at Waverley College as an extra-curricular activity for students from Years 7-12, commencing Term 1, Week 2, 2023. 

Science Club provides an opportunity for students to be presenting, critically analysing, and applying their understanding of scientific data and related concepts. Students must play an active role in their own learning experiences to increase engagement and academic achievement.

Scope and Sequence Science Club 2023

The scope and sequence of this program has been created for student-centred, inquiry-based learning.

In each session, students will have the opportunity to experiment with a focus on deepening their ability to apply the scientific method across all branches of Science.

The scientific skills embedded in this program are woven throughout the Stage 3-6 Science Syllabi and reflect Depth Studies and skills examined in the HSC courses.


Cost: $30.00 for Term 1

Materials: students are to bring a writing book. All other materials will be supplied.

Session times: select ONE from the following:


Sessions are limited to 25 students each and will run on a term-by-term basis. We envisage that the program will extend to the Junior School during the Winter Season.

Years 7-10 Examinations

Congratulations to Years 7-10 students for completing their Yearly Examinations this week. Please remember that student marks can be accessed by parents and carers via CANVAS in real-time as they are released to students.

>>> Click here for details on how to access CANVAS real-time reporting. 

Years 7-10 students will also receive their Semester 2 reports in Week 8 which will provide an overall mark for Semester 2 tasks, A-E grades on Course Outcomes, Recommendations and Commendations and Learner Profile grades. 

Further details on how to access these reports in the TASS Parent Lounge will be available in next week’s Nurrunga.

Expectations and Behaviour 

As we approach the end of Term 4, boys can start to get a little restless and tired. Add in the anticipation of holidays and the increase in temperature, and they can forget some of the school expectations and policies which are in place for the safety of all.

Please support the College in reminding your son of the non-negotiables when it comes to appropriate and safe behaviour. 

There is no place for the following serious breaches of College policy: 

Director of Junior School

With the appointment of Ms Gabby Smith to the Acting Deputy Principal – Students role, the College has undergone a process, and I would like to congratulate Ms Gaby Bransby on her appointment to the Acting Director of Junior School position.

Gaby is the current Assistant Director of the Junior School and has acted previously for 18 months in the Director of Junior School role.

Gaby has held the role of Assistant Director of Curriculum (JS) and is currently completing a Masters of Educational Leadership. Gaby is passionate about the connection between teaching, learning and student wellbeing. We wish Gaby much success in this role. 

CAS Awards 

On Monday evening, Barker College hosted the annual CAS general committee meeting and dinner. Waverley College had three staff members honoured for service to the CAS. 

Congratulations to:

Mr Col Blake

Col has been one of the greatest volunteers at Waverley College and is winding back his presence at the College after 30 years of distinguished service. Col attended the College from 1958-1962. He then went on to become a survey draughtsman with Sydney Water before becoming a graphic designer and starting his own business. 

He became reacquainted with the school in the late eighties when he and his wife Shirley sent their sons Simon (1992) and Kieran (1993) to the College. Col joined the Old Boys Executive in 1988 and has served 21 years as Vice President, three Years as President and is a current committee member.

He was the Wavelength magazine editor and designer for many years, the editor of the College Yearbooks 1993-2005, and assisted with many graphic design works and the College’s 90th and Centenary Celebrations.

CAS Presentation – Col Blake

Col started the Track & Field Supporters’ Club and was its president from 1988-1992. This group of parents/carers watched their assistance help support the College Track & Field team move from last to first place in seven years. Col also served as President of the Parents’ Association from 1992-1993, and sat on the College Board from 1992-2004 where he was chair of the development fund committee. Col was also the College’s Head HSC examiner for many years.

Col has always sought to make a difference in other people’s lives and in the Waverley community. Recently, he and Shirley have participated in a dancing program which aims to assist people suffering from dementia, aired on ABC Catalyst. 

>>> Click here to view the ABC Catalyst episode.

On behalf of the College community, I want to thank Col for all of his hard work and outstanding service over many years across many College support groups. We wish Col and Shirley all the very best as they step back slightly from our community. As Col stated on Monday evening, “it is au Revoir and not goodbye.”

CAS Presentation - Col Blake

Proposed Renewal of Birrell Street – Have Your Say

Waverley Council has launched a community consultation on the proposed renewal of Birrell Street, between Newland Street and Henrietta Street.

To help ensure Birrell Street is safe for pedestrians, drivers and cyclists to use in the years to come, Council is planning on upgrading part of the street.

In the main, if these new ‘improvements’ make the road safer, we would all benefit. Anything that can be done to calm traffic along Birrell Street making a safer environment for our school community, is a positive thing.

However, the College has some concerns about which we will be seeking confirmation via this survey:

If you use this street for parking, walking, cycling or driving, I encourage you, as a member of our community, to complete the quick survey below, to share your thoughts on proposed bike lane upgrades, crossing point improvements, and parking implications.

The survey closes on Wednesday, 7 December 2022.

>>> Click here to complete the quick survey.

Elevate Education works with students, delivering high-impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation.

By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how you can help better support your children at home, through reinforcing the skills they learn at school.

Elevate Education’s next free webinar will show parents/carers:

Register Now


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum

Nathan Lloyd Casting and Werner Film Productions is seeking enthusiastic and competitive surfers, based anywhere in Australia, for a drama series.

No acting experience is required, but you need to have good availability between January – March 2023.

Deadline: on or before Friday, 25 November 2022.

Apply Here

Surfing Casting Call

Today was the 104th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended the First World War in 1918. Today the College Community all gathered in the Centenary Quadrangle at the 11th hour, on the 11th day of the 11th month, to pause and commemorate Remembrance Day.

A livestream was available for the Ceremony of Commemoration of the Fallen. Thank you to Waverley College and St Catherine’s School students who provided the Catafalque Party, Flag Party, Guard of Honour, Drum Corps and the Cliff Goodchild Band. They were very impressive! 

Our Matthew Coorey School Band also represented us with distinction at the Waverley Council Remembrance Day, held at Waverley Park this morning. 

The College Cenotaph, is inscribed with the names of all of our ‘Old Boys’ who paid the supreme sacrifice in the two World Wars. Congratulations to our musicians and Cadets.

>>> Click here see further details in the article by MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow.

Lest We Forget

Remembrance Day 2022

All Souls Day 

The month of November is traditionally a time in which the Catholic community remembers those who have died. It is related to the fact that the end of November is the end of the Liturgical Year, with a new year starting the First Sunday of Advent – the four-week period of preparation before Christmas.

The Church identifies November as a time to think of the end of life, and the great hope that our earthly end is a transition into a new life in God’s heaven. This month, we remember those who have gone before us, and we look with prayer and hope to their new life in heaven and our desire to join them there one day.

All Souls Day

2022 Kristallnacht Ceremony Held at Moriah College

Thank you to Mr Nicholas Sposari and Mr Nicholas Brophy who represented our College Community at Kristallnacht – The ‘Night of Broken Glass.’ On November 9-10, 1938, Nazi forces set fire to or destroyed over 200 synagogues, damaged 7,000 Jewish-owned businesses, arrested 30,000 Jews, and murdered 91 Jews in Germany, Austria and the Sudetenland.

Three 1938 survivors of Kristallnacht each lit a candle. Their personal struggle for freedom during Kristallnacht were harrowing, yet each lives today to be a light within the Jewish and wider community. 

Nick McKenzie (Australian award-winning journalist and Jewish adherent) shared his shocking stories of infiltrating a Neo-Nazi cluster in Australia. His work was featured on ’60 Minutes’ and on ‘Stan.’ The key takeaway from his keynote speech, was that young boys and girls, as young as 16, are easily being recruited into new Neo-Nazi groups, which is a very disturbing fact for all of us in the community. 

Deputy Principal – Students 

With the Deputy Principal – Students, Mr Patrick Brennan, taking renewal leave for the last five weeks of Term 4, 2022, and long service leave for Semester 1 2023, EREA have conducted a process to replace Patrick and appoint an Acting Deputy Principal. I would like to congratulate Ms Gabby Smith on her appointment to this position. 

Gabby has been the Director of Junior School at Waverley since 2018, and has recently Acted as Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning for 18 months. Prior to Waverley, Gabby was employed by Loreto Kirribilli in the roles of Acting Head of Junior School, Assistant Head of Junior School and Religious Education Coordinator.

Gabby has a Master of Education from the University of New England, and a Bachelor of Education from the Australian Catholic University. She has a high level of professionalism and dedication to the education and formation of students in her care. We wish her much success in this role. The College will now begin a process to appoint an Acting Director of Junior School and any subsequent staffing permutations. 

Back to Waverley Day

Yesterday we celebrated ‘Back to Waverley Day,’ and welcomed our alumni who graduated 50 years or more ago. We haven’t been able to host this day since 2019, so it was especially nice to honour our graduates from the years 1970, 1971 and 1972. 

Memories were shared, through a short mass, morning tea, assembly and lunch. We especially thank Dr David Curran, (Class of 1970) College Captain for his moving address to the College during Assembly. 

We also had the pleasure of seeing our Pacifika Group perform on stage. The performance was enjoyed by past and present students, as well as our invited Pacifika families and extended families. 

>>> Click here to read more information in the article by Ms Vanessa Witton.

Parents’ Association AGM

On behalf of the College, I would like to thank all parents who have been involved in the work carried out by the Parents’ Association throughout 2022. Particular thanks to the tireless work of the Year level representatives, past parents representatives, clothing pool representatives, tuckshop volunteers and the executive, for all of their organisation, support and efforts in organising events and communicating across our community.

Thank you to the 2022 Executive: Jade Stapleton (President), Daniella Strbac (Vice President), Lamya Sadi (Vice President), Stephanie Van Dam (Secretary) and Deb Johnston (Treasurer).

Special thanks to Jade, Deb and Stephanie who are all stepping down off the executive after significant stints in their respective roles. We appreciate their service and dedication to assisting the Waverley College Community. 

From the recent AGM, I would like to congratulate the following parents on their elections to the Parents’ Association Executive for 2022, and I look forward to working with them in the new year.

Parent Executive 

Parent Representatives

Past Parents

Clothing Pool

Board Chair Announcement For EREA NSW Colleges Ltd 

In 2023, Edmund Rice Education Australia is moving to a new governance structure across each state and territory. A NSW Director and CEO of EREA Colleges will be appointed along with a Subsidiary Board. Congratulations to Waverley College Old Boy, Sam Hardjono on his appointment as Chair of the NSW College’s Board.

Sam is currently a senior strategic advisor, working with leaders in the corporate, not-for-profit and start-up sectors. For more than a decade, he was Chief Executive Officer of a large charity with projects in South-East Asia, South America, and Australia. He has served on inter-governmental, not-for-profit, corporate, private and start-up boards, either as a Trustee, Non-Executive Director, or advisory roles for over 20 years.

Currently, he is a Non-Executive Director and Chair of Audit and Risk, and Chair of Tech & Cyber for the Australian Red Cross, and previously Chair for New South Wales.

Sam was a member of our College Board for 12 years, four as Chair. Sam has a passion and commitment to Catholic education in the tradition of Blessed Edmund Rice.

Another Opportunity to Hear From Paul Dillion – Vaping – ‘Short and Sweet’

The Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT in collaboration with the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle – Federation of Parents & Friends Associations invites: parents, carers and staff to attend a free webinar about this growing issue.

The session will provide up-to-date and accurate information on the use of e-cigarettes and vaping, including the potential harms associated with the use of these devices, particularly young people.

Practical advice will also be provided on how to talk to young people about vaping, as well as some possible responses that parents can use, should their child attempt to challenge them in this complex area.

Date: Thursday, 17 November 2022 

Venue: Online Microsoft Teams Live Event (Viewable through Web Browser, or the Microsoft Teams app on Android, IOS, Windows, and Mac)

Time: 7pm – 8.30pm

Register Here

COVID-19 Update

NSW Health recently advised that they are starting to see a rise in COVID-19 transmissions within the community, with a peak of cases expected in early December. Currently we have 17 students diagnosed with COVID-19 this week, and two staff members that we know of.

NSW Chief Health Officer, Dr Kerry Chant, has been warning the wider community to be vigilant around social distancing, and taking precautionary hygiene measures to reduce transmission of the new strains of virus that are circulating. 

Please keep your son at home if he is unwell. Rapid antigen tests (RATs) are available from the Senior School Health Centre. We encourage all students, staff and families to keep up-to-date with their vaccinations, including COVID-19 booster shots if eligible.

NSW Health are also encouraging everyone in the community to continue to register positive RATs with Service NSW, to ensure they receive timely support and advice, including access to antivirals for those eligible.

This week

Year 12 HSC 

Today is the last day of HSC ATAR exams for our Year 12s. Each day for the past four weeks, they have attended both morning and afternoon examinations for their respective subjects. We wish them all the very best as they now wait for their results and take the opportunity for a well-earned break, and perhaps a Christmas holiday job before starting their respective course next year. 

A Life Well Lived Serving Others 

We were honoured to have Christian Brother Frank O’Shea speak to the students at Assembly this week, and talk about his life’s work. From setting up Edmund Rice Camps for struggling Australian children 40 years ago, to working in Tonga, South Sudan, Rwanda, Tanzania, and finally to Kenya where he was the Director of the Ruben Centre for 10 years. Frank has sought to make a difference in each community, learning their language and assisting with education and health programs. 

The Ruben Centre is a non-profit, faith-based organisation striving for an empowered and just Mukuru community, by providing quality education, health, financial and social services to children and families in the area.

Run by the Christian Brothers African Province, it is one of eight Christian Brothers project sites across Africa, and offers a vital source of community development programs to the residents of one of the largest slums in Nairobi.

Frank’s stories were inspirational and certainly touched many of the boys’ hearts within the room. 

Choral and Chamber Music Concert 

On Tuesday night, I attended the inaugural Choral and Chamber Music Concert in the War Memorial Chapel, featuring the College Choir, Chamber Choir, Cantores, Jazz Band A, Saxophone Ensemble, Clarinet Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, String Ensemble, Guitar Ensembles and soloists.

The evening was a great success showcasing the amazing musical talent of our students to their parents, carers and friends. Congratulations to everyone involved, the quality of music was very impressive.

Special thanks goes to Ms Jaz Dolso, Mr Chris Balkizas, Ms Michelle Rollins, Mr Daniel Williams, Ms Keiran Kossenberg and our peripatetic staff. 

Paul Dillon 

We hope parents/carers gained some good insights from drug and alcohol expert Paul Dillon this week. Paul is the founder of Drug and Alcohol Research Training Australia (DARTA) and has worked in drug education for over 25 years.

Paul gave some great insights on adolescent usage of drugs and alcohol, and in particular the current state of vaping in schools around Australia. Paul was also impressive in his delivery of effective strategies for parents/carers in managing their sons with appropriate conversations and seeking support.

His knowledge of the range of issues facing young people today is strongly evidence based and well-researched. We will be inviting Paul back again in 2023, and would encourage as many parents/carers as possible to be a part of his vital presentations, that are critical to young people’s wellbeing. 

For any parents/carers who missed this presentation, Paul has a number of presentations and podcasts on his website.

Click here to view the website of Paul Dillon

Letter to the Prime Minister

I congratulate Year 9 student Constantine Iatrou on his letter to the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese. 

Subject: Antibiotic Resistance 

The Honourable Anthony Albanese MP. Prime Minister 

Dear Sir, 

The problem of antibiotic resistance worldwide has become urgent and dire. 

Please massively fund our CSIRO to research and develop a new generation of powerful antibiotics. 

This would alleviate the great suffering of humanity, as did the original development of Penicillin by the research team of the renowned Australian Nobel Laureate, Howard Florey. 

Yours sincerely, 

Constantine Iatrou (Year 9 Student)

Prime Minister’s Response

Prime Minister's Reply to Constantine Iatrou

2022 Civics and Citizenship Convention

Congratulations to Year 10 student Lachlan Miranda, who was chosen to attend the inaugural Civics and Citizenship Convention at NSW Parliament House on Thursday (27 October), as one of 30 students from across all of NSW. He represented the College with distinction.

During the day, Lachlan listened to guest speakers from universities across Australia, arguing the nuances of Australian voting and how the voting system can be improved. The day concluded with the student communique (declaration) affirmed by the President of the Australian Senate (Canberra) Senator the Hon. Sue Lines live from Canberra.

Click here to read more

Old Boys in France

The following three Waverley Old Boys send their best wishes to the College from their Wallaby Training base in France whilst on the spring tour – Sam Talakai: Tighthead Prop (Class of 2010), Jed Hollaway: Lock (Class of 2010) and Ben Donaldson: Fly Half (Class of 2017). 

Wallabies Spring Tour in France - Sam Talakai, Jed Holloway, Ben Donaldson

Wallabies Spring Tour in France – Sam Talakai, Jed Holloway, Ben Donaldson

Reminder – Year 10

Tuesday, 8 November will be the last day of class for Year 10 students.

Special Days at the College Next Week

There will be visitors on our campus next week. If you see them, do make them feel welcome.

Introducing SBT: the New Student-Based Tutoring Program at Waverley

From Monday, 7 November, there will be a Student-Based Tutoring (SBT) Program in the Senior School Library.

The senior students will run this Program, which will operate from Monday – Thursday, 3:30pm – 4:30pm.

The goal of SBT is to create a space where students excel, and can meet their academic goals with the assistance of senior students. This program is free of charge and runs out of the generous hearts of the senior students.

Senior School Library

Students during a senior study group session in the library

From now on, the Library will be students’ one-stop-shop for academic aid. Furthermore, it will be an environment where they can focus and reach their academic potential.

SBT is here to stay, so students, take full advantage of this opportunity! We hope to see some of you in the Library in the future.

Please note:

SBT Poster


Jack Preller (Year 12)


Ms Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal, Teaching & Learning


We’re excited to announce that Elevate Education’s next free webinar will take place on Wednesday, 9 November.

Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high-impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation.

By tuning into their webinar series, you will learn how you can help better support your children at home, through reinforcing the skills they learn at school:   

In this webinar, Elevate will show parents and carers:

Register Today

One article in this week’s SMH, Good Weekend, caught my attention. The bold headline “Did Tolstoy really need 783 pages to get Anna Karenina to the train station?” (this story is part of the 29 October edition of Good Weekend), seemed to challenge all that we know about “The Classics.” I mean, who is brave enough to question a GOAT writer?

The author, Tim Elliott, went on to write: As with any art, taste in books is hopelessly subjective, and not just among readers, but among ages: who hasn’t revisited a favourite book years after reading it, only to wonder what you liked about it in the first place?

I am definitely guilty of this. Reading certain books because we are told we should, doesn’t always work.

Students enjoying some quiet reading time in the library

In Week 3, many Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 students (and myself), participated in a reading survey coordinated by Mr Bill Roberts and run by Deakin University entitled “Discovering a ‘Good Read’: Pathways to Reading for Australian Teens in a Digital Age.”

The purpose of this research project resonates deeply; music to the ears of teachers and parents/carers of teenage boys.

This project aims to support the school, library, and book industries to increase teenagers’ recreational reading. Matching the right book to the right reader is essential to increase young people’s motivation to read. Expected outcomes include strategies that libraries, schools, and the book industry can use to promote Australian content for young adults, and equip young people to participate more fully in the social and economic benefits of pleasure reading.”

Reading for pleasure

The tragic readers among us are already well aware of the benefits of reading for enjoyment, apart from the academic and social benefits.

According to Alex Quigley, author of Closing the Reading Gap, Reading in 2022 is seen as something that happens in the Library, in English class, after other work is done, a kind of pleasurable bolt-on, like some sort of academic ice-cream treat.

Have we as a society lost sight of the joy of reading for pleasure?

These are concerns many of us share at the College and so we have made it our goal, not only to encourage our students to engage in reading for pleasure, but to ensure that students recognise this joy for themselves.

How we do that will be directly informed by the data from the Deakin University survey. I extend a sincere ‘Thank you’ to the boys who participated actively and responded truthfully.

Stay tuned for the results.

Reading Suggestions

In the meantime, here are three suggestions for students to simply sit back and enjoy, right now.

Years 7-8: Rabbit, Soldier, Angel, Thief by Katrina Nannestad

Rabbit, Soldier, Angel, Thief

Years 9-10: Thunder Head by Neal Shusterman

Thunder Head

Years 11-12: (or any Sci-Fi fan), Dune by Frank Herbert


“Everything has been entrusted to our protection, and all of us are responsible for it. Be protectors of God’s gifts!” Pope Francis’ inaugural Mass homily.

National Recycling Week runs from 7 – 13 November this year, and the theme is ‘Waste isn’t Waste until it’s Wasted.’ This is Planet Ark’s flagship campaign, run every year in the second week of November.

Its aim is to educate and empower people to do the right thing when they place an item in a bin. The campaign also focuses on reducing, recycling and reusing. Reducing our consumption is the first step to reducing the amount of waste we produce.

At assembly next week, members of the Students of the World Ecology Group will speak to all students and staff about the importance of recycling correctly, not just for National Recycling Week, but every day.

FREE 30-Minute Recycling 101 Webinar – Thursday, 10 November, 6pm

Through our positive collaboration and connection with Waverley Council, they have kindly provided Waverley College students, staff and families with a way to further support National Recycling Week.

They are hosting a free 30-minute Recycling 101 webinar on Thursday, 10 November, 6pm.

This webinar was designed to debunk some recycling myths and provide quick and easy tips on how to recycle more and better.

Whether you are a recycling legend or a recycling renegade, join this 30-minute session with Lottie Dalziel, sustainability expert, founder of Banish and Waverley resident!

Remember…Waste isn’t Waste until it’s Wasted.

Reserve Your Webinar Spot Here