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We’re excited to share the news about the arrival of the video laryngoscopes at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, donated through our College’s incredible fundraising efforts in the recent City2Surf.

Dr Tim Schindler from the Royal Hospital for Women sends this message of thanks to everyone in our generous Waverley family.

“These new laryngoscopes, being smaller and having live video assistance, are going to be an enormous help in intubating our tiniest premature babies that need ventilation, and we are so grateful to the Waverley College community for making this possible.” 

Dr Tim Schindler

Dr Tim Schindler

Is Your Family up for the Premmie Marathon Challenge?

The Premmie Marathon Challenge runs in November, during the globally-recognised ‘Prematurity Awareness Month.’

If anyone in the Waverley community is interested in taking part, it’s free to sign up! All involvement helps shine a light on the issue of prematurity this Prematurity Awareness Month.

Fundraising is optional (however, a marathon medal will be sent to all participants who raise or donate $75.) Kms can be tracked on the interactive App.

Simply choose your own marathon distance:

which you can run/walk/cycle/swim/roll through the month of November.

Funds raised go to lifesaving neonatal equipment, giving sick and premature babies a better chance of survival.


Ms Vanessa Witton

Marketing Communications Specialist

World Teachers’ & Support Staff Day – #WTD2022

Today in Australia, we celebrate World Teachers’ Day and World Support Staff Day. I am appreciative of the difference Support Staff and Teachers make in schools. I am grateful for their care, patience, compassion, sharing of knowledge, skills and support. I congratulate them and thank them for choosing to work in an environment that can have a positive influence on others. 

Paul Dillon Parent Session – Vaping, Thursday, 3 November 2022, 6pm 

You are invited to join an online Parent Session on Thursday, 3 November at 6pm. Paul has been working in the area of drug education for more than 30 years. The parent session is titled ‘Vaping – short and sweet: What do parents need to know?’ 

Click here to read more in the article by Mr Patrick Brennan

Click here to view the Zoom link

Meeting ID: 814 7077 9076

Passcode: 224589

EREA Renewal Leave

Renewal leave is part of the employment package in many schools for Deputy Principals and Principals, and I would like to wish Mr Patrick Brennan all the best as he embarks on his renewal leave for the remainder of 2022, and for the first few weeks of Term 1, 2023.

Edmund Rice Education will shortly announce the Acting Deputy Principal – Students, to replace Patrick during this time. 

ICAS Assessment Results Highlights

ICAS is an elite annual competition to recognise academic excellence across Australia, New Zealand and the world. 

Merit awards are given to students who achieved within the top 50%, Credit awards for students who achieved within the top 25%, and Distinction awards for students who achieved within the top 10% of all students in Australia sitting the test.

Congratulations to all students who participated in the English and Science ICAS Assessments this year. 


Year 7: Toby Johnson, Matthew Park, Evan Service

Year 9: Lieme Chan, Thomas Jackson-Whitlock

Year 7: Loughlan Delaney, Christian Micallef, Leo Owen

Year 8: Lewis Hamilton

Year 10: James Birbas, Robbie Muir, Campbell Porteus

Year 10: A special mention to Aodhan Williams who achieved a Distinction.


Year 7: Jed Garrat, Harry Trinca

Year 9: Ari Sebastian, Cillian Donnelly

Year 10: Bailey Barker

Year 7: William Bayly, Henry Fitzpatrick, Luca Green, Toby Johnson, Leo Owen, Evan Service

Year 9: George Alexandratos, Samuel Caro, Tomas Crosson, Thomas Jackson-Whitlock

Year 10: Campbell Porteus

Year 10: A special mention to Aidan Murray who achieved a Distinction.

Save the Date: Friday, 27 January 2023 – 120 Year Garden Party

The College turns 120 on 27 January. 120 years ago on this very date, 17 students started at Waverley on their first day of school. We hope you will join us in January for an evening of dinner and dancing to celebrate 120 Years of Education at Waverley.

Including some of Sydney’s premium food trucks, draught beer, open bar, and champagne will be available to purchase. Dance the night away under festoon lights to the sounds of the Baker Boys 8-piece band. Located on Campus under the stars, in the beautiful Braidwood Courtyard.

Click here to purchase tickets

7pm to 11pm

An evening of dinner and dancing to celebrate of 120 Years of Education!

Party Time!

Your ticket includes food from some of Sydney’s premium food trucks, draught beer and open bar.

Champagne will be available to purchase.

Dance the night away under festoon lights to the sounds of the Baker Boys 8-piece band.

Located on Campus under the stars in the beautiful Braidwood Courtyard.


Tickets $50 per person

Join us!

Click here to purchase tickets

Congratulations to all students who participated in the English ICAS Assessment this year. Waverley’s performance was strong and all students are commended for their efforts.

Merit awards are given to students who achieved within the top 50%, Credit awards are given to students who achieved within the top 25%, and Distinction awards are given to students who achieved within the top 10% of all students in Australia sitting the test.

Merit Awards

Year 7: Toby Johnson, Matthew Park, Evan Service

Year 9: Lieme Chan, Thomas Jackson-Whitlock

Credit Awards

Year 7: Loughlan Delaney, Christian Micallef, Leo Owen

Year 8: Lewis Hamilton

Year 10: James Birbas, Robbie Muir, Campbell Porteus

Distinction Awards

A special mention to Aodhan Williams who achieved a Distinction in the Year 10 ICAS English Assessment. Congratulations, Aodhan!

Accessing Your Child’s Results

Parents/carers can log in to the ICAS portal to access their child’s results using their individual TAP-ID and PIN which has been sent to them by ICAS.

The portal breaks the test down further into different sections which will give an interesting insight into different areas of strengths and weaknesses.

Click for more information

Well done to all who took part.

Well done to Ecology Coordinator and Geography teacher, Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe, for her tireless work in organising the ceremony and native planting last Thursday and Friday with the Indigenous community in the Main Quad.

This very special collaboration with our Ecology and Walawaani students, Indigneous Elder Uncle Dean Kelly, Mr Kevin Heath (Indigenous Liaison Officer), Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun (Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation) and Old Boy Costa Georgiadis (Class of 1980), has seen our traditional hedges around the statues of Mary and Edmund Rice, replaced with the critically endangered Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub, which proliferated in the region prior to non-Indigenous settlement.

Uncle Dean performed smoking ceremonies for each plant and educated students and staff about the new plantings, and the reasons why they were chosen. Old Boy Costa educated our students about the importance of connection, respect, working together and always staying ‘present.’

Summer Co-Curricular Captains and Teams

Congratulations to the following captains and teams who were presented at assembly this week.


1st Captain – Jack Preller

1st Team


Captain – Scott Swinburn

1st Captain – Luke White


Captain – Jamie Khov


Captain – Will Hickey

1st Captain – Hirav Gandhi

1st Team


Captain – Daniel Palacio

1st Captain – Thomas Gleeson

1st Team


Captain – Alistair Isaac

1st Captain – Paul Muir

Water Polo

Captain – Liam Athanassiou

1st Captain – Felix Turinui

1st Team

Touch Football

Captain – Sam Johnson

1st Captain – Hugo Kulscar

Public Speaking

Captain – Matt Woods

Staffing Updates

After 37 Years of distinguished service to boys, parents, staff and the community, Ms Audrey Coupe will retire at the end of this year. Over this time, Audrey has provided amazing support to Headmasters and Directors of Junior School. She has run both campuses and supported key personnel, whilst also meeting the needs of families. Audrey has ensured the College got through the storms and shone at all other times. She has put her heart and soul into the College, and left a wonderful legacy of care and service for others. Many an Old Boy remembers fondly the impact she made in their life, long after they left the College. We will thank and acknowledge Audrey at the end of this term and I wish her a wonderful end to her career at the College.

After 47 years of distinguished service to the boys, staff, parents and community, Mr Chris Blenkinsopp will retire from full-time teaching at the end of this year. Over his time at the College, Chris has shared his passion of Music with many students through camps, musicals, and tours to Europe, China and the USA. Chris has been an integral member of the Music Department, and inspired many students to pursue and develop their musical talents. Chris was Head of the Music Department from 1992 – 2005. He has also assisted with many College and community bands over the years, and left a significant mark with all of them. The Cadet program has benefited from his many hours of service and tuition. We will thank and acknowledge Chris at the end of this term, and I wish him a wonderful end to his career at the College.

Welcome to Ms Helen Barrie, Head of Academic Enrichment, who started with us this week. Helen has nine years teaching/leadership experience in a leading Government School in Sydney. Most recently, she has held the position of Head Teacher – Teaching & Learning, working closely with the leadership team to develop and implement a number of key frameworks within the school. In this role, she implemented the Department of Education’s High Potential and Gifted Education. Helen has also spent time working with the Education Department as a member of the HSC Strategy Team, looking at ways to enhance outcomes for students across the departments. We are very excited to have Helen join Waverley College.

Congratulations to Mr Nic Brophy who is acting as Head of History for the first half of Term 4, whilst Mr Barry Smith is away on leave. 

Farewell and thank you to Mr Walter De Vecchis and Mr Simon Finegan, both from the Campus team, who have contributed significantly to the College Campus team this year. Simon has accepted a position with the Opera House and Walter is travelling overseas to visit family. We wish them both all the very best. 

Drug and alcohol expert, Paul Dillon, returns to Waverley College presenting to Years 10 and 11, as well a parent session at 6pm on Thursday, 3 November. Paul has been working in the area of drug education for more than 30 years.

The College has responded to feedback from the Parents’ Association and will hold the parent session via Zoom.

Paul regularly appears in the media and is regarded as a key social commentator, with interviews on television programs such as Sunrise, TODAY and The Project. Paul also writes a blog where he discusses topical issues of the day, as well as addressing some of the questions and queries he is regularly asked by those attending his presentations.

Paul’s presentations cover a variety of drug and alcohol-related issues, including the decline in alcohol consumption and the rise in vape use. Interestingly, he sees online gambling as an area of increasing concern for adolescent boys. This issue has previously been identified at the College and discussed at House Meetings, College Assembles, Mentor Groups as well as in PDHPE lessons.

Our Wellbeing Framework relies heavily on the parent partnership. I encourage all parents to log in to Paul’s session on the Thursday, 3 November. It is sure to be an entertaining and informative presentation. The parent session is titled ‘Vaping – short and sweet: What do parents need to know?

Vaping (the use of electronic cigarettes, e-cigarettes or ‘vapes’) has become a growing issue for many parents and carers across the country. Waverley College is not immune to this. This session will provide up-to-date and accurate information on the use of e-cigarettes and vaping, including the potential harms associated with the use of these devices, particularly for young people.

Practical advice will also be provided on how to talk to young people about vaping, as well as some possible responses that parents/carers can use, should their child attempt to challenge them in this complex area.

Click to join the Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 814 7077 9076

Passcode: 224589


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal, Student & Staff Wellbeing


How to Help Your Child Manage Their Time

We’re excited to announce that Elevate Education will be hosting a free webinar for our parents/carers on Wednesday, 26 October, titled ‘How to Help Your Child Manage Their Time.’

Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high-impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation.

By tuning into their webinar series, you will learn how you can help better support your children at home, through reinforcing the skills they learn at school.

In this webinar, Elevate will be showing parents/carers how to:

1. Align family expectations on homework

2. Work with your child on managing other activities such as your child’s hobbies or sports

3. Create the best weekly planner tool for your child


Wednesday, 26 October, 6:30pm (AEDT) 

Register Now to Reserve Your Spot

Congratulations to all students who took part in the Science ICAS assessment this term. There were a total of 52 students who sat the test across Year 7 to Year 10.

Merit awards are given to students who achieved within the top 50%, Credit awards are given to students who achieved within the top 25%, and Distinction awards are given to students who achieved within the top 10% of all students in Australia sitting the test.

Assessment Results Highlights 




A special mention to Aidan Murray who achieved a Distinction in the Year 10 ICAS Science assessment. Congratulations, Aidan!

How to Access Your Child’s Results

Parents can log in to the ICAS portal to access their child’s results, using their individual TAP-ID and PIN which was sent to them by ICAS.

The portal breaks the test down further into different sections, which gives an interesting insight into different areas of strength and weakness.

More Information

Well done to all who took part. We look forward to you testing your scientific skills even further next year!

The Australian Government has an initiative for schools for mobile Dental clinic services, such as NSW Dental Care.

NSW Dental Care is offering free dental screenings to students at Waverley College from 24- 28 October, 2022.

The dental screening is a free of charge for eligible students aged 2-17, and provides benefits for the child for basic dental services that includes:

This service is provided under the Child Dental Benefits Scheme of the Australian Government. Early detection of decay and other dental disease is vital in preventing bigger, more painful and expensive problems in the future. Left untreated, dental disease is progressive and will result in greater discomfort and is likely lead to permanent problems, such as tooth loss or lasting pain.

COVID-19 Guidelines

COVID-19 Guidelines for Dental Services


Consent Form Process and Procedures

Click below to view and complete a consent form if you would like your child to receive a dental consultation

Consent Form

Please ensure the form is completed by 22 October 2022.

This falls under the Medicare – Child Dental Benefits Scheme. Parents will need to provide their child’s Medicare number on the form. Waverley College encourages our students to benefit from this service.

What is the Cost?

This service is free for eligible students. Payment of benefits under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule is administered through the Department of Human Services. If your child is eligible there will be no cost to you and no gap fee.

How Does it Work?

NSW Dental Care will provide these dental services within Waverley College on both the Junior and Senior School campuses. NSW Dental alongside Waverley College, will ensure each student’s safety, comfort, and wellbeing.

NSW Dental Care arrives with fully mobile state-of-the-art equipment and follows strict COVID-19 safety regulations, including the staff being fully vaccinated before visiting the school.

Once the check-ups are completed, reports will be mailed to parents regarding the outcome. This enables early diagnosis and preventative treatment.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email

You are invited to attend the Annual Parents’ Association AGM on Tuesday, 8 November at 6pm in the Senior School Library. There will be time for a light refreshment and a face-to-face catch-up, as well as the AGM Agenda.

**Please note that this event had previously been scheduled for Tuesday, 1 November.**

We are still taking expressions of interest for three positions in the Committee – Treasurer, Secretary and President. Please email me if you would like to get involved.

We look forward to seeing you on the 8th.

Waverley College invites applications to join us as a Canteen Assistant to start during Term 4, 2022.

The responsibilities of this position will be to assist with the preparation and serving of meals and refreshments to the student community and College staff.

Applications close: Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Click here for more information about this permanent role

Welcome back 

I wish all students a successful and enjoyable Term 4. Term 4 always moves very quickly, please ensure your son hits the ground running, and is well organised for upcoming assessments, and gets into a good study routine early. Finishing the year strongly should be his goal. We offer special prayers and wishes for our Year 12s who started their HSC examinations on Wednesday this week.

Mr Leddie with Year 12 on Day 1 of the HSC

Mr Leddie and Ms Porter with Year 12 (2022) on Day 1 of the HSC

Professional Learning Day 

On Monday of this week, our teaching staff continued their participation in the specialised Association of Independent Schools (AISNSW) program ‘Deep Learning.’ The Program supports teachers to incorporate the learning competencies (6Cs) into their whole school teaching and learning programs to underpin the curriculum.

Deep Learning integrates academic skills with personal and social capabilities, and gives priorities to those capabilities and dispositions that support whole-school learning and living.

The 6Cs include: 

Year 12 Leadership Term 4 2022 and 2023 

At the end of last term our four College Captains were announced for 2023:

This week, we would like to announce the following boys as House Captain and Prefect positions. Congratulations to all these students: 

Charlie Smith – House Captain

Liam Russell – House Prefect

Jack Crotty – House Prefect

Mackenzie Palmer – House Prefect

Thomas Shaninian – House Prefect

Tom Gleeson – House Captain

Jacob Hassan – House Prefect

Carter Steyn – House Prefect

Carter Hjorring – House Prefect

Jonas Dowling – House Prefect

Alistair Isaac – House Captain

Tom Hughes – House Prefect

Harrison Lee – House Prefect

Sam Johnson – House Prefect

Kai Jones – House Prefect

Frederick Le Vay – House Captain

Aiden Pascoe – House Prefect

Ethan Williams – House Prefect

Marcus Antonio – House Prefect

Will O’Connor – House Prefect

Jack Preller – House Captain

Matthew Woods – House Prefect

Will Mood – House Prefect

Harry Makatoa – House Prefect

Luke White – House Prefect

Mitchell Cahill – House Captain

Jake Perks – House Prefect

Toby Neilsen – House Prefect

Ruben Stock – House Prefect

Tom Stewart – House Captain

Charles Hely-Hammond – House Prefect

Noah Tofaeono – House Prefect

Darcy Standfield – House Prefect

Thomas Walker – House Prefect

Felix Turinui – House Captain

Jett McTavish – House Prefect

James Iatrou – House Prefect

Angus Birrell – House Prefect

Hugh McDonald – House Prefect